Alfaar Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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The Alfaar start as a thieves guild who rose to great prominencein Karo. They backed the Free Port revolution along with the other Free Port crime organizations. When the revolution succeeded they join the council of Free Port as one of the ruling organizations. They also cornered the financial market and now act as the Bankers of Libertas. While the guild still keeps its thieve traditons it is quite happy to sit back and make mountains of gold from their banks.   Thieves Guild in also act as the treasurers of Free Port. They are a were-rat guild originating from the far off continent of Shareiin.


The mysterious Grand Master runs the guild from the Under Vault. He relays on the few numbers of actual members of the guild to run the day to day activities. The members will then outsource work to the Guild associates of which there are a much greater number of. Its these Associates that run the banking and financial ventures of the Alfaar.


The guild is a lot more tightly knit them other thieves guilds. They honor one another and will go out of their way to help fellow guild members. This has allowed them to a more effective than most Criminal organizations.

Public Agenda

Profit above all else


The Alfaar started as an offshoot of a thieves guild from Shareiin. The guild found great success in Karo thanks to a series of weak kings and the aboption of the Were-rat gift. They stole what they needed when they needed it and became damn good at it. When the revolution broke out the Guild was skeptical of joining forces with the other crime organizations to support it. However Grand Master Shakkar pushed the organization to join as he saw the great oppertunities that would arise if the revolution succeeded. At first, they used their agents to harrass the Kings garrisons and raid the Kings supply lines. Though as the war continued they became more and more involved until the organization was entirely commited to the war effort. When the revolution had finished and they had security, influnce, power and a mountion of gold. The guild started giving loans to citizens with modest interest to help with the reconstruction. They then started holding accounts for people who wanted to keep their gold safe from unsavory characters. Soon they found themselves as the bankers and treasures of Libertas.

khudh eind alhaja

Guild, Thieves
Parent Organization

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