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Ebb-Ta (ɛbtɑ)

Ebb-Ta is one of the largest cities in Dhaoshee, second only to the more northerly Slōenn. Famous for its particularly stunning examples of the best of Daoshi architecture and ancient Svor influences—having been the former capital, Evtla /ɛvtɬɑ/, of the nation daoSvor, nearly 1,000 years before present. In its centre a famous jagged spire with orange scaly tiles and sharp flanges.   Ebb-Ta is a monument to magic-users generally, and the Dragon God of Magic specifically for whom the city is named. Ebb being the Daoshi rendering of the god's name, who is known to the Qh'énns as Horbaus.   Ebb-Ta and Slōenn function as the two primary trade hubs of Dhaoshee. All trade and travel in Dhaoshee will pass through one of the two cities: Ebb-Ta the south and east routes, and Slōenn the west and north routes.   Ebb-Ta is rendered Ipta /iptɑ/ in Ptarshakkian.


Dhaoshee is the most ethnic and racially diverse nation in the known world, Ebb-Ta reflects this even more than its northern sister, Slōenn.
  Census-keeping began in the early days of the post-Svor oligarchs establishing control over the city. The census became accessible centuries later to Schqhènnite historians and Yssian scholars, and then only really beginning in the early decades of the Qh'énnish Ascension. Humans dominated the demographics of the city throughout this period and into the present. In decreasing numbers: naga, dwarves (gnomes), Svor, trolls, uelé, and parabeings/demons/others constitute the remainders.


Like its sister city, Slōenn, Ebb-Ta is governed by unnamed and unelected oligarchs. They appoint their own number, hold their own counsel, and all governance is through their appointed intermediaries. The number of oligarchs, the length of term, their identities, race, gender, or ages are all unknown. However, given the prominance of the auspicious numbers 8 and 17, it is assumed the number of ruling oligarchs is likely the latter with a core of the former.


Dhaoshee architecture borrows heavily from their Svoréin predecessors: curved and jagged spires, finials, and end caps on roofs; scale-patterned tiled roofs; and the colour orange. This is most conspicuous in the centre piece of the city, the Spire of Ebb.   Whereas Slōenn also has similar affectations in its buildings, Ebb-Ta's are more majestic, purer to their antecedents, better maintained and more elaborate. It is said that the orange roof tiles of the Grand Tzutlycan Library of Tlatl are an homage to those of Ebb-Ta.

Founding Date
Circa 890 PA Evtla; circa 700 Ebb-Ta
Alternative Name(s)
Evtla, Ipta, Ipotla
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Ebb-Tavian / Tavnyi
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

Articles under Ebb-Ta

Cover image: The Spire of Ebb [banner] by 包德強


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