Acolytes of the Sleeping One


There is one Cult Leader, never referred by name and for the entire length of existence of this cult the same. Below him, are Eternal Servants. Eternal Servant is a member of great honor who served the Sleeping God for at least 1 century. Below them are True Seers and then Unclear Ones, who are considered the lowest members.


Acolytes of the Sleeping One is private organization, unknown to the outside world. Their members are very often a right hand of rulers and nobles, secretly moving chess pieces. They have special magic that allows them communicate across entire kingdom without anyone noticing. At the end of each week, they have secret meetings where everyone attends. All of the Unclear Ones say their updates, then they leave. Then Eternal Servants tell their updates and leave. This leads that only Cult Leader always knows the updates from all and only the upper-levels know information from the lower ones.


When Heraklion fall apart, Aldur founded new kingdom. However this did not affect in any way the Sleeping One - everpresent gigantic octopus under the world's ocean that can devour the entire continent. This was the premise upon which the Cult Leader founded it. Presence of this god is confirmed as the Cult Leader is considered immortal since then. No one ever saw him as he always wears a living mask with tentacles.

Sleeping One is always watching

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
Sunken One
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy

Runemauls dislike Acolytes, however after their meeting they decided to keep their distance.

Open War

Vaen Kas is highly against any pacts and opened trades with demons and devils, no matter what.

Open War

As opponents in informative warface, these two fractions are attacking opposite member on sight.

This article has no secrets.


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