Mazatl cartel Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Mazatl cartel

Originally the Mazatl were nothing but drugs dealers and smugglers. Now The Mazatl cartel now control almost all of the potions, medicines, incenses, herbs, spices, and of course drugs moving through all of Karo. They are one of the ruling organizations on the Council of Free Port.


The Cartel is broken into large number of different crime bosses who all generally work with one another to get things done. Each crime bose controls one components of the operation and works with the others to keep business moving.


The Cartel is freindly to all, unless you cross them. Then they will hunt you relentlessly until they catch out. No one crosses the Cartel and those who do dont live long to brag about it.


Where there's a city there's drugs and the Cartel has always been happy to supply them. When the riots broke out the cartel was the smallest of the organizations. But they proved to be the most vital to the revolution. They smuggled the much needed food and medicine into the city while the riot turned to a revolution. The cartel then moved the majority of their organization to freeport. When the revolution was over they had practical cornered the trade into freeport. They have become incredabily rich and powerful from the items being distributed All over Karo.

Enjoy all life has to give then take even more.

Illicit, Cartel
Parent Organization

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