Team Inventory

A hopefully-complete list of everything that the player characters own, either in their personal stores, or on their persons.

Current Stipend Usage (Sailormoon 1313)

90 gp remaining.

Stipend Underspend

55 gp.
Hugo's Funds
74220.55 gp
Hugo receives 100 gp stipend per week from his parents.
Lindie's Funds
1283.40 gp
Lindie is paid 65 gp per month in her role as Concubine.

Worn and Carried

Hugo Dargent

Eyes: None

Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance (+1)

Body: Noble's Outfit

Hands: None

Hugo Dargent (Silverthorn)


Belt of Incredible Dexterity (+2): Worn [Belt].
Boots of the Eternal Briar Rose: Worn [Foot].
Bramble Shirt: Worn [Armour].
Cloak of Resistance (+1): Worn [Shoulders].
Foldaway Jacket: Worn.
Headband of Social Competence: Worn [Headband].
Noble's Outfit: Worn [Body].
Pocketed Neckscarf: Worn.
Bracelet of Friends: Worn [Wrist].
Ring of Arcane Signets: Worn [Ring].
Ring of Freedom of Movement: Worn [Ring].
Sash of the War Champion: Worn [Chest].


Briar Rose Knight's Blade: Worn [Neck].
Everbloom Thorn Rapier: Carried.


Peerage of the Second Court: Carried.

Papers and Documents

Business Card (Qumin Anastasia Baharat): Carried.

Scrolls and Wands

Scroll of Summon Swarm (spiders): Carried.
Wand of Sleep: Carried.

God Soul

Adamant Jewel: Worn [Head].

Other Equipment

Concealment Coin: Carried.
Djinn Lamp: Carried.
False-bottomed Cup: Carried.
Fidget Star: Carried.
Shajara Token (x2): Carried.

Lindie Asklepa

Headband: Spiderseye Crown
Eyes: None

Chest: None

Body: Courtesan Outfit/Burglar's Outfit
Armour: Candleman's Suit

Wrists: Burglar's Bracers
Feet: None

Ring 1: Ring of Conjure Servant
Primary Weapon: Bloodcrystal Kukri

Lindie Asklepa (formal)


Amulet of Elemental Strife: Carried.
Bandolier: Worn.
Burgler's Bracers: Worn [Wrist].
Burgler's Outfit: Worn [Armour].
Candleman Suit: Carried.
Clockwork Beetle Brooch: Worn [Neck].
Courtesan's Outfit: Worn [Body].
Courtier Jewellery: Carried.
Courtier's Outfit: Carried.
Firefist Necklace: Carried.
Haramaki: Carried.
Gauntlets of Twisting Briars: Worn [Hands].
Mantle of Darkest Night: Worn [Shoulders].
Minotaur Belt: Worn [Belt].
Ring of Conjure Servant: Worn [Ring].
Ring of Freedom of Movement: Worn [Ring].
Ring of Poison Pill: Worn.


Bloodcrystal Kukri: Bandolier.
Sneaky Kukri (x2): Bandolier.

Papers and Documents

Castor's Authorisation Letter: Carried.
Editor's Will: Carried.
Letter from "M.B." to "J. N." (Grippli): Carried.
Lord Captain Emissary's Letter (draft): Carried.
Prescription for Remove Curse potion: Carried.

Scrolls and Wands

Scroll of Disrupt Undead: Carried.
Scroll of Dread Bolt: Carried.
Scroll of Enlarge Person: Carried.
Scroll of Mage Armour: Carried.
Scroll of Magic Fang: Carried.


Angel Dust (3 doses): Carried.
Bark Painkillers (6 charges): Carried.
Candleman's Wax (vial): Carried.
Candle Rod (x2): Carried.
Oil of Magic Weapon: Carried.
Oil of Purify Food and Drink: Carried.
Poison Lip Paint: Carried.
Potion of Bottled Assistant (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (x2) (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Delay Poison (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Lesser Restoration (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Polypurpose Panacea (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Remove Blindness/Deafness (CL7): Carried.
Potion of Remove Curse (CL9): Carried.
Potion of Remove Disease (CL7): Carried.
Tri-Flower Frond Pollen: Carried.
Vishkanya Venom: Carried.
Warhammer Ale (Starfruit): Carried.

God Souls

All-Seeing Eye: Carried [Hand].
Starving Fang: Carried.
Thief's Cuffs: Carried.
Venison Skull: Carried [Head].

Other Equipment

Courtesan's Kit: Carried.
Efreeti Bottle: Carried.
Gems (extra for Basil) (x2): Carried.
Notepaper: Carried.
Quill (black birdfeather) (x5): Carried.
Ventril Clink Token: Carried.

Connie Furr

Head: None
Headband: None
Eyes: Eyes of the Eagle

Shoulders: Cloak of Resistance (+1)
Chest: None

Body: Monk's Outfit
Armour: Haramaki
Belt: None

Feet: None

Ring 2: Ring of Djinni Calling
Primary Weapon: Rabbit Prince's Blade

Connie Furr


Apprentice's Cheating Gloves: Worn [Hands].
Bramble Bracelet: [Wrist].
Cloak of Resistance (+1): Worn [Shoulders].
Eyes of the Eagle: Worn [Eyes].
Haramaki: Worn [Armour].
Meteorite Necklace: Worn [Neck].
Monk's Outfit: Worn [Body].
Ring of Djinni Calling: Worn [Ring].
Ring of Perseverance: Worn [Ring].
Verdant Vine Bracelet: Worn [Wrist].


Dagger: Worn.

Scrolls and Wands

Scroll of Protection from Evil: Carried.
Scroll of Shield of Faith: Carried.
Scroll of Fire Metal: Carried.


Healer's Kit (8 charges): Carried.


Journal (Nightsky Sketches/Star Charts): Carried.

God Soul

Rabbit Prince's Blade: Carried.

Other Equipment

Quill (black birdfeather) (x2): Carried.
Star Rose Quartz: Carried.
Waterproof bag: Carried.

By Location

Hugo's Bedchamber

Dargent Emblem


Entertainer's Outfit: Hugo's outfit.
Courtier Jewellery: Connie's set.
Courtier's Outfit: Connie's outfit.


Sonsilver Rapier

Papers and Documents

Fake ID (in name of "Douglas"): Hidden.
Gem Recording (Qumin's Lecture)
Transcribed Conversation (Leesha & Cunningham)

Scrolls and Wands

Wand of Detect Magic


Cosmogram: Belongs to Connie.
Orrery (Tellurium): Belongs to Connie.
Orrery (Calculating Tellurium): Gifted by Castor Stargazer.

Papers and Documents

Cody's Gang photos: from Tito's Eating Spree.

Other Equipment

Apothecary Sign (broken): Kept in Connie's blanket warren.
Cypher Rings: Kept in Hollow book (above).
False-bottomed Chest
Memorabilia Handkerchief (Sumac Baharat)


Cactus Cat (x2).

Lindie's Vent

Lindie Asklepa

Papers and Documents

Henrick Blueth's Obsession Log of Calligraphy
Johann(a)'s Notes

Other Equipment

Barber's Kit (Todfrey Laurence)
Candlemaker's Tools
Cracked Ironside pendant: from Undergazette HQ.
Flask (Andromeda Stargazer's)
Flask (Undergazette Editor's)
Gnoll Tooth favour (Princess)
Key (Barker's Menagerie): opened small door.
Key (Editor's Safe)
Key (Laurence's Barber-Surgery)
Key (Loveheart's Sweetmeats)
Key (Loveheart's Mephit)
Metal collar with Stargazer family crest
Memorabilia Handkerchief (Sumac Baharat)
Quill (black birdfeather) (x5): from Undergazette HQ.
Quill (dusty): from a dust Mephit.
Rose Gold Cigar Case: R.C. and Y. inscription.
Skull-faced Doll

Articles under Team Inventory