Himitsu Kenpachi

Himitsu Akemi- Kenpachi

Age: 38. Clan: Kenpachi. XP: 500,000. Rank: A-4. Village: Kirigakure.   Chakra nature: Earth, Wind, Water, Lightning. Combat style: ???. Background: Famed Ninja. Saving throws: Dexterity, Charisma. Skill Proficiencies: Seduction, *History, Religion, Willpower, Stealth, Sensory, Chakra Control, Sleight of Hand, Crafting, Investigation. Ryo: ???.   Weapon proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 22d10. Chakra capacity: 384. Chakra die: 24d8. AC: 21. Max HP: 330. Speed: 100ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.   Initiative: +10. Inspiration: 0. Factions: ???. Death Save DC:   Equipment: ???. Head: ??? Body: ??? Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 17. +4.   Grapple: +4.   Will: +10.   Dexterity: 18. +4.   Sleight of hand: +10.   Stealth: +10.   Wisdom: 14. +2.   Animal handling: +2.   Chakra Control: +8.   Insight: +2.   Perception: +2.   Sensory: +2.   Survival: +2.   Intelligence: 17. +4.   Crafting: +10.   History: +16.   Investigation: +10.   Medicine: +4.   Religion: +11.   Tracking: +4.   Charisma: 16. +3.   Deception: +3.   Diplomacy: +3.   Intimidation: +3.   Performance: +3.   Persuasion: +3.   Seduction: +3.   Combat abilities: 52.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 22. Kinjutsu: 10. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 20. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 2.   Main actions: 2. Minor actions: 3. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 4.   Feats: 5.   Gain advantage on chakra clashes you start.   Ninjutsu can increase their range by one level.   You can imbue your chakra into weapons or items you possess.   You can teach others techniques you know, so long as they can use the proper chakra nature.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can negate up to two die of damage if you know the technique.   Gain advantage on insight checks on how techniques work.   Resistance to Mental Damage.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   If you expend an action you can gain advantage on your next technique.   Targets that strike you with Melee attacks are dealt 1d4+willpower damage of your choice from Acid, Cold, Fire, force, Spiritual, Thunder, or Toxic.   Unarmed strikes deal 1d4+str/dex + proficiency mod damage.   Can use scrolls as a minor action.   Gain proficiency in intelligence saving throws.   18’s on the dice now count as critical hits as well.   You take no movement or stealth penalties while in any kind of armor.   Opponents with the bleeding effect have their movement halved.   Boost your AC by 2 if you’re wielding a weapon.   If an opponent has the bleeding effect, gain advantage on damage rolls against them.   You can wield a number of weapons equal to your proficiency modifier.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   Critical hits on melee attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a melee weapon.   You can craft B rank weapons & equipment.   Three Times per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   Greedy strikes: When the user makes a melee attack against an enemy, siphon chakra equal to 1/5th the total damage done (minimum of 1).   Great weapon master: If you score a critical hit on a melee attack you may make another attack at disadvantage as a minor action, if the user succesfully hits their opponent deal an extra +10 to your total damage.   Dual Wielder: You gain a +2 bonus to AC while you are wielding more than one weapon. Melee strikes when wielding 2 or more weapons gain +5 on their attack and damage rolls.   Defensive duelist: When you are holding a weapon you can boost your AC by 1 for each weapon your using. Shields do not affect your movement speed.   Critical targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Techniques known: 137.   E: 36. 3 hit combo, Apricot blossom strike, Collier, Cotelette, Dancing leaf shadow, Pressure point strike, Hidden Mole Jutsu, Mine trap Jutsu, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Hiding in Water Technique, Instant Water Technique, Water Weapon Creation, Protective Wind Wall, Blade of Wind, Lightning Ball Jutsu, Lightning Flash Jutsu, Thunder Trap Jutsu, Electric Shock Needles, All Direction Shuriken, 1 sword style, 36 pound cannon, Battojutsu, Covert Cut, Ensnaring Explosive Trap, Front Slice, Kunai flurry, Reverse Slash, Shadow Shuriken Technique, Smoke Star, Wire Attachment Technique, Ball of light technique, Body Flicker Technique, Chakra Lock On, Chakra Pulse, Escape Jutsu, Disguise Jutsu, Hair Binding Technique, Substitution Jutsu, Pain split technique, Repulsion jutsu.   D: 37. Multi-Mud Wall Jutsu, Rock Shelter Jutsu, Earthquake Slam, Minefield Jutsu, Binding Syrup Chains, Water Bullet Jutsu, Water Prison Jutsu, Water Pillar Formation, Blade of Wind Barrage, Hell Stab, Thunder Bullet Jutsu, Thunder Rays Technique, Electromagnetic Murder Technique, Thunderbolt Technique, Air Lightning Strike, Booby Trap Technique, Chakra String Slice, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Crescent Moon Slice, Deception Slice, Flash Slash, Frying Pan attack, Kunai barrage, Manipulated Shuriken Technique, Shuriken Barrage, Weapon Clone Jutsu, Weighted boulder strike, Afterimage Clone, Chakra Hair Trap Technique, Improvised Shuriken Technique, Senbon Shot, Shadow Clone Jutsu, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique , Kirisame technique.   C: 32. Wind Step Jutsu, Air Bubble Technique, Ala, Water Fang Bullet, Water Clone Jutsu, Wild Water Wave Jutsu, Swift Wind Wall, Air Current Slash Jutsu, Wind Scythe jutsu, Chidori, Destructive Thunder Disc, Lightning Signal Technique, Aftershock Technique, 4 Finger Spear Hand, Chain Lightning Bolt, Lightning Armor, Lightning Net Technique, 0 sword style, dragon twister, Amputation Punishment, Brute Force, Chakra Shockwave Slash, Cherry Blossom Blizzard, Hazy Moonlight, Kunai storm, Shuriken Wire Trap, Weapon Creation Technique, Crazy Hair Technique, Scroll Communication Technique, Substitution Flurry, Water Walking Technique, Wire Cage Jutsu, Acid rain.   B: 18. Rainmaker Jutsu, Rain sensing technique, Whirlwind Barrage Technique, 3 Finger Spear Hand, Raikiri, Chidori Stream, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Ninja Art Pattern Links, Silent Killing Technique, Hiding in Surface Technique, Shuriken Shadow Clone, Multi Shadow Clone, Wire Bind Jutsu, Mental Resistance Technique, Chakra Disguise Technique.   A: 10. Piercing Air Bullet Jutsu, Great Wind Violent Wall, 2 Finger Spear Hand, V2 Lightning Armor, Chidori True Spear, Chidori Senbon, Senbon Shower, Sharp Hair Spear, Hair Needle Senbon, Tandem Clone Explosives.   S:   Techniques available: 10.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Himitsu Kenpachi was born into a well-known clan of Kenjutsu specialists in the Hidden Mist Village. Early in her life, Himitsu showed a natural talent for ninjutsu, and her family's fighting style using kenjutsu, which was focused on sharp swordsmanship and lightning-fast strikes. Her family was proud of her skills and dedication to her training, and encouraged her to pursue her passion for Kenjutsu. Himitsu trained under the guidance of her family's elders and masters, learning the ways of the sword and refining her Kenjutsu and ninjutsu skills. As she grew up, Himitsu developed a reputation and gained the admiration of her peers for her skill and determination.   Over time, Himitsu would develop into a highly skilled and experienced Kunoichi, renowned for her prowess in ninjutsu and kenjutsu combat. Himitsu Kenpachi's skill in ninjutsu continued to improve as she grew up and received more advanced training. She was especially proficient in lightning jutsus, using the lightning nature chakra from her clan, and she was also skilled in water and wind jutsus. As she gained more experience, her overall ninjutsu repertoire became more versatile and varied, making her an even more dangerous opponent. Her skill in Kenjutsu also continued to improve as she fought more battles and refined her technique. Her experience in combat and practice with both Kenjutsu and ninjutsu gave her a major advantage in combat situations.   After spending most of her life working loyally for her nation, Himitsu's life changed when one day, after a mission, she'd been heading home. As Himitsu Kenpachi walked through the forest, she was wounded heavily and struggling for survival. Her energy was fading fast, and she was exhausted from the previous battle she'd just won. As she walked, she suddenly heard the sounds of footsteps approaching from further ahead. Himitsu quickly hid behind some bushes, her heart racing as she desperately tried to catch her breath.   Suddenly, she saw a stranger approach. He had long brown hair and green eyes, and seemed to be wandering through the forest without purpose or aim. Himitsu watched as he walked, unsure if she should reveal herself or stay hidden. Himitsu Kenpachi took a deep breath and decided to take a chance. She came out of her hiding spot and slowly approached the stranger. He seemed startled at first, but when he saw the severity of her condition, he immediately rushed over to assist her.   The stranger examined Himitsu's wounds and offered to patch them up and help to carry her to safety. He also introduced himself as Kiyoshi, a wandering ninja from a distant land. Kiyoshi was surprised to see Himitsu in such a state and was eager to help her however he could. Himitsu Kenpachi looked at Kiyoshi with gratitude and appreciation as he began to help her. She was thankful to have been saved and was relieved to have found an ally in the midst of her dire situation. As Kiyoshi helped patch her up and carry her to safety, Himitsu couldn't help but be curious about the stranger.   She tried to engage in some small talk with Kiyoshi while he patched her up. She wanted to know more about his background, what brought him to the area, and how long he had been traveling. Kiyoshi seemed happy to chat with her and share details of his history. Through their conversation, Himitsu learned that Kiyoshi had been training as a ninja since he was just a child. He hailed from a land of legend, the Hidden Sage Village, where the ninja had a strong influence and presence amongst one another. Kiyoshi had been on a mission for some time now, searching for new opportunities and experiences. His last mission had taken him to the Land of Fire, where he had heard about the Land of Water and its unique ninja traditions. After finishing his task there, he had set off in search of more adventure as it was uncommon and a rarity for people of his clan and status to be allowed outside of the village.   Listening to Kiyoshi's tale, Himitsu was both fascinated and intrigued. The conversation eventually shifted, and Himitsu asked the young ninja if he had any questions for her. Kiyoshi seemed genuinely interested in learning more about the Hidden Mist Village and her clansmen. Himitsu took the opportunity to tell Kiyoshi all about her clan and how life was for most people in Kirigakure.   The two of them continued talking and getting to know each other as Himitsu was carried, and the pair slowly began to bond and form a connection. They eventually arrived at a nearby village, where Ryochi had managed to get past his own village guards to sneak Himitsu within, where the local civilians provided food and shelter for the wounded Himitsu and friendly Kiyoshi.   For the next few days, Himitsu and Kiyoshi stayed in the hidden sage village, both gaining strength and recovering from their injuries. They spent time together getting to know each other better and learning about one another's cultures, customs, practices, and history. They also took the opportunity to rest and to share their experiences and lessons learned from their pasts. This would eventually lead to a night of heated and in the moment passion between the two, her last day of being in the village.   Eventually, after Himitsu had fully recovered, they decided to part ways and continue their journeys on their own. Although they were sad to say goodbye, both Himitsu and Kiyoshi were grateful for the time they spent together and the friendship they had formed. Each of them carried with them a piece of the other. Both were forever changed by their time together and their experiences. While they may have parted ways, their bond would always remain, and their paths would cross again in the future. As they walked off into the sunset, it was hard to say which one of them would make it further in life. But, one thing was certain, the two of them were forever connected and had changed each other's lives in more ways than one.   It had been months since Himitsu and Kiyoshi parted ways, and she had returned to her village with new tales of adventure and wisdom, leaving out details of her romantic getaway. However, she also carried within her a secret that even she was not aware of yet. She had just begun to notice some strange symptoms within herself, feeling tired and nauseous every day. But, she couldn't quite understand the feelings and wasn't sure what they meant. She was confused and unsure of what to make of the changes she was experiencing. As the months passed, her condition seemed to worsen and she realized that she was pregnant.   Her thoughts immediately turned to Kiyoshi. Had he been the one? Had their passionate night together resulted in this new life growing within her? As she contemplated the situation, she wasn't sure what to do. Should she keep this secret from her clan and village? Or should she seek out Kiyoshi and tell him about their potential child?   She didn't know how Kiyoshi would react to the news. She also didn't know how her clan would handle such a situation, given the secretive nature of the ninja world. Either way, Himitsu knew she had to make a decision.   After much deliberation and inner debate, Himitsu decided that she could not keep this secret from Kiyoshi. The idea of bringing a child into the world without the father's knowledge didn't feel right to her. She wanted Kiyoshi to know about the pregnancy, and she wanted his help in making a decision on what to do next. With this in mind, Himitsu made the journey to seek out Kiyoshi and the hidden sage village, unsure of what kind of reception she would receive. But she believed that Kiyoshi deserved to know the truth, and he would help guide her and support her with the decision ahead.   The journey to the hidden sage village was a long one, but Himitsu was determined to find Kiyoshi and seek his help and guidance. As she neared the village, her thoughts and emotions became even more overwhelming. She was excited and nervous at the same time, eager to see Kiyoshi again and unsure of how this news would impact their relationship. But regardless of the potential outcomes, she knew that she couldn't keep this secret from Kiyoshi any longer. She would have to face him, and tell him the truth.   Himitsu entered the hidden sage village with trepidation and anticipation. As she approached Kiyoshi's home, she gathered her courage and knocked on the door. She waited at the door, her heart racing as she thought about what to say and how Kiyoshi might react. The door opened, and there he stood. Seeing him again after all this time, all her emotions and feelings came rushing back at once, and she was unsure of where to begin. But as Kiyoshi looked at her, he had a sense that something was happening.   Himitsu struggled to find the words to say, but Kiyoshi could sense the significance of the moment. He stepped aside and beckoned her into the house, closing the door behind him as he looked at her.   "Himitsu...what's going on? You look like you have something important to tell me."   Kiyoshi looked at her with genuine concern and curiosity, eager to hear what she had to say. Knowing that the truth had to be revealed, Himitsu took a deep breath and told Kiyoshi everything about her pregnancy and her feelings on the matter. She was nervous but also hopeful that Kiyoshi would understand and support her. He listened silently, his expression slowly changing from surprise to empathy as he understood the situation. He had a feeling it might've been the case, as Himitsu's symptoms had become increasingly more noticeable as she stood awkwardly before him. But it didn't change the fact that Himitsu's pregnancy was the result of their intimate night together, and he felt a sense of responsibility in the situation.   Kiyoshi looked at her with a mix of emotions - surprise, concern, and responsibility. He felt a sense of responsibility in the situation, knowing that this pregnancy was the result of their intimate night together. But at the same time, he also felt overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. He had never imagined himself having a child, let alone in this way.   "Himitsu...you're pregnant?"   Kiyoshi tried to process the information, not quite expecting this news from his former companion and romantic partner. But regardless, he also knew that this was their shared responsibility.   "Yes...the symptoms have been growing worse. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I couldn't hide it from you any longer. I'm sorry, Kiyoshi, but I'm pregnant with your child."   Himitsu's expression was somber, her feelings of shame and guilt mixed with a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty. She couldn't imagine how Kiyoshi would feel in this situation, and feared rejection or a bad reception from him. But, she knew she had to tell him the truth, and that together they would decide on the best course of action. Kiyoshi's expression became more serious and sincere as he listened to Himitsu open up about her pregnancy. Their time together had been intense, and the news of this pregnancy came as a surprise. But he understood that they shared this responsibility, and he was determined to support her however he could.   "Himitsu...I didn't know. I know we had that moment together, but I never thought..."   Kiyoshi's voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right words. His emotions were conflicting, but at this point, it didn't matter what he felt, but what Himitsu felt.   "I know...It's difficult to process."   Himitsu's expression remained serious and sincere as well, though she still felt somewhat unsure how Kiyoshi would handle the news.   "Kiyoshi, please tell me...how do you feel about this?"   Himitsu's heart was racing while she waited to hear Kiyoshi's response. She hoped with all her heart that he would be understanding and supporting of their situation. Regardless of their feelings for one another, she believed that they had a shared responsibility in this potential life growing within her.   Kiyoshi was quiet for a moment, contemplating his thoughts and feelings on the matter.   "Himitsu...I don't know how I feel about this, but... I do feel responsible. This is our child, regardless of our past or current feelings for one another. I want to do the right thing, for both you and the baby."   He was unsure and conflicted, but his determination to do what was right outweighed any personal feelings. Himitsu breathed a quiet sigh of relief at his words, knowing that Kiyoshi was trying his best to be supportive and understanding.   "Kiyoshi...I'm so relieved. I was afraid of how you would react, and I'm so grateful for your honesty and support. However, I still don't know what to do. I'm not sure how my clan will handle this, and I'm scared of what will happen. I don't want to hide the truth from them, either."   Himitsu was still unsure and nervous about the situation, but she was glad that Kiyoshi was showing support and understanding. He was right, this was their shared responsibility and the right thing to do was to deal with things together.   Kiyoshi thought for a moment, carefully considering how to proceed. He knew that their situation was a difficult one, and he wanted to find the best solution.   "Himitsu... perhaps there is a way we can both win in this situation. My clan does not have a tradition of being involved in the lives of the outside world, and as a result, nobody can intervene in our personal matters or lives. If you were to keep the news of the pregnancy from them and stay in the hidden sage village with me, I could accept responsibility as your husband. No one would be the wiser, and the child could grow up knowing their father."   Himitsu considered Kiyoshi's words carefully, and she didn't find any fault in this reasoning. She knew that the child's well-being was the most important thing, and Kiyoshi's idea would certainly help protect them. Her reputation in her clan and village didn't seem important in this situation, as she could only think of her unborn child. She could stay hidden in the Sage Village, and none would be the wiser.   Himitsu took a deep breath and decided to take a leap of faith. She trusted Kiyoshi's judgement, and she believed this was the best decision for her and her child.   "I accept. I will allow you to accept responsibility as my husband, and I will stay in the Hidden Sage Village. We will protect our child and do the best for them."   Kiyoshi looked at Himitsu with gratitude and sincerity, pleased to know that she could trust his decision. Together, they would raise this child together and keep it a secret to protect their interests and those of their child.   She looked forward to starting a life together with Kiyoshi, raising the child and learning more about each other. It seemed like the perfect solution, and neither party had any regrets.   As Himitsu and Kiyoshi settled into their new lives together in the hidden sage village, they soon began to fall in love. They shared an unspoken bond as parents and protectors of their daughter, and they slowly learned more about one another. They became closer as the years passed, and eventually, their marriage went beyond responsibility and duty. It grew into genuine love and affection, and they both realized that there was something special about their relationship. Through raising their child and spending time together, their love grew and strengthened, and they spent some happy years together as a family.   Five years after having their daughter, the hidden sage village was attacked by the nine tailed wolf, a fearsome and powerful being with ice powers. The beast was accompanied by a strange figure with eyes that glowed with deep purple rings throughout them. The two of them caused devastation and destruction in their wake, leaving the village in ruins and its residents in fear.   As the beasts continued to rampage, Himitsu and Kiyoshi knew they had to act quickly. Kiyoshi quickly mustered the village troops and prepared for battle, hoping they could defend their home and protect their families from the invaders. Meanwhile, Himitsu went in search of their child, Kiyoko, who had run off just hours before after some harsh words from her father.   Worried and filled with adrenaline, Himitsu searched the village as thoroughly as possible until finally she had stumbled upon her with some known civilians and clansmen. Quickly, she embraced her little girl and rushed away from her, entrusting her in the hands of the other villagers to escape as she rushed to aid her husband in battle.   Along the way, Himitsu came across a fallen comrade, and took a moment of grief as she quickly noticed men and women of the akemi clan alike lining the streets of the village. By the time she'd reached the field of battle she was stricken with the sight of her child, who had found her way back into the village in search of her parents, standing, frozen in fear as the strange figure with inhuman eyes slit her husband's throat. Kiyoko fell and let out a scream shortly after, pressing Himitsu from hiding to run to her little girl's aid only to get knocked back by a powerful strike as Kiyoko became entangled in a strange arrangement of vines that lashed angrily at everything within range, dealing heavy damage and deconstruction to all things hit by it.   The strange figure began to disappear into the night, rushing away quickly. Not wanting to miss the chance to claim revenge for her husband and his clansmen, Himitsu pursued the man, disappearing with him and ultimately abandoning her only child as she lashed out in pain in anguish, awakening her kekkei genkai, as himitsu saw it, due to horrific circumstances. Since then nobody has heard word of or has seen Himitsu, leaving those who can remember her to wonder what has become of the kunoichi.

Gender Identity





Kirigakure Anbu


Contacts & Relations

Tanzo Rigeki   Ringetsu Hozuki   Kiyoshi Akemi   Kiyoko Akemi   Ryochi Kazetana


Himitsu Kenpachi

Mother (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi



Kiyoko Akemi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Himitsu Kenpachi




After Himitsu Kenpachi settled down with Kiyoshi Akemi within the Village Hidden by The Sage, They had their first and only child on a warm summer evening. They would name their daughter Kiyoko Akemi, similarly to her father's own name. As Kiyoshi would attend to duties as normal, Himitsu took time away from helping around the village to tend to their child in his absences. However, the pair greatly loved one another and their little family. As Kiyoko grew, Himitsu would often take her to the gardens in the village, allowing her to explore as she tended to the crops and vegitation with the other Kunoichi of the village. Since the Nine Tails attacked the village, Himitsu and Kiyoshi have been assumed and pronounced dead, leaving Kiyoko orphaned and to be later taken in by Ryochi Kazetana of Otogakure.

Nicknames & Petnames

Kiyo   Koko   Dewdrop

Relationship Reasoning


Kiyoshi Akemi

Husband (Vital)

Towards Himitsu Kenpachi



Himitsu Kenpachi

Wife (Vital)

Towards Kiyoshi Akemi




Kiyoshi Akemi met Himitsu Kenpachi two years before having their only child together. During their first meeting, it was discovered that Himitsu was a Ninja from Kirigakure who had been sent on a mission that was coincidentally along the same path that Kiyoshi had been taking for a time. The two of them fought, with Himitsu fleeing before Kiyoshi could restrain her. After some time passed, the two met once more, and it was then that the two were formally introduced, despite the crossing of ninjutsu and weaponry once more. This cycle would inevitably continue, almost as if fate had intertwined the two into each other's lives through a series of mishaps and strange events, thus bringing them closer. Then, one day, the two became intimate with one another, resulting in Himitsu's pregnancy. At this time she knew most of the locations she had been able to stumble across her mysterious lover, and would go out of her way to track him down. Upon hearing of her pregnancy, Kiyoshi immediately accepted Himitsu as his bride to be and the two eloped to his home land, the Village of The Sage. The couple took care of one another as time passed, and continued to show that love and affection towards their child once conceived into the world. As Himitsu and Kiyoshi balanced work and home lives with their newfound family, it seemed as though life would only work out perfectly for them. However, that was until one fateful night when the nine tailed wolf attacked their little village, hidden from the world for so long. In this vulnerable state, many of the villagers were slain, and it has been assumed that in the chaos and wreckage of the village, the couple themselves were slaughtered by the beast as well.

Nicknames & Petnames

RainDrop   HoneyDew   Yoshi   Peanut

Relationship Reasoning


Current Status
Date of Birth
Kiyoshi Akemi (Husband)
She/ Her
Light blue, sharp
long, wavy, light blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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