Herrshaft of Ostwater

Ostwater is considered the most back-water and poor palatinate region in all of Wetterau. It is blocked by the Dunkelwald forest to the west and the Veran Mountains to the north and east. The only real passage into the area comes from the river Mitter to the south. Isolated as such, it is sparsely populated and some say it shouldn’t even constitute as a palatinate at all. Regardless, the people make a living off the lumber of the Dunkelwald and the quiet hunting and fishing lodges that attract outsiders on and near Lake Windstille.


The Herrshaft of Ostwater is one of the least powerful and influential palatinates in Wetterau. Not many of the other Pfalzgrafs take Ostwater too seriously and some even joke that the only reason it is still a palatinate is because of the old oaths made when the Stadts of Wetterau were formed. It is run by a council of common burghers, one of which is elevated to the title of Herr, or Lord. The council can be anywhere from as low as ten to as high as fifty burghers and anyone prominent enough is encouraged to sit on the council. The Herr rules for a variable term, usually life.
Geopolitical, Province
Parent Organization
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