
This goblin fruit is small, comparable in size to a pomegranate seed, with an equal blush of crimson as its color. The inside of a hidefruit, however, provides a piquant punch of brown ooze, similar in consistency (though not in taste) to molasses. Consuming the fruit helps a changeling hide from any True Fae nearby. The changeling doesn’t appear merely mortal — no, to most Fair Folk, he does not appear at all, as if the fruit imbues him with an essence demanded that he be consciously ignored. The Fae must succeed on a Wits + Composure roll to track the changeling, but suffers –5 dice to this roll until the effects of the hidefruit expire. The effects last for a number of minutes equal to the changeling’s own Wits + Resolve score.


Hidefruit prefers to grow within the shady and protective thorns of the Hedge, contributing to the difficulty in finding it. Because the fruit is small and grows not in clusters but alone on rare vines mixed in with the rest of the Hedge, they can be difficult to find and procure. Assume a Wits + Survival roll is necessary, with the number of dice subtracted from the roll determined by the thickness of the briar at that point (thicker Hedge equals larger penalty).

Growth & Cultivation

It is possible for hidefruit to be nurtured and grown within briar patches of innocuous blackberries, raspberries, roses or similar plants that lend themselves towards creating a briar. This can be hazardous however as one can never tell when one briar hedge may end and the Hedge itself begins. This is provided you can find enough of the fruit initially to save enough of the necessary seeds to propagate the plant in the first place and then successfully transplant it within the briar of your choosing. Harvesting the berries, even when you know where they were planted, can be particularly troublesome given how the vines work through the briar. Most folk opt for armored gloves before poking through a hedge to find them.


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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