The Cousin's Trumpet

This yellow, conical flower is not a carnivorous plant like many in the jungle Hedge, and to many it seems nothing more than a pretty flower that gives off no aroma at all. Some changelings know that this so-called Cousin’s Trumpet is a potent hallucinogen when brewed in tea. Those who consume this psychoactive tea in the human world undergo one hour of powerful aural, visual and tactile hallucinations. During this time, the consumer often feels blissful, and “at one” with the world around him (though extenuating negative circumstances can easily turn this into a “bad trip”). The consumption allows the character to retain a single Willpower point, but also confers upon him a –3 penalty to all dice pools (as well as Defense and Initiative). However, consuming this tea within the Hedge changes the tea’s properties entirely. The tea confers upon the consumer no hallucinations at all, but simply allows her a greater grasp when attempting to consciously mold the Hedge’s psychoactive properties (granting her +2 to her Wyrd score for purposes of shaping the Hedge to her whims). Note that over-consumption of this hallucinogen or any psychoactive substance can lead to derangements, caused at the Storyteller’s prerogative.


The Cousins Trumpet grows wild within the jungles of the Hedge and mortal realms. Since it lacks a scent it is not easy for animals to track or find. The Cousins Trumpet prefers to grow in areas of bright sunlight and respond well to warm climates. They can most often be found growing up through layers of fallen leaves and detritus left in sunny areas with high humidity.

Growth & Cultivation

The Cousins Trumpet is not overly particular in its growth and thus can quickly become an invasive species - not only spreading out to overtake an area of sunny land but providing a foothold for the local Hedge to expand outwards. While it is possible (with great dedication) to maintain a small, contained crop of this plant it is generally advised against. For those adventurous enough to try, the small and spiny seed pods would need to be collected from a plant within the local Hedge. Caution should be employed when removing the pod so as not to aerosolize the potent toxins concentrated within by breaking it open. This pod could then be planted in well-drained soil in a sunny patch of land with relative ease.

The Cousin's Trumpet.jpg

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Book: Winter Masques pg 113


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