Vaen Kas


Each member of Vaen Kas family is required to bear honor and prowess to anything they can encounter. There is no room for leaving friends or helpless, even if it means sacrifices.
From every member is expected dedication for the family. Vaen Kas also serves as knight order.

Public Agenda

They refuse any magic as they believe the might of a warrior is all what is needed for victory.


Vaen Kas family was founded long ago by dragon called Vaenesarus, green dragon that refused to follow Tiamat and decided to found his order of paladins. Since his death in battle, there hasn't been new leader of the family except of the eldest son of his - however, he is no dragon. He was born as Half-orc, Half-dragon. Since then, he is the head of family making all the important decisions.

Let us be viewed by our actions

Founding Date
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
Green Cloaks
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Market economy



Vaen Kas and Circle of Light are long-term allies, as both sides know when to put small issues aside. Even though Vaen Kas disagrees with usage of magic, they know that large foes use it as well.

Trade Pact

Non-aggression pact


Non-aggression pact


Vaen Kas
The eternal need of Kaenzut to fight with others with no legitimate reason brought Vaen Kas to the state of ignoring and not listening any of "lies" that members of Kanezut can release.


The Circle of Fire has supported lies of Kaenzut for decades and their magical bending is something that Vaen Kas largely dislikes.

Open War

Vaen Kas is highly against any pacts and opened trades with demons and devils, no matter what.


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