Namiko Hisada

Sannin Namiko Hisada- Hisada

Age: 46. Clan: Hisada. XP: 500,000. Rank: A-4. Village: Konohagakure. Bounty: 50,000.   Personality: Calm, cold, intelligent, very loyal to her village and very quiet, seems to disappear whenever not observed.   Chakra nature: Wind, earth, +1. Combat style: Ambush. Background: Branch Clan. Saving throws: *Intelligence, Dexterity. Skill Proficiencies: *Chakra Control, history, insight, medicine, Nature, perception, Sensory, sleight of hand, Stealth, Survival*, Tracking. Ryo: ???.   Weapon proficiencies: ???. Armor proficiencies: Light armor. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 22d12. Chakra capacity: 312. Chakra die: 24d6 AC: 36 (24). Max HP: 308. Speed: 80ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.   Initiative: +16. Inspiration: ???. Factions: The five sannin. Death Save DC: 10 +1 everytime the user falls to 0hp and begins to make death saving throws.   Equipment: ???. Head: (A) Light Armor, +6 AC, resists piercing and mental. Body: (A) Light Armor, +6 AC, resists slashing and toxic. Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 14 (+2).   Grapple: +2.   Will: +2.   Dexterity: 20 (+5) +11 saves.   Sleight of hand: +11.   Stealth: +11   Wisdom: 20 (+5).   Animal handling: +5   Chakra Control: +17.   Insight: +11.   Perception: +11   Sensory: +11   Survival: +17   Intelligence: 17 (+4). +16 saves.   Crafting: +4.   History: +10.   Investigation: +4   Medicine: +10.   Religion: +4   Tracking: +4   Charisma: 16 (+3).   Deception: +3   Diplomacy: +3   Intimidation: +3   Performance: +3   Persuasion: +3   Seduction: +3   Combat abilities: 52.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 20. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Magic: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 12. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 20. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main actions: 4. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 2.   Transformations: ???.   Resistances: Acid, Poison, toxic, piercing, slashing, mental, Most diseases.   Feats: 5.   Alert: You can use a reaction when surprised. Always Ready: The user gains advantage on initiative checks and may take a full turn in combat when surprised by enemies.   Darkvision: The user gains 30ft of dark vision where they can see darkness as if it were bright light, this range extends another 30ft past that as dim lit.   Evasion: When the user makes a dex save for half damage, on a success the user instead takes no damage.   Nature's Ward: Gain proficiency in nature. The user is protected by nature, animals and plants are less likely to attack you, the user becomes resistant to the poisoned effect and most diseases.   Acidic Moths will be under your control and are typically sustained by feeding off your chakra. You can make a ranged attack with these insects and the range they can attack from is 5/60ft. (to hit bonus equals proficiency bonus + wis or int mod) 1d6+ (to hit modifier) damage of acid damage. Targets that have been hit by your insects must now save against effects from your insects such as rotting. DC is 8+ chakra control. Three targets within range can be hit with each attack.   If you successfully attack an enemy with your insects, you can recover 1 chakra die.   When you gain chakra from your insects you also gain half as much HP. (min of 1hp)   If you successfully strike a target with your insect attack, follow up attacks all gain +3.   If you use an insect jutsu you take chakra from the target equal to half of the total damage dealt.   Your insects can now siphon 2 chakra die on each successful hit and restore it to you or an ally of your choice within range.   You can communicate telepathically with your insects from a range of 100ft.   As a reaction to a melee attack you can hit a target with your insect attack.   You can attack two separate targets within range as a single attack with your ranged insect attack.   By expending an action you can get advantage on your next insect technique or attack.   Target’s that are affected by a status from your insects take an extra 2 damage die each turn.   Gain advantage on saves vs poison.   You can select 3 targets within range for a single insect attack.   Your insects automatically defend you, boosting your AC by 3.   Bugs can sneak into enemy clothing or items as a minor action, giving a near exact location on the target and granting you advantage on all tracking checks for 72 hours.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.   You can harness nature energy by staying motionless, nature energy must be tracked separately and is a finite resource. You can match half your chakra capacity with nature energy.   When using a technique with your nature energy you ignore resistance.   You can enter a Senjutsu transformation in which you are boosted with high stats and have nature energy flowing through your body. In this state your any of your techniques ignore resistance, users may pick their senjutsu transformation.   You can speak to animals.   While in a senjutsu transformation you can add +2 to your Power or Dexterity.   You can charge your chakra as a reaction.   When you hit 0hp you may use a reaction to enter your senjutsu transformation.   While in your senjutsu transformation you can exchange health and chakra and can only be defeated when both are at 0.   You can sense when one is lying as well as the emotions or feeling of living objects near you while in a nature transformation.   While in a senjutsu form you can deal an extra 2 damage die to any technique you perform or melee attack you make.   While in a senjutsu form your physical stats and and AC are increased by +4 rather than +2.   You can access an advanced senjutsu transformation that gives the user advantage on saving throws for the duration, all chakra is transformed to nature energy, the user gains 1 personal benefit of their choice.   If the user charges chakra they recover both nature energy and regular chakra.   You can enter any senjutsu form as a reaction.   Enemies you hit while you are in any senjutsu form must save vs the stunned condition. DC 10 + chakra control.   When you enter your senjutsu form as a reaction you can make one melee strike against targets within range.   You gain equal nature energy as normal chakra on rests.   Techniques known: 109.   E: 35. Attack Order, Air Blast, Ball of light technique, Blinding Wind Slash, Body Flicker Technique, Camouflage Technique, Chakra Suppression Technique, Clone Jutsu, Danger Sense, Defend order, Energy Ball, Floating bugs jutsu, Flower Shield technique, Gastro Acid, Hidden Mole Jutsu, Hurricane Uprising, Insect gathering technique, Insect Jamming Technique, Insect Sphere, Mud River Jutsu, Mud shot Technique, Mud Wall Jutsu, Nature Beast Connection, Nature's Gift, Poisonous Cloud technique, Protective Wind Wall, Rock Tomb, Rotting spore shot, Spore Burst, Stone Assault Perimeter, Stone Spikes, Stun Spore, Substitution Jutsu, Venoshock, Wind Gust Jutsu, Wind Spikes.   D: 35. Acid spray, Advanced Hidden Mole , Afterimage Dodge, Air Blades, Air Bullet Jutsu, Air Slash, Armor of Wind, Bug Clone, Corpse Cocoon Technique, Debris Siphon Jutsu, Destructive insect barrage, Fus Ro Dah, Great Mud River Jutsu, Great Wind Wall Jutsu, Human Cocoon Technique, Insect Blinding Attack, Insect Deception Technique, Insect shield, Insect Spying Technique, Multi-Mud Wall Jutsu, Nature Connection, Pollen Puff, Purify, Razor Wind, Rock Blast, Rock Throw, Spore Bullet, Spore Infection, Stealth Rock, Stone Bullet Jutsu, Surface Walking Technique, Tracking Insect Sphere, Violent Whirlwind Jutsu, Whirlwind technique, Wind's Curse.   C: 30. Afterimage Strike, Air Cutter, Air Shattering Energy Ball, Attack Pheremones, Bottomless Swamp Technique, Boulder Tomb, Bug bomb technique, Bursting Compressed Air Technique, Consuming insect dome, Energy Shield, Giga Drain, Great Mud Wall Jutsu, Headhunter Jutsu, Hurricane Gale Technique, Insect Clone, Lightning Rod Technique, Ominous Wind, Rollout, Rock Toss, Rotting spore bullet, Scroll Communication Technique, Sinkhole Jutsu, Solar Beam, Spore barrage, Stone Armor Jutsu, Stone Sandwich Technique, Substitution Flurry, Swift Wind Wall, Water Walking Technique, Wind Step Jutsu.   B: 4. Bug Poison Clone, Moon Blast, Nature Power, Spore Bullet Barrage.   A: 5. Aeroblast, Focus Blast, Great Spore Bullet, Nature Pledge, Secret Technique Insect Bog,   S:   Techniques available: 152.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A very quiet shinobi of little renown, Namiko spent most of her life going on simple missions and serving where she could. To her, work as a shinobi was simply employment, while her true joys and passions were found in nature.   Namiko served in the Anbu for years, earning her way up into the rank of captain and gaining the respect of many of her peers. She was eventually selected by one of the Sannin of the previous generation, who took her under their wing. They themselves had become a Sannin at the age of 35 years.



Namiko Hisada

Team Mate (Important)

Towards Arashiyama Sarutobi



Arashiyama Sarutobi

Team Mate (Important)

Towards Namiko Hisada




In the year 294, Arashiyama Sarutobi was selected to join the Five Sannin of Konoha, which he proudly accepted. Since then, the two have gone on a number of missions together along with their other team mates and have formed a healthy, respectible bond with each other.

Relationship Reasoning


Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting Konoha.   Admiring Nature.

Shared Acquaintances

Macho Savage, Ichiro Hyuga, Kazuyoshi Senju

Namiko Hisada

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Ichiro Hyuga


Ichiro Hyuga

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Namiko Hisada



Ichiro Hyuga joined the Five Sannin in the year 296, leading into his meeting and working with Namiko. Although the two are very different in how they act both during missions and during their free time, Ichiro and Namiko have a silent understanding of one another in regards of their individual beliefs and actions.

Relationship Reasoning


Commonalities & Shared Interests

Protecting Konoha.   Reading.   Shogi.   Sweets.   Dislike Macho Savage.

Shared Acquaintances

Macho Savage, Kazuyoshi Senju, Arashiyama Sarutobi

Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
June 17th
Current Residence
Black, sharp, hooded lids
Long, sleek, black, half up-half down
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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