Dorobo Family Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Dorobo Family

Made up of mostly decedents from the Akuma empire, the Dorobo rule the docks of freeport. The Dorobo is know for their honor codes and brutality. They work with the other ruling organizations in the Council of Free port to run Libertas.


The boss or Grandfather has fathers beneath him and sons beneath them, with initiates on the very bottom till they prove themselves


The Dorobo have strict honor code all members follow.  Surrender is worse than death Backstabbing is to show cowardness Scheming is for the weak An enemy of the Family is an enemy to you Respect those above you To steal from the family is the lowest act possible


Originally immigrants from Akuma, They started opening small businesses and made a small part of kingsport their own little akuma town. Gambling and prostitution while staples of Akuma life were banned in freeport so the dorobo was formed to run these businesses in secret. When the riots broke out The Dorobo was split, one side wanted the riots fail so The Kingdom of Akuma could invade the weakened freeport, and the other wanted to support them to form their own new land. After a shortinternal gang war the supporters of the riot won and lent their powerful warriors to the cause. After the revolution They began openly running their casinos and brothels even exspanding through karo.
Illicit, Syndicate
Parent Organization

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