Octavius family Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Octavius family

The Octavius Family is the muscle on the streets to keep order and civility. They were the most powerful crime organization in Free Port back when it was Kings part but almost collapsed during the Great Shattering. In order to stay aloive and in power the Octavius family worked with other crime organizations to form the Council of Free port. They now Work with these organizations to rule Libertas.


The Don sits atop the organization, with the underboss being the second in command. They act as the highest autority in the family. Then you have the Capos who run most of the day to day in the organization. Under them are the lieutenants then the soilders who do the work required.


The Family is all about status. How rich you are, who you know, where you live all determines your social status. And everyone will judje you based on that status.


Originally the Octavius Family was the largest crime organization in Free port before the revolution. They back the revolution in hopes of gaining full control of what would be Libertas. However the did not fair to well. They took the brunt of the kings forces head on and suffered very heavy losses in both manpower and money. The organization turned on itself when the great shattering kicked off and it almost entirely collapsed. However Don Guilion took charge and started to work with the other crime organizations to stabilize the flegling country. With his leadership the Council of free port was formed and Libertas stood strong during the Blood Wars. The organization is still split on this outcome. Some are upset that the family lost a majority of its control over Free port and wish to have the family stand as the one ruling power of Libertas. Others are happy with the gains seeing the power given up as a worthy trade for the riches and prestige they now have.
Illicit, Gang
Parent Organization

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