Liar's Apple

Delicious, red, and round, liar’s apples grow only in the most deceptively pleasant groves within the Hedge. When eaten, they taste of ashes and gloating, and leave the eater unable to tell the truth until the sunrise after the next — which also makes her immune to interrogation, but not to the consequences of her lies.


The trees that grow the Liar's Apples flourish within the brightest, safest (appearing) groves within the Hedge. That does not mean that those groves -are- safe of course... but they certainly appear so. Approach these trees at your own peril...

Growth & Cultivation

The trees that supply the Liar's Apples can be transplanted outside of the Hedge however they loose their magical effects. The apples do remain sweet and delicious though!

Liar's Apple.jpg

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Book: Changeling the Lost 2e pg 208


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