

After royal family, there are priests of Muradin. After priests there are smiths and warriors and then the rest of population.


Runemauls have a culture where they keep great respect towards rune-magic and accept it as the only "right" type of magic. Others are considered unholy and cheating against gods who gave magic to mortals. They honor their gods and elders by bringing the best crafted weapons, armors and other. Their culture is strongly based on fighting against undead as more than half of their territory is occupied by undead forces of the evil lich Xoz'nas.

Public Agenda

Runemauls are ignorant to all others except their internal issues. They have refused to join meetings with other nobles in Aldur ( even though they are on the equal size as Kingdom of Aldur ), neither side is interested anymore. Runemauls thinks other races are ignorant idiots who are only good for fighting between their own.

The mountain lends us its strength

-1814 - -1214

Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names

Non-aggression pact

Non-aggression pact

Information Network

Open War

Runemauls are strongly against losing their secrets and therefore they openly hunt any member of Silent Whispers

Runemauls dislike Acolytes, however after their meeting they decided to keep their distance.


Runemauls declined to cooperate with Circle of Water in their studies of Dwarven artifacts, they attempted to stole one of them, got caught and since then whomever shows up from Circle of Water in Runeumauls territory can be killed on-sight.


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