

The head of organization is Duke, the last known Duke was  Bharash, the Conqueror. Below is his direct family and then lesser nobility of Counts, Barons and Lords.


Since their founding, they believe they should conquer entire peninsula and then proceed to reclaim Heraklion. It was once land of dragons and it should be again. 

They believe they are not as powerful as they can be - their leader Tiamat is currently in trapped Nine Hells. Whatever happens, once their Queen is free, they will claim what is rightfully theirs.


After the fall of Heraklion Empire, there was great hate towards dragons and dragon-like creatures because they have ravaged the entire continent with their massive bodies and devastating wars once against the other. This led to forming this family, where half-dragons took the highest position, as they was as close to dragons as possible. They also accepted other races - dragonborns ( even though they are not linked to dragons directly, they look like one ) and kobols ( they simply use them for manual labor ). However, there was still thousands of dragonborns and kobols who denied their new "master". This led to massive conquest, which turned out to be great success for Kaenzut. In their last years, they focused on conquering as much as possible of peninsula, before their doom by the hand of Relxuz as he saw a great thread in them.


Right after The Great Invasion, where Kaenzut played a great role because of their powerful army, new king Relxuz, at the time called the Usurper, attacked Kaenzut with entire army, killing all memebers of the family, lesser nobles and even kobols who were more like slaves. Not even a single member survived - this was first act of Relzux new reign.

Fire in veins, blood on the battlefield.

-1743 - -1253

Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
Red Dragons
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Market economy
Official Languages


Trade Pact

Kaenzut accept informations from Silent Whispers, however they are extremely cautions because they know their tactics of information selling.

Non-aggression pact


Vaen Kas
The eternal need of Kaenzut to fight with others with no legitimate reason brought Vaen Kas to the state of ignoring and not listening any of "lies" that members of Kanezut can release.





This article has no secrets.


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