Sai Toriyama

Sai Toriyama

Age: 20. Clan: Toriyama. XP: 4,000. Rank: D-5. Village: Kusagakure. Bounty: 1,000 ryo.   Chakra nature: Earth. Combat style: Crowd Control. Background: Trader. Saving throws: Cha, intelligence, wis. Skill Proficiencies: *chakra control, deception, Investigation, *insight, Perception, Persuasion, *sleight of hand, tracking. Ryo: 1,000.   Weapon proficiencies: Exotic. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 6d8. Chakra capacity: 68. Chakra die: 6d10. AC: 23 (17). Max HP: 49. Speed: 115ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.   Initiative: +5. Inspiration: ???. Factions: ???. Death Save DC: 10 +1 every time the user falls to 0hp and begins to make death saving throws.   Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Light Armor, +3 AC, resists piercing. Body: (D) Light Armor, +3 AC, resists force. Left arm: ??? Right arm: (D) Battle chains, +20ft reach, +10, 1d6+15, force, DC 14 grapple. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 13, +2.   Grapple: +2.   Will: +2.   Dexterity: 17, +4.   Sleight of hand: +8.   Stealth: +4.   Wisdom: 15, +3. +5 saves.   Animal handling: +3.   Chakra Control: +7.   Insight: +7.   Perception: +5.   Sensory: +3.   Survival: +3.   Intelligence: 16, +3, +5 saves.   Crafting: +3.   History: +3.   Investigation: +5.   Medicine: +3.   Religion: +3.   Tracking: +5.   Charisma: 18, +4, +6.   Deception: +6.   Diplomacy: +4.   Intimidation: +4.   Performance: +4.   Persuasion: +6.   Seduction: +4.   Combat abilities: 20.   Animal combat: 6. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 6. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 6. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Sexjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 2.   Main actions: 1. Minor actions: 1. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 1.   Feats: 2.   Mobile: Your speed increases by 25 feet. Difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement. You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when moving past targets.   Dynamic Duo: If the user with this feat is within 10ft of an allied character, they get +5 to any attacks or techniques they use. While two characters with this feat are next to each other, they gain a +5 to any saves they make for the duration.   You have a bond with an animal of your choice, this animal fights alongside you and is not just a pet but also an extension of yourself, this animal companion will level and grow alongside you, following the usual level up guide. This animal gets its own turn in combat but acts on your initiative.   If your animal companion is within 10ft of you or an enemy you wish to attack gain +2 to your attack roll.   Your animal companions can use techniques from their own chakra pool.   You can control a number of pets equal to your proficiency modifier.   Your senses have grown significantly stronger making you an excellent tracker, gain proficiency in survival, and all tracking checks are made with advantage if you have an item from the target, have met the target before or are in any other manner familiar enough with its scent/presence or any other sensing ability.   Genjutsu cast on an unaware opponent gains +2 to its save DC.   Gain +2 to breaking out of genjutsu you know.   You can target one extra person within range with each targeted genjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls       Techniques known: 30.   E: 18, Agonizing Thorn Technique, Beast fury strikes, Body Flicker Technique, Deceptive Cat Scratch, Deceptive cooperation genjutsu, Dizzy Punch, Double Kick, Eye Scratch, False Clone Jutsu, Feather shot, Man beast clone, Mud Wall Jutsu, Pressure point strike, Sensual Gaze, Substitution Jutsu, 3 hit combo, Vicious Mockery, Voice Mimicry   D: 12, Afterimage Clone, Beast combo strike, Body echo, Crow Clone, Dance of the Dust Cloud, Dynamic marking, Feather needle flurry, Flower petal escape, Green Egg Bombs, Hazy Genjutsu, Stone Bullet Jutsu, Weighted Boulder Jutsu,   C:   B:   A:   S:   Techniques available: 0.   Mission Record:   E: 7.   D: 3.   C:   B:   A:   S:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When they were eight years old, Sai and their family first moved to the Grass Village. Though, it meant leaving their family and going to new lands, Sai and their brother, Mai, were excited together. They awed in admiration at the glorious ideals of living somewhere new, and for some time the family lived in peace and happiness. Two years after settling down within the village, Sai's mother fell ill. After struggling for many months to take care of her health and pay off much medical debt, Sai's father took out a large loan. It meant his wife got the medical treatment she needed, and the family remained debt free, however, the boy's dad was to remain in service. It wasn't long after this had occured that Sai and Mai found both of their parents horrifically injured. Due to the severity of the injuries, the couple passed away shortly after their discovery. It would be at their parent's funeral, that the boys would hear shady figures speaking. As they listened in, they were able to discern some of what was said, which ultimately revealed who had targeted their parents in the first place and caused their untimely demise. At this, the two boys swore revenge and have since then been working towards that single goal together.

Gender Identity







Shinobi of Kusagakure

Accomplishments & Achievements

Has successfully convinced 25% of the Kusagakure population that they are in a incestual, homosexual relationship with their sibling.   Has successfully mastered the art of speaking in unison.   Once made an old man laugh so hard he defacated himself.   Graduated the academy on their second exam.

Failures & Embarrassments

They failed their first graduation exam.   Fainted on their first mission.

Mental Trauma

The discovery of their parents bodies as they were passing away after being assaulted by an attacker.


Killing Innocents, Incest.

Personality Characteristics


Their sibling, Mai Toriyama.   Wanting to avenge their parents.   Wanting to confuse and mess with as many people as possible.   Wanting to be a great cook some day.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Sweets,   Dislikes: Spicy foods,


Mai Toriyama

Twin (Vital)

Towards Sai Toriyama



Sai Toriyama

Twin (Vital)

Towards Mai Toriyama




When they were eight years old, Sai and their family first moved to the Grass Village. Though, it meant leaving their family and going to new lands, Sai and their brother, Mai, were excited together. They awed in admiration at the glorious ideals of living somewhere new, and for some time the family lived in peace and happiness. Two years after settling down within the village, Sai's mother fell ill. After struggling for many months to take care of her health and pay off much medical debt, Sai's father took out a large loan. It meant his wife got the medical treatment she needed, and the family remained debt free, however, the boy's dad was to remain in service. It wasn't long after this had occured that Sai and Mai found both of their parents horrifically injured. Due to the severity of the injuries, the couple passed away shortly after their discovery. It would be at their parent's funeral, that the boys would hear shady figures speaking. As they listened in, they were able to discern some of what was said, which ultimately revealed who had targeted their parents in the first place and caused their untimely demise. At this, the two boys swore revenge and have since then been working towards that single goal together.

Relationship Reasoning


Commonalities & Shared Interests

Pulling Pranks, Creating discomfort in others.

Chaotic Lawful
Current Location
Date of Birth
3rd of May, 175 CE.
Mai Toriyama (Twin)
Current Residence
They/Them He/Him She/Her
Red Corneas, Orange Irises, Black pupils, Oval shaped, Slanted.
Green, long, straight.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light tan
175 lbs
Known Languages


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