

In the entire Nerthenles family there is only the Duke Avienethor Nerthenles. He refuses to spread his family even though he was asked many times by other Aldurian nobles. He adopts a lot other nobles and grants them lesser titles, but his decision and message is that he don't believe any human, elf, orc, dwarf or other mortal race should ever bear the name Nerthenles as their short-sightedness and selfishness brings only doom to this world.

Public Agenda

Duke Nerthenles is feared for his insight into all minds - it is said, that he can see everyones secrets no matter how good is he at hiding them.

Hope, that is all what's left

Founding Date
Court, Royal
Alternative Names
Golden Wings


Non-aggression pact

Non-aggression pact

Non-aggression pact

Non-aggression pact


Silent Whispers dislike Nerthenles because of their disapproval of their methods.



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