BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The main overview about the creation of Ordrul and the universe itself. Everything was created by Alpha  as it seperated the Ji and Ti with the weave (Ji, Ti and the weave)
  The time can in general be structured into the following five eras:

First Era

  Some discuss if this actually the first era because something had to be before the first era but only Alpha  might know what this was. Therefore Ordrul starts the first era with the creation of The elemental plane . After this it created the The natural plane  and the The material plane.
  Nobody knows what Alpha tried to achieve but an old myth describes Alpha as the father of creation. Alpha  tried to create life on Ordrul for unknown reason. He started out with the elements and was satified with the structure of the Ti he created. The natural plane was the first test to create living beeings as we understand life today. He saw that life prospered but not sentient creatures like himself began to rise. He created the material plane for  the first sentient creatures the Leviathans. However, myth tells that levianthans might have been sentient by our current standards but did not try to become more than they are. They were more feral creatures than humanoid. The first era ended as Alpha decided not to create life on his own but to create the Pre-Spectrals which should do it for him.
  Scholars are contradicting themselves if Alpha could really be governed by reasoning so similar to ours. Moreover, some do not believe that Spectral Planes really are physical seperated places.

Spectral Wars

  The Pre-Spectrals  are 12 individuals of great power created by Alpha . The Pre-Spectrals were named One, Two and so on. Not much about their appearance and powers are unknown. They were all given equal power and were governed by The First Law , which states that power is more or less equal to the number of owned souls. Anyone could become Omega the godparent after Alpha if he or she would own enough power. The purpose of the Pre-Spectrals was it to become Omega and shape the world as they liked.
  An unintended side effect of The First Law was that Lua and Luos were created. The Elemental Plane and The natural plane inhabitated a lot of souls of unsentient life. These Souls belonged to Nature and the Elements itself. Therefore Mother Nature and Father Tempest became sentient. They created the Fey and the Elementals respectivly to follow The First Law.
  All Pre-Spectrals followed their own agendas for fulfilling The First Law. The first conflicts broke out and the world was reshaped regularly during the millenia. The power and influence between the Pre-Spectrals shifted a bit but state nearly the same during the whole time until the First Downfall   .
  The First Downfall       was the death of one of the Pre-Spectrals by Six. Six was the creator of Brainspouter and found a way to dominate Leviathans . Up to this time the Leviathans kept more or less to themselves and lived as their feral attitude commanded them. As Leviathans are powerful creatures this shifted the power between the Pre-Spectrals considerably. With the Brainspouter and the Leviathans Six killed severals Pre-Spectrals and corrupted their created races.
  After only about a millenia the rest of the Pre-Spectrals were backed to a wall by Six. The only option for their survival was to work togehter and oppose. During the Melting       the rest of the Pre-Spectrals joined their concious to form a new and more powerful beeing Mira , the godess of good. Six called himself as an reaction Miros , the god of evil.
  The war raged on between Mira and Miros. However, the odds changed and balanced out. Mira created the Dragon and the Giants to oppose the Leviathans of Miros. Over time Miros stole the control over some Giants and Dragon from Mira and lost the controll of several Leviathans to Mira. The alignments of severals races shifted back and forth under the influence of Miros and Mira. Mira created the Dragon and the Giants to oppose Leviathans of Miros. Over time Miros stole the control over some Giants and Dragon from Mira and lost the controll of several Leviathans to Mira. The alignments of severals races shifted back and forth under the influence of Miros and Mira. To sum it up the war reached a stale-mate again , powerful artifacts were crafted and magic was used to control the world. Alpha saw this and realized no beeing good rise if such powerful creatures as Mira and Miros rule the world.
  Miros and Mira were cast into star and sun (Miros & Mira). The event become known as The first day and night       Their servants the Dragon are cast into the great vulcanos, the Giants in the everice. The Leviathans are cast accoring to their alignment into the Light Plane or Shadow Plane . It is not clear if Alpha pitied the sentient life in Ordrul or that Alpha just was bored by the endless destruction.

The Rise of Gods


Undead War

  After Alpha cast Miros  and Mira into the sun and star, the world calmed down. However, death and destruction was still present in the world of Ordrul . The people who were without the guidance of their creator had to struggle to find their own purpose and way in life.
  During the time a great magician rose, which became later known as The Grim Reaper . This magician ventured the lands and helped the people. However, his help came always with a price. He stroke deals with peasants and the mighty alike. The people heard about this powerful magician and more and more people made a bargain with him.
  What most people did not know or see was that in the long run only the Grim Reaper was benefitting from the deals. In most cases the people who made a deal with the grim reaper died or forfeited their soul. So in alliance with the first law, he became even more powerful and could make even more deals. Over only some centuries he accumulated so much power that the end he could rise an army of undead to conquer the world. This event became known as the Undead Rising.
  The free und non undead people of the world tried to stand up to the undead. However, it is difficult to fight death itself and so most people were destroyed before they could form a considerable resistance. On the other hand Ordrul is a large place and even a powerful magician can't control everything. During the years of war which became known as the undead war a small resistance gathered around the warmonger Arum . Like an infection the resistance grew and tore holes in the tight grip of Grim Reapers control. Arum led the people into many fights against death itself in the form of The Grim Reaper .  

Truce of Extinction

  Nature is balance and therefore neither death nor life can be killed. So the war raged on and neither side could take completely control. Over the years the effect of the war on the land was visible. Natural resources became depleted, food supplies were short, animals died in flocks and the land itself turned inhabitable. In this environment neither life can prosper nor can death take the living if no living exists. Both sides acknowledged the dilemma and called the truce of extinction into existence to prevent the complete destruction of Ordrul. No side was happy with the truce but the necessity of a coexistence was clear to all.
  After plenty years of pure destruction, Ordrul endured a time of prosper and rebirth. While Arum and The Grim Reaper lost importance in comparison to before, another figure rose to give hope and life to the poor people of Ordrul. Neia , a good nature mother, showed the people to life in the dangerous world, who to mend it and help each other. She was the force that mended the deepest cuts of the undead wars. Already to her lifetime, Neia was the head of many fertility cults and representation of family and life itself.

Dawn and Fall of Vildar

  The return of great evil is foreseen by the ancient druids. However, also a great mage should arrive which can save the world. The saviour would be signed by Mira and Miros . This mage was to become known as Vildar , Savior of world. He was signed by Mira with a star on his forehead and helped the people where he could. He was known for his kindness and knowledge. In most cases he helped the people by empowering them to help themselves. 
  While Vildar was a powerful mage and signed by Mira. Many said he could not be the saviour as the sign by Miros was missing. Moreover, the world was peaceful and stable for the first time since its creation. The people did not want to be dragged in another war or conflict so many just kept to themselves. During this time many races differentiated themselves from other and started to believe in own goods which created them. The story of the Pre-Spectrals  became lost to the people and was replaced by creation stories of each civilization.
  As foreseen by the druids a great threat arose in the peaceful world. A comet fell from the sky, a shard of pure evil and a part of Miros itself. The shard is corrupting the people around it and led to chaos in the surrounding. Vildar tried to stop the corruption but was impregnated by the shard itself from Miros evil servants. Vildar rose to become known as a powerful leader who rallied and organized the forces of evil. Vildar and his forces of evil conquered the lands and destruction followed them. The final goal of Vildar and his servants was to resurrect Miros . During the final ritual Vildar was able to stop it and his account. He was signed by Miros and Mira and as such was able break free and separate its soul from the shard. However, during the process his soul is cut in thirds and manifesting as individual personalities. This personalities are known as Cilia , Xarla and Jornul .

The Cleansing and The Forgotten

  The shard is cast during the final ritual out of The material plane  into The Asteral Planes  where no living creature could follow it. After the cleansing the material planes could start to recover from the destruction caused by the Vildar . During this recovery a gnomish archelogist, Mythil Ordlee, discovered an old artifact and woke the dragons and giants from their slumber. Both races demanded their own portion of land in Ordrul . When needed they fought against other races but mostly against each other. An brittle peace settled into most parts of Ordrul.
  These relative peaceful times, led also to conflicts among the various beliefs and their religious leader and figures. Due to The First Law , the belief in a person or idea increases its power. In some cases an individual rises sentients based due to the beliefs of the people (as happened before with Luos and Lua ). More and more gods or god equal creatures arose and conflicts started to get out of hand. The most powerful of them such as Arum , Cilia  and The Grim Reaper tried to create spaces for themselves in The Asteral Planes . Alpha saw the desire for an own space and the destruction which the gods created when confined to only one plane. As a result Alpha formulated the second law, The Law of Divinity . Only 8 greater and 16 lesser deities should exist. Each lesser deity was granted one plane in The Asteral Planes . The deities could shape them as desired. The greater deities could control up to three lesser deities with several overlaps. See the Pantheon for more details. A lot of evil creatures such as devil and Demon and Orcs were absorbed into the respective planes as their master desired. This left the material plane with less evil but populated the asteral plane for the first time.


  Time of orders until the Split

Mad Years


Planeswalker Pain

Disolve of the weave


Split Years


The Split


The Union

Confrontation of Mira and Miros during the spectral wars


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