
Stark and strange, Odinroot grows only out of bare rock where blood drawn by the Thorns has fallen. It has a stoic and untrustworthy look to it, and when it is chewed raw, the bitter flavor of realization allows the eater to recover a point of Willpower alongside the Glamour. She suffers a Clarity attack with a one-die pool.


The sort of bare rock provided to the roots of the Odinroot are less important than the blood spilt. Changeling blood and the blood of Arcadian denizens have a unique quality to them. A human who spends enough time in the Hedge gains this touch of magic to their blood as well.

Growth & Cultivation

The size and spread of the Odinroot is greatly dependent on the strength of the food source it is provided with - i.e. the strength in the blood split. A human who has only just started the crossing into Arcadia may only be enough for one sprout. A Lost with a high Wyrd might have enough latent power to fuel a small clearing of Odinroot across the barren rocks.  


Genetic Ancestor(s)
Book: Changeling the Lost 2e pg 208


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