Nox Aeternus Organization in Pellad | World Anvil
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Nox Aeternus

One of the ruling factions that controls freeport the Nox Aeternus are the most secret of the organizations. Only a handful of people are know to publicly be members while the majority of the other guild members hide in plan site. Those who are know are usually just figure heads who work with the council or the other organizations.   According to these figure heads Nox Aeternus is an organization based on keeping stability in freeport and upholding the councils power. However the true motives, beliefs and practices are unknown to those outside the Nox. The only clues people have to understand this shadowy group are the myths and legends spread around by the citizens.   One common idea is they were a spy ring for the Andari empire before its collapse. These spies then formed their own organization after its collapse to hold power and and control the wild city.   Another says they group started as a small party of assassins brought in to freeport by crimelords to help wage war against one another. But the assassins quickly learned from their masters and carved out their own criminal organization out of the city; killing anyone who stood in their way until they were only of the big players in freeport   There even circulates a myth the Nox Aeternus was a cult of old god worshippers that was wiped out by the Palor Crusaders hundreds of years ago and its few surviving members formed the Nox Aeternus to keep the cult alive and one day get revenge.   These legends are the only clues we have to understand the mysterious group as anyone who starts to investigate the group will quickly disappear. This has lead to the group being universally feared and avoided. Even mentions of their name are done in hush whispers as to avoid the cold blade of the Nox
Guild, Assassins
Parent Organization

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