Find Eliath Plot in Planes of the Multiverse | World Anvil

Find Eliath

Gedramak Ironfist asked the Ka-Tet to find Eliath, one of The Barmys who has gone missing.   The party asked after Eliath in some of the bars and taverns of The Hive, which seemed to draw the attention of some of the locals:  
  • Dari'och headed up a group of local vigilantes concerned about the fate of several bubbers and barmys from the Hive, as they had apparently disappeared. She asked us to find out Who is Killing the Barmys?
  • The party also attracted the attention of a nefarious group they learned were called the Brothers of the Blackflame, after twice witnessing them abducting those going missing. Shadowflame and some of the Blackflame Brothers attacked the party one night as they rested. He told us to keep out of their business before he made his assault. After defeating the attackers, The Nameless One raised a defeated foe to interrorgate it, learning that Shadowflame was based in The Citadel. He also revealed that the Brothers of the Blackflame were in league with a Green Marvent
  Further investigations around The Gatehouse led to the news that some had seen Eliath in the company of Doomguard members, at a bar called The Black Sail Inn, in the Lower Ward.   The party went to the Black Sail Inn and actually found Eliath there amongst several Doomguard.   Through some subterfuge and spell casting they learned that the group were planing a raid on a monastery called the Everlost Fortress, located in a plane called The Outlands.

Articles under Find Eliath