Satine's Tiara

Viziera Satine Dargent-Laureat wears a tiara on special occasions that makes her more confident, and also takes a couple of inches from her waist and adds them to her height.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Current Holder
Legal to Own.

Interview Excerpts: Do you think you're attractive?

"Ahmm, I don’t know that that’s a question I see much value in exploring in myself."
-- Subvizier Aloysius Mason.
"I think I cut something of a dashing figure, yes."
-- Vizier Victor Dargent-Laureat.
"I-I mean… I guess…"
-- Viziera Satine Dargent-Laureat.
"That’s a question for the girls, hah! But I know plenty who said yes!"
-- Vizier Balthazar Ironside.
-- Subvizier Agamemnon Ironside.
"Rugged, but I’m sure the physique makes up for a lot."
-- Katib Menelaus Ironside.
"Hell yeah, if you can handle a girl who can crush you with any body part she wants to."
-- Katiba Britomart Stargazer-Ironside.
"Ah, not any more. Time and accidents chipped all of that away."
-- Vizier Leopold Stargazer.
"By most standards, not that it’s your business."
-- Viziera Andromeda Stargazer.
"I think I’m doing better with what we have to work with than my brother, wouldn’t you say?"
-- Subvizier Pollux Stargazer.
"Hell yeah, if you can handle a girl who can crush you with any body part she wants to."
-- Subviziera Britomart Stargazer-Ironside.

"It all depends on to whom, I would say. Isn’t that the case with most people?"
-- Katib Castor Stargazer.
"I’m quite happy not to be."
-- Katiba Cassiopeia Stargazer-Greenskin.

-- Bartleby.
"I’m rich. Wealth attracts."
-- Vizier Richard Dargent.
"Some have called me a silver fox."
-- Viziera Guinevera Dargent.
"I think I cut something of a dashing figure, yes."
-- Subvizier Victor Dargent-Laureat.
"I-I mean… I guess…"
-- Subviziera Satine Dargent-Laureat.

"I have the ability to be as attractive or as unattractive as suits any particular moment. But in my natural form, I’d say I cut a dashing figure."
-- Katib Hugo Dargent.
"Mum says I’m pretty, and I’m sure she ought to know."
-- Katiba Scarlett Dargent.

"Vishkanya are always attractive. That's what makes us so dangerous."
-- Lindie Asklepa.
"I think I’m cute, if that’s what you mean."
-- Connie Furr.
"Sleek and glittery, just like my patron."
-- Voltaire.
"I don’t put this much work in not to be."
-- Katiba Rouge Carterhold.
"I’m not what I was. The jawline’s taken a beating and the skin’s grown tired with age."
-- Vizier Cobbler Bakerstreet.
-- Subviziera Diana Bakerstreet-Underhand.
"Like a 9, 9.5, with minimal effort."
-- Katib Cody Bakerstreet.
"Not if I don’t want to be."
-- Katiba Wiggin Bakerstreet.
-- Katiba Diana Bakerstreet-Underhand.

"I have been blessed with a handsomeness it would be foolish to seek to hide from."
-- Ex-Subvizier James Baharat.

"More than once I’ve been distracted by catching sight of an unusually handsome man, and when I go to point him out it’s always just my reflection."
-- Beautiful Baharat Guard.
"Not my type, but there were… adjustments done while I was growing up to ensure I developed… fashionably. ‘Glamorous’ is how they usually word it when they introduce me onstage. Which I think means ‘attractive, but only so long as you’re too far away to see the scruffy fur and the albino pigmentation and the buck teeth’."
-- Martini.
"Oh, probably. I don’t much care."
-- Katiba Grimoire Brasseyes.
"Better than you."
-- Mirze Rifi Darktusk.
"I am too old to consider such things."
-- Vizier Kronk Greenskin.
"I’m quite happy not to be."
-- Subvizier Cassiopeia Stargazer-Greenskin.

"I was sadly not gifted with beauty by any race’s standards."
-- Viziera Atkin Jackalslicer.
"I… no. Not with these ears."
-- Katib Fennec Jackalslicer.

"Idiot question. Pretty dog."
-- Stubby.
"I take a certain amount of pride in my ability to maintain it."
-- Vizier Hali Shajara.
"Don’t you?"
-- Viziera Cassilda Shajara.
"A true Princely swordsman must be dashing of looks and wit, as much as blade - what use a thorn without its rose?"
-- Bugsby Cottontail.
"I think I’m cute, if that’s what you mean."
-- Connie Furr.

"I have been blessed with a handsomeness it would be foolish to seek to hide from."
-- James Baharat.

"Not my type, but there were… adjustments done while I was growing up to ensure I developed… fashionably. ‘Glamorous’ is how they usually word it when they introduce me onstage. Which I think means ‘attractive, but only so long as you’re too far away to see the scruffy fur and the albino pigmentation and the buck teeth’."
-- Martini.

"More attractive than my human counterpart, anyway."
-- Vulpix.
"I think that’s for the Prince of Rabbits to determine… and my wife, of course."
-- Warren Furr.
"My fur's pinker highlights are fading to join the grey tones, but I would say I’m ageing gracefully."
-- Winnie Furr.
Patchwork Empire
"Oh, baby, that’s all I am so long as I want to be."
-- Pairaka.
"Not to anyone with a lot of sense."
-- Krona Tailfeather.
"Vishkanya are always attractive. That's what makes us so dangerous."
-- Lindie Asklepa.

"Nah but I got a great personality and I know what I’m doing."
-- Tito.
Yvette & her Handmaidens
"I’m sure I couldn’t possibly comment. Why, do you?"
-- Yvette, the Courtesan.
"My usual form is enticing enough to make me wildly rich, with a bit of work. I happen to think my real form is the truly irresistible one, but alas it’s just not feasible to let that one out these days."
-- Yvette Vixois.
"Oh, baby, that’s all I am so long as I want to be."
-- Pairaka.