Circle of Light

Evil and Good, There is nothing like these

One of the first thoughts that all members follow, is there is nothing like "evil and good". Angels can be evil and devils can do good - in their own sense. It's all about perspective. And other races must learn to be selfish - your life is more important than the opponents if you want to see the dawn of the next day. Followers and members of this Circle are ruthless warriors, pursuing their goal no matter what. There is always a "bigger" goal that must be done, no matter who gets hurt along the way. And questions like "what makes you different ?" Their answer is always "We get to see new dawn". This is also why the members are very often called Dawnwalkers    

Enforcement of Light

Members of Circle of Light after their initial studies that can take several years, based on the intelect of an individual are employed in various tasks that the heads of Circle believe must be handled by people that are not affected by outside sources.     

Light's Justice

Some members are employed on the field of justice. Judges and executioners - not those you can meet on a city street. These judges decides the fates of knights, lords and kings. Those more unskilled members are more likely to start their journey as assitance of judges or notary.  

Light's Hammers

Sometimes there are important people, locations or objects to protect. Like ancient locations of incredible power or important people with disturbing knowledge.  

Light's Warriors

Their most feared division are Warriors. Those who fills these ranks are powerful clerics and paladin of unbreakable faith, who excel in combat against powerful foes. They are made to kill and ask questions later. They are given order from their superior and they execute it, no matter who is it. No matter why. Their superior received this information from the Light, so it is Light's will. [/br] They are well known for their signature helmets with silver cross.


Above all is the Al'iane - never dying light. This Al'iane is manifestation of the entire Circle, it lies down as book at the top of the tower, where all Carriers of Light go for advice. Below Carriers of Light is Lightbearer, Lightbearer is also very prestigue position and all executives of the Light's will are at this position. Below them are just apprentices. Carrier of Light is only focused on decision making and there can be only 3 at the same time.


No one really knows the origin of the circle, no one really knows who founded it. There is just the knowledge of Al'iane being present for the entire time. There is an unwritten legend, that during its founding, there was great dispute among higher members, causing the Al'iane to "get rid of them". However, no one really knows what that means.


When Relxuz The Awokened King became king of Aldur, he directly ordered disbandment of the Circle. It was because he felt threated by the knowledge and power hidden behind its white walls. He knew something, no one else knows till these days. And he feared it more than the entire demonic armies that will invade Abyss in future.

Mythology & Lore

All members of Circle of Light believe in the same entity - Light. They believe Light is a representation of all hope in the universe. Hope is not the same as Good in their point of view.  They don't really believe in Good VS Evil schema. There is nothing that simple as this concept.

They believe in balance between these two and it is hope of success that drives them forward. This hope is their manifestation of Light's will.  They refuse the though of "hopeless" person or goal. If there is something that seems hopeless to someone, he just don't need the achievement enough to sacrifice enough. That's also part of their mindset. If you need to achieve something, there is always something - some cost. That's also a reflection of their "balance".

They believe the location on the island was chosen way before the island separated from the mainland in -4986 BDA Existance of Light's Peak is their confirmation of this fact as some of the local myths claims they saw a pure light from the sky touch the peak and then simply leave again.

Light and Darkness, non is flawless

-1864 - -1253

Training Level
Veterancy Level


Vaen Kas and Circle of Light are long-term allies, as both sides know when to put small issues aside. Even though Vaen Kas disagrees with usage of magic, they know that large foes use it as well.

Information Network

Information Network

Open War

Circle of Light is strongly against losing their secrets, therefore they are in open war against Silent Whispers


This article has no secrets.


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