Arashiyama Sarutobi

Sannin Arashiyama Sarutobi

Age: 36. Clan: Sarutobi. XP: 400,000. Rank: A-5. Village: Konoha. Bounty: ???.
  Chakra nature: Fire, Earth, Wind, +1. Combat style: ???. Background: Celebrity. Saving throws: Wisdom, Dexterity. Skill Proficiencies: Chakra Control*, Crafting, Deception, Diplomacy, Investigation*, Perception, Performance, Sensory, Sleight of Hand*, Survival, Tracking, Will. Ryo: ???.
  Weapon proficiencies: ???. Armor proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???
  Hit die: 21d6. Max HP: 252. Chakra die: 23d12. Chakra capacity: 483. AC: 37 (20). Speed: 60ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.
  Initiative: +9. Inspiration: ???. Factions: The 5 Sannin. Death Save DC: 10 +1 everytime the user falls to 0hp and begins to make death saving throws.
  Equipment: ???. Head: (A) Light Armor, +6 AC, resists slashing. Body: (A) Light Armor, +6 AC, resists piercing. Left arm: (A) Bow, +19, 4d12+54, piercing, 10/250ft. Right arm: (A) Arrows, 1/30. Accessory 1: (A) Arm Brace, +5 AC, resists slashing. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???
  Backpack: ???
  Stats & Skills:
  Power: 16 (+3).
  Grapple: +3
  Will: +9
  Dexterity: 15 (+3).
  Sleight of hand: +15
  Stealth: +3
  Wisdom: 18 (+4).
  Animal handling: +4
  Chakra Control: +16
  Insight: +4
  Perception: +10
  Sensory: +10
  Survival: +10
  Intelligence: 14 (+2).
  Crafting: +8
  History: +2
  Investigation: +14
  Medicine: +2
  Religion: +2
  Tracking: +8
  Charisma: 12 (+1).
  Deception: +7
  Diplomacy: +7
  Intimidation: +1
  Performance: +7
  Persuasion: +1
  Seduction: +1
  Combat abilities: 50.
  Animal combat: 10. Fuinjutsu: 15. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 5. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 20. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.
  Main actions: 3. Minor actions: 2. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 2.
  Transformations: ???.
  Resistances: Piercing.
  Feats: 5.
  Always Ready: The user gains advantage on initiative checks and may take a full turn in combat when surprised by enemies.
  Archer: The user gains +2 to damage and attack rolls against target while using bows.
  Barrier Expert: Your barriers gain an extra 50 points of damage negation.
  One-Handed Seals: Jutsu signs can now be formed using a single hand instead of both hands allowing the user to equip a weapon or shield in their free hand while still performing ninjutsu. Requirements: Proficiency in Chakra control, sleight of hand.
  Bullshitter: You may use your deception skill in place of insight when attempting to see through a lie.
  You have a bond with an animal of your choice, this animal fights alongside you and is not just a pet but also an extension of yourself, this animal companion will level and grow alongside you, following the usual level up guide. This animal gets its own turn in combat but acts on your initiative.
  If your animal companion is within 10ft of you or an enemy you wish to attack gain +2 to your attack roll.
  Your animal companions can use techniques from their own chakra pool.
  You can control a number of pets equal to your proficiency modifier.
  Your senses have grown significantly stronger making you an excellent tracker. All tracking checks are made with advantage if you have an item from the target, have met the target before or are in any other manner familiar enough with its scent/presence or any other sensing ability.
  Through your animal companion you have learned how to speak with animals and can gain proficiency in animal handling.
  Animal companions you control can impose disadvantage on attacks against allies they are next to, however if the attack hits it deals critical damage against the animal.
  Increase your dexterity score by 2 when within 40ft of one of your pets.
  Pets under your control gain access to 1 chakra nature they can use.
  You can use scrolls as a minor action.
  Gain advantage on all chakra die rolls.*
  Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.
  Seals placed on willing targets double their duration.
  Barriers made by you can further their range by 1 level.
  gain advantage on checking for traps and barriers.
  Barriers and seals can now be imbued with other techniques to protect or amplify them so long as you expend the chakra and action requirement..
  Barriers gain an extra 25% total damage negation.
  You can now create and place chakra tattoos on living creatures for any technique you have access to. These tattoos fade after usage.
  Gain an extra chakra die on charge actions
  You have learned to store chakra away for later use, once per day you can store up to 3 chakra die in an item of your choice. These items will take up equipment slots wherever they are worn or kept.
  You can use a number of scrolls equal to your proficiency bonus at once, so long as you have the chakra available to use them. This also applies to using multiple techniques stored in a scroll at once.
  Once per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only unarmed or weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.
  You can craft E rank weapons & equipment.
  Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a weapon.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.
  Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.
  When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.
  You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.
  You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.
  Ninjutsu can increase their range by one level.
  Gain advantage on chakra clashes you start.
  Techniques known: 134.
  E: 47. Agonizing Thorn Technique, Air Blast, Animal Transformation technique, Bakudo #6, Shield, Barrier shield technique, Beast Connection, Beast fury strikes, Blinding Wind Slash, Body Flicker Technique, Burning Embers Technique, Chakra draining seal, Chakra Seal, Chakra Suppression Technique, Claw creation jutsu, Claw enhancement, Clone Jutsu, Confinement barrier, Deceptive Cat Scratch, Detection Barrier, Ember, Enclosing Technique, Ensnaring Explosive Trap, Exploding Flame Formation, Flame Weapon Creation, False Swipe, Fang enhancement technique, Gunpowder Star, Hidden Location Barrier, Hidden Mole Jutsu, Kunai flurry, Hurricane Uprising, Mine trap Jutsu, Mud River Jutsu, Mud shot Technique, Mud Wall Jutsu, Object Extraction, Pressure Damage Jutsu, Protective Wind Wall, Wind Weapon Concealment, Shuriken Flurry, Smoke Star, Stone Shuriken Technique, Stone Spear Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Summoning jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Weapon concealment technique, Wire Attachment Technique.
  D: 35. Animal weapon transformation, Armor of Wind, Arrow volley, Bakudo #13, Kyomon, Bakudo #37, Tsuriboshi, Barrier drop, Barrier Shield Zone, Beast combo strike, Beastial Outrage, Beast Summoning Trap, Beast Wave Palm, Chakra absorption seal, Clone trap jutsu, Chakra Nature Seal, Deception Slice, Earth Dome Technique, Exploding Star, Exploding Flame Trap Technique, Explosive Clone, Great Mud River Jutsu, Great Wind Wall Jutsu, Jutsu Absorption, Kunai barrage, Reflection Barrier, Multi-Mud Wall Jutsu, Regeneration seal, Sealing jutsu, Shuriken Barrage, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique, Vacuum Crushing Jutsu, Vacuum Cannon Blast Technique, Weapon Transformation Jutsu, Weighted Boulder Jutsu, Violent Whirlwind Jutsu.
  C: 30. Advanced protection seal, Bakudo #26, Kyokko, Barrier Release Technique, Bottomless Swamp Technique, Breakthrough Stream, Bursting Compressed Air Technique, Chakra stealing seal, Chakra transfer seal, Claw Blitz, Exploding Flame Shot, Fanged pursuit jutsu, Flame Attack, Great Mud Wall Jutsu, Internal Chakra Seal, Flying claw, Great Capturing Barrier, Headhunter Jutsu, Jutsu reflection seal, Lightened Boulder Jutsu, Mental Barricade Technique, Repulsion Barrier, Reverse Summoning jutsu, Scroll Communication Technique, Sealing tag trap, Senjutsu absorption seal, Substitution Jutsu, Time-Out Box, , Water Walking Technique.
  B: 15. Adamantine Monkey Seal, Afterimage Clone, Barrier Crush, Bounded field, Beast Wave Gale Palm, Body Elimination Technique, Burning Ash Technique, Chakra Disguise Technique, Hell Rasengan, Crimson mist barrier, Great Vacuum Cannon Jutsu, Kekkei Genkai Seal, Kekkei genkai stealing seal, Mental Resistance Technique, Tetragram Seal.
  A: 7. Air Door, Caged Heat Arson Prison, Fan Wind Roaring Wall, Great Breakthrough Stream Jutsu, Great Wind Violent Wall, Misty Flames Technique, Twister.
  Techniques available: 146.
  Mission Record:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a young boy, Arashiyama was raised in the traditional culture of the Sarutobi Clan. Like other young boys of the Sarutobi Clan, he was taught about his clan history and its proud traditions of martial prowess and honor. From a young age, Arashiyama was already being trained as a shinobi, though his father had taught him how to weild the power of a bow. Arashiyama took his training seriously. Over time, he became quite skilled in the use of a bow and arrow.   When Arashiyama reached his teenage years, he took on a more active role in the affairs of the clan. He participated in raids on enemy territories, aided in the defense of the clan territories, and worked alongside other shinobi in various missions and tasks. Over time, Arashiyama became well respected within the clan and village for his abilities and discipline. He was given more complex and important tasks, and his skill with the bow was increasingly utilized in the clan's efforts as he possessed expert skill with the weapon.   Arashiyama was recognized as a gifted and skilled shinobi even before he reached adulthood. His skills as an archer quickly earned him a reputation for his precision and deadly aim with the bow. Arashiyama was also a talented fighter with fuinjutsu, with expertise and experience in barriers and sealing techniques, and a knowledgeable strategist. Though it wouldn't be until later in his adult life that he would gain recognition of his abilities and contributions, he was awarded the rank of sannin, a highly prestigious rank in Konoha. This rank is reserved for the finest of Konoha's shinobi, and Arashiyama is one of few to ever earn such a coveted position.   At one point, Arashiyama was involved in a major incident just outside of Konoha. As he was out on patrol, late one evening, he had taken notice of some disturbed foliage nearby and decided to investigate further. With the aid of his pet, he was able to track down a camp filled with enemy shinobi, reigning from differing lands. The enemy force was large and well-equipped, and their fighters had appeared to be skilled and experienced warriors. Arashiyama positioned himself at a vantagous point and proceeded to pick off enemies one by a one with precise arrows from his bow. As men and women alike took notice from the camp down below, battle had just begun whenever something unusual happened. Arashiyama, with careful skill and incredible capability, loosed a volley of arrows down onto the camp. The arrows screamed, their sound resembling a hundred or more pain filled cries as they pierced through the air with great speed. Upon impacting with the earth, the arrows detonated into mini explosions, which dealt even heavier damage to his opponents. Many tried to flee combat, but were quickly stopped as Arashiyama made use of both fuinjutsu and earth based techniques to confine them in a single area where he managed to singlehandedly take down the remaining enemies. This act was enough to gain the favor and attention of many within the village.   Now that Arashiyama is an adult, his duties have only continued to grow. He is charged with protecting the village's borders and interests against rival clans and invaders. He also must ensure the safety and well-being of the villagers under the clan's protection. While Arashiyama has remained a loyal and capable servant of the Sarutobi Clan and village, he has also established a reputation as an individual with his own goals and objectives. He also continues to hone his skills as an archer, practicing regularly and striving to be the best.

Gender Identity





Sannin of Konoha

Accomplishments & Achievements

At a young age, Arashiyama showed remarkable skill with a bow and arrow, earning his clan's respect as his father would continue to teach him how to hone his abilities.   Arashiyama graduated from the academy like everyone else, and soon after became an official shinobi of Konoha.   Successfully protected his family and clan from another clan whom they held a rivalry with.   Was selected to be a village Sannin, a high ranking and prestigious role for only the finest shinobi of Konoha.


Namiko Hisada

Team Mate (Important)

Towards Arashiyama Sarutobi



Arashiyama Sarutobi

Team Mate (Important)

Towards Namiko Hisada




In the year 294, Arashiyama Sarutobi was selected to join the Five Sannin of Konoha, which he proudly accepted. Since then, the two have gone on a number of missions together along with their other team mates and have formed a healthy, respectible bond with each other.

Relationship Reasoning


Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting Konoha.   Admiring Nature.

Shared Acquaintances

Macho Savage, Ichiro Hyuga, Kazuyoshi Senju

Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Date of Birth
23rd of April
Current Residence
blue, almond shaped
long, black, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, birthmark on neck
Aligned Organization


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