Kazuyoshi Senju

Sannin Kazuyoshi Senju

Age: 67. Clan: Senju. XP: 800,000. Rank: A-2. Village: Konoha. Bounty: ???.
  Chakra nature: Water, Earth. Combat style: ???. Background: Branch Clan. Saving throws: Intelligence, Wisdom. Skill Proficiencies: Chakra Control*, Crafting*, History*, Insight*, Diplomacy, Medical, Religion, Sleight of Hand, Survival, Will*, Persuasion. Ryo: ???.
  Weapon proficiencies: ???. Armor proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???
  Hit die: 24d8. Chakra capacity: 408. Chakra die: 24d10. AC: 32 (20). Max HP: 408. Speed: 30 ft. Proficiency bonus: +2 at E-Rank +1 for every rank promotion.
  Initiative: +9. Inspiration: ???. Factions: The five sannin. Death Save DC: 10 +1 everytime the user falls to 0hp and begins to make death saving throws.
  Equipment: ???. Head: (A) Light Armor, +6 AC, resists slashing. Body: (A) Light Armor, +6 AC, resists piercing. Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???
  Backpack: ???
  Stats & Skills:
  Power: 15 (+3).
  Grapple: +3.
  Will: +15
  Dexterity: 15 (+3).
  Sleight of hand: +9
  Stealth: +3
  Wisdom: 19 (+5).
  Animal handling: +5
  Chakra Control: +17
  Insight: +17
  Perception: +5
  Sensory: +5
  Survival: +11
  Intelligence: 28 (+9) (+15).
  Crafting: +21
  History: +21
  Investigation: +9
  Medicine: +15
  Religion: +15
  Tracking: +9
  Charisma: 13 (+2).
  Deception: +2.
  Diplomacy: +8
  Intimidation: +2
  Performance: +2
  Persuasion: +8
  Seduction: +2
  Combat abilities: 58.
  Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 15. Magic: 0. Medical: 17. Ninjutsu: 10. Puppet: 20. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.
  Main actions: 2. Minor actions: 3. Reactions: 2. Attacks: 1.
  Transformations: ???.
  Resistances: Cold, Mental, Necrotic, Toxic.
  Feats: 5.
  Blessed Healer: When the user heals a target using a healing technique they are also restored 1/10th of the health the target received.
  Crazed Scientist: Constructs or Puppets you create deal an extra die of damage when making attacks.
  Mobile: Your speed increases by 25 feet. Difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement. You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when moving past targets.
  Puppet Expert: Puppets you craft gain +2 AC.
  Protective Fighter: When a target makes a melee attack against a target within 10ft of you, you may user your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
  Can use scrolls as a minor action.
  Unarmed strikes deal 1d4+str/dex + proficiency mod damage.
  Targets that strike you with Melee attacks are dealt 1d6+ Cold, Will.
  If you expend an action you can gain advantage on your next technique.
  If you expend an action you can impose disadvantage on the targets save.
  Gain advantage on hit die rolls.*
  Unarmed strikes deal 1d8+str/dex + proficiency mod damage.
  If you inflict a status effect on a target you get advantage on all attacks you make against them.
  You can heal yourself as a reaction for 1 hit die + medicine HP.
  Status effects you cause deal maximum damage.
  You can craft C-rank medical supplies and equipment.
  If you expend an action to heal an ally from the dying state they can be restored to 3 hit die+ medicine+ endurance mod HP.
  You have learned how to exchange chakra for health, you can trade either resource for the other.
  Double the damage for status effects you cause.
  When healing an ally from the dying state you also heal any Diseases they had and remove any status they previously had.
  Once per day you can choose to succeed a save you would have failed if the save was for resisting a status effect.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.
  You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.
  Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.
  You can create and control E rank puppets. Puppets you control act on your turn and initiative, each puppet can only perform one action and has 30 ft of movement.
  Attacks from hidden weapons grant advantage on their attack roll.
  You can control a number of puppets equal to your proficiency modifier.
  Targets that are afflicted by status effects from your puppets have disadvantage on their saves.
  You can attach puppet parts to humans or other creatures including yourself. These puppet parts can be of the highest rank puppet you can create.
  You can model puppets after any creature or target you’ve seen, additionally insight checks against puppets now reveal abilities of the puppet as well as any other information at GM discretion.
  You can take control of living targets with, or against their will using your chakra strings. They must save vs chakra control.
  Puppets you craft gain a second action.
  You can craft B-rank puppets.
  You can make puppets out of living creatures that retain that creature's abilities.
  Puppets you control gain +2 AC.
  You can craft B-rank supplies and equipment.
  You can contest control over an enemy's puppet with a chakra control check.
  Techniques known: 139.
  E: 45. Air raid, Acid Shot, Acid Wave, Acid Trap Hole, Blinding Technique, Body Flicker Technique, Bone Breaking Technique, Bungee Gum, Cell Tear Technique, Chakra bandage technique, Chakra share technique, Chakra string technique, Chakra Suppression Technique, Clone Jutsu, Concussion Crash, Healer's Palm, Hidden Capture Trap, Limb Transplant Technique, Mega Drain, Necrosis Technique, Object Extraction, Pain Dulling Technique, Pain Enhancement technique, Pain Infliction Technique, Pain split technique, Payback, Poison bullet jutsu, Poison Clone, Poison Coating Technique, Poison Powder, Puppet chakra shield, Puppet Eye Poke, Puppet Scatter Shot, Puppet Triad, Pursuit, Repulsion jutsu, Restoration Technique, Rust spray, Sense Enhancement Technique, Substitution Jutsu, Spewing Puppet Shot, Stun Cure, Thread Tracking Technique, Transformation Jutsu, Ventriloquism Technique.
  D: 36. Acid Bullet, Acid Burst Shot, Air raid shot, Battle Waltz, Breath of Decay, Bungee Gum Punch, Chakra blanket, Chakra scalpel, Eye Removal Technique, Eye Transfer Technique, Leech Life, Machine Impact, Minor healing jutsu, Miok Gas, Muscle reorganization technique, Nen Stitches, Pain Relief Jutsu, Paralysis cure technique, Poison bullet barrage, Poison Cloud, Poison Dust Cloud, Poison Gas Jutsu, Poison Senbon Stream, Puppet Clone Jutsu, Puppet Jet Shot, Puppet Low blow, Puppet Master Jutsu, Puppet Substitution Jutsu, Purifying Gas, Rust shot, Self healing technique, Sense Dilution Technique, Sludge Shot, Spare the dying technique, Spring Punishing Strike, Sticky Chakra Threads.
  C: 31. Acid Clone, Acid Downpour, Acidic rain, Arm growth jutsu, Bungee Rubble Strike, Cell activation jutsu, Cell Destruction Jutsu, Chakra anesthesia injection, Disease injection jutsu, Engulfing Poison Technique, Extrasensory, Gift Ball, Great Acid Wave, Great Healer's Palm, Greater Pain Enhancement, Great poison bullet, Greater Sense Enhancement, Healing jutsu, Human-puppet Master Jutsu, Iron Maiden, Multi puppet master jutsu, Organ Dissection Technique, Organ Repair Technique, Organ Transplant Technique, Paralyzing chakra field, Poison Mist Hell, Puppet Combination Technique, Puppet Degeneration, Puppet Reformation, Surface Walking Technique, Substitution Strike.
  B: 23. Acid Air Technique, Airless World, Amputation Cut, Bad Gift, Bizu Needle, Blood Vein Block, Body recreation jutsu, Brain Puppet Control, Breath of The Damned, Bungee Kick, Cellular Regeneration Technique, Casualty puppet, Chakra dissection blade cruelty, Corpse clone jutsu, Cursed silence, Gift Ball Deluxe, Good Gift, Great Pain Relief Technique, Greater puppet master jutsu, Heal Block, Life steal jutsu, Major healing jutsu, Poison fog jutsu, Puppet Seal Technique, Sweet Kiss.
  A: 2. Puppet Command Seal, Puppet Swarm Strike.
  Techniques available: 164.
  Mission Record:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kazuyoshi Senju, 67 years old in present time, is a veteran of war and a proud shinobi of Konohagakure. Though he was born into the Senju, he wasn't of the main clan, which meant he would be molded into a natural protector of those who were of pureblood within the Senju. As a child, Kazuyoshi struggled with Ninjutsu which led to difficulties in making friends both at the academy he attended as well as his own clansmen. This often left him as the target of many others cruel judgments and as a result Kazuyoshi kept to himself. Oftentimes, he would be caught by his mother, widowed by her husband and left to raise her son after times of war, drawing faces on non-living objects or even attempting to speak with creatures.   His mother encouraged him to put his creative skills to further use, which pressed him to further study the skill of arts outside of ninjutsu. As such, eventually he'd come across knowledge of puppetry and the craftsmanship behind it. Though it took many attempts and much practice, as well as having little material to work with, eventually Kazuyoshi managed to make a half-decent puppet, which he'd proudly modeled after a large bird. She adored the creation, though it didn't quite resemble the creature's true visage.   Through further study and practice, eventually Kazuyoshi became skilled not only with puppet creation, but controlling them as well, using his own chakra as threads to move his puppets about at will. Though he loved his newfound skills and hobby, Kazuyoshi truly worked hard on every creation to bring his mother great joy, even as others continued to cast him out. It was said that Kazuyoshi became strangely attached to his puppets, and had even been overheard speaking to them as though they were living people and good friends from time to time.   Time went on, and Kazuyoshi’s skill only continued to expand and further improve. Although his skill was acknowledged by many, still he was pushed away from peers and clanspeople alike, leaving him to confide only in his creations and mother. Eventually, Kazuyoshi was assigned to a team, surpassing his teammates’ skill in combat with a near perilous combination of puppetry and ninjutsu. He quickly became infamous amongst his clan and peers, though his team had grown to feel a sort of admiration for him.   During one mission in particular, Kazuyoshi’s team had faced an enemy of great skill, however, with the team’s combined capabilities, they almost ended the man’s life. Bitter at the taste of defeat and shamed at the pity of being allowed to live, the man falsely retreated, only to tail after Kazuyoshi and his comrades all the way back to Konoha. It was there that the young shinobi was continually tracked directly back to his home, where he’d greet his mother as he stepped inside. However, the only welcoming back that Kazuyoshi would receive was the sight of his mother’s body slumped over as a kunai was driven into her stomach. Somehow, before he’d even managed to get into the house himself, the man whom he’d fought hours before, managed to infiltrate his home before Kazuyoshi could return, and targeted his mother upon realizing that another had lived with the young shinobi. Before he could react, the man retreated, quickly disappearing into the night and leaving Kazuyoshi to take in what had just unfolded before himself.   Kazuyoshi felt the world still in the following moments as the familiar red of blood began to spread across his mother’s cloth. She fell to her knees, reaching out one hand to her beloved son who could only stand and watch, overcome with a deep and paralyzing sense of dread. As she lay there, the light fading from her eyes, only one word escaped her lips: “Ka..zu..yoshi..”   Nobody knows the full story of what happened after this, other than the fact that Kazuyoshi was now orphaned, having lost the one person who always believed in him. A service was soon held after for Kazuyoshi’s mother, though it was said that he hadn’t attended the service himself. In the months that followed, Kazuyoshi became withdrawn once more, spending time “studying things of importance” as he called it.   Eventually, Kazuyoshi would return to his team, and unveiled a new array of skills with medical jutsu and knowledge, using it in combination with his puppetry. “Now, I can protect those important from me..” He said to his comrades with confidence.     Time went on, years passing, and the village came to forget of the strange and saddening death of Kazuyoshi’s mother after coming to earn the respect of others with his newfound skills and capabilities. How particular it was for a puppet user to focus on something like medicine. This would come to prove as even further useful as eventually, Kazuyoshi entered war with his comrades, clansmen, and fellow villagers of Konohagakure. It was said that during this particular battle, Kazuyoshi sadly lost his teammates, leaving him to resort to something that was regarded as a dark and inhuman ability and creation. Kozayashi won, but he did not go unscathed as, in the last moments of battle, one of the enemies gained a vantage point and had managed to slash the shinobi across the throat, permanently damaging his vocal cords. Though the act is not publicized or shared to anyone outside of the Five Sannin themselves, it was said to be enough to earn him the title Sannin. Although he can no longer speak, Kazuyoshi will voice his thoughts by using a special kind of ventriloquism jutsu, relying on the voice of his creations to speak for him.

Gender Identity


Mental Trauma

Kazuyoshi lost his father as a toddler to one of many wars.   Kazuyoshi was cast aside and bullied by clanspeople and peers.   Kazuyoshi lost his mother.   Kazuyoshi lost his friends.
Current Location
Current Residence
Brown, sharp
short, dark brown, well kept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale, scarred
Aligned Organization

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