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Clockwork Conglomerate

Often referred to as the CC, the Clockwork Conglomerate is the name for the Periton government. The conglomerate is run in part by the governors of Slosterias many cities, the country's most prominent inventors and scientists and in recent times by Peritons many Director. Regardless of their position, each member of the conglomerate is required to have a higher education, advocating for Slosterias goal of innovating forwards   While as a whole the CC attempts to guide Slosteria, the Prime Director has the final say in financial and political matters. Trusting other matters to the CC as a whole or to its many sub-directors.  

Prime Director

The Prime Director is the head of state for Slosteria as a whole. Chosen from the CC until viewed as unfit for the role.  


Governors are the individuals tasked with managing Slosterias many cities.  


Directors are individual assigned to manage a Slosterian city district.  


Not to be confused with Directors, Sub-Directors are individuals that lend their expertise to the CC.  

Political Parties

Like any grouping of people, there are many views as to how the resources and policies of Slosteria should be directed. Amongst these parties the following are included.
  • Social Coalition Group or SCG: The SCG was founded at the turn of Periton's rebranding, and while not forming a majority within the CC, often has its goals aligning with other political parties. The SCG focuses on the technological advancement and betterment of the Slosterian people.
  • Northern Uniformity Party or NUP: The NUP is formed by many of the oldest Slosterian noble families. With the advent of industry quickly overtaking many of the older forms of mercantile business, the NUP was formed in order to adapt to the changing times. Advocating for a strong central government in the face of the Catran and gangs, attempting to prop up groups like the Sentinels as defenders of the people and an emphasis on privacy after the creation of the CWAN.
  • Collective Action Union or CAU: While a generally peaceful country, the rise of the Catranian Empire has forced a more militant side of Slosteria to appear. The mass production of automatons is often a drain on the countries resources, with even transmutation magic being unable to shore up the gaps. The CAU came into existence in order to to find alternative means to preserving the autonomy of Slosteria in the face of forced economic expansion.
  • New Welfare Coalition or NWC: The NWC represents the interests of recently established corporations and industries. Acting as a counterbalance to the NUP and advocating for further expansion of Slosterian industry. The NWC often pushes for the sharing of technology between other countries and a mercantile expansion.
  • World Preservation Party or WPP: The WPP holds a strong religious focus, and is one of the oldest political parties still existing within the CC. Members of the WPP often hold religious views higher than many others, often insisting new innovations are blinding people from what really matters.


The Sentinels is the policing force of Periton, with Heroes forming the bulk of their public image and backed up by the old city guard.
Geopolitical, Technocracy
Subsidiary Organizations
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