Itachi Mikiri

Age: 15. Clan: Mikiri. XP: 10,000. Rank: D-1. Village: Otogakure.   Chakra nature: Wind, fire. Combat style: Support. Background: Main clan. Saving throws: Genjutsu, wisdom. Proficiencies: *Animal handling, *Chakra control, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Sensory, Sleight of hand, Ryo: 350.   Hit die: 10d10. Chakra capacity: 80. Chakra die: 10d8. AC: 13. Max HP: 70. Factions: ???. Speed: 45ft. Proficiency bonus: +3. Intiative: +6. Inspiration: ???.   Equipment: ???.   Stats & Skills:   Power: 12, +1.   Grapple: +1.   Endurance: 16, +3.   Willpower: +3.   Dexterity: 15, +3.   Sleight of hand: +6.   Stealth: +3.   Wisdom: 16, +3, +6.   Animal handling: +9.   Chakra Control: +9.   Insight: +6.   Perception: +6.   Sensory: +6.   Survival: +3.   Intelligence: 13, +2.   Crafting: +2.   History: +2.   Investigation: +2.   Medicine: +2.   Religion: +2.   Tracking: +2.   Charisma: 18, +4.   Deception: +4.   Diplomacy: +4.   Intimidation: +4.   Persuasion: +7.   Seduction: +4.   Combat abilities: 28.   Animal combat: 12. Fuinjutsu: 8. Genjutsu: 8. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 0. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Feats: 2.   If your animal companion is within 5ft of you or an enemy you wish to attack gain +2 to your attack roll.   Can speak to animals   You can control a number of animals equal to your proficiency modifier.   Tracking checks are made with advantage if you have an item from the target, have met the target before or are in any other manner familiar enough with its scent/presence or any other sensing ability.   Animal companions you control can impose disadvantage on attacks against allies they are next to, however if the attack hits it deals critical damage against the animal.   Increase your dexterity score by 2 when within 40ft of one of your pets.   Pets under your control gain access to 1 Chakra nature they can use.   You have become attuned to your pets and can feel their life force as well as chakra amount so long as they are within 200ft of you.   When you make a melee attack within 10ft of your pet they can immediately attack at advantage.   You can use scrolls as a bonus action.   Gain advantage on all future chakra die rolls.   Seals placed on willing targets double their duration.   Barriers made by you can further their range by 25ft. Extra Action   Ninjutsu can add chakra control skill modifiers to total damage.   When hit with a ninjutsu you can add your chakra control modifier to any save you may make.   Gain advantage on your chakra die rolls.   Resistance to psychic   Techniques known: 35.   E: 17, animal adoration genjutsu, animal transformation jutsu, Ball of light, Beast fury strikes, Body flicker technique, Chakra enhancing music, Claw creation technique, Claw enhancement technique, Confinement barrier, False surroundings, four legs technique, Genjutsu haze, Man beast clone, Sealing jutsu, Substitution jutsu, Summoning jutsu, Transformation jutsu,   D: 14, Beast combo strike, Beast summoning trap, Beast needle flurry, Bell ring genjutsu, double impact wolf fang, Dynamic marking, enhancing flattery, Flower petal escape, Genjutsu break, Protection seal, Regeneration seal, Repeated beast strike, self cursing seal, Tree binding death.   C: 4. Combination transformation, Flying claw, Pet food clone, pet genjutsu,   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 0.


Kiyoko Akemi

Childhood Friend (Vital)

Towards Itachi Mikiri



Itachi Mikiri

Childhood friend (Vital)

Towards Kiyoko Akemi




The two first met during one of the few times young Kiyoko was released from "training and studies" to explore the village of Otogakure. She was new to the village, with no recollection of parts of her recent past, which has been assumed as a result of traumatic stress. Kiyoko was wandering nearby her residential building whenever she heard the off key of a melody being played by a young boy dressed in bright colors. Alongside him was a playful little weasel who was dancing from side to side. The boy caught Kiyoko watching and invited her over to listen, introducing himself as Itachi and the animal as Taiyo. Kiyoko in turn introduced herself, coming across a bit too preserved, as she did her best to follow her teachings from Ryochi and his subordinates in regards of socializing. Itachi found her odd behaviour humorous and over a short time, eased her into being more like herself. Little did Ryochi know his daughter would end up being a mischievious prankster who ran rampant in the village whenever she was allowed access outside in the future. Itachi and Kiyoko spent time making many memories together, from making music, to their pranks, to speaking about the deeper things happening around them or to them. Whenever Kiyoko and Itachi grew to be genin, Kiyoko was assigned to leave the village, and although they were sad during their departure, Itachi assured his friend that all would be well and that he would be ready to hear of her journeys when they met again. Little did they know that the next time this happened, it would be under mysterious circumstances. Itachi was found hidden months later outside of the village by team 1 who informed Kiyoko about the boy. As soon as Kiyoko realized who they were speaking of she rushed to meet him. A wave of relief washed over her knowing her friend was physically well, but unfortunately, to their dismay, Itachi's team was apprehended by an unknown assailaint. The team investigated this issue for Kiyoko's friend, and eventually found a lab hidden underground with vital information. However, nobody ever shared that information with Itachi before Kiyoko was inevitably taken away by Daitan's underling.

Nicknames & Petnames

YoYo   Yoko   Tachi-Sama   Chi-Chan

Relationship Reasoning

Childhood friends

Commonalities & Shared Interests

music   nature   walks   pranks

Shared Acquaintances

Taiyo the weasel, Sabishi Uchiha, Kiyori, Saiyuri Shima, Hanzo Rigeki.



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