Shiromaru Jugo

Age: 76. Clan: Jugo. XP: 800,000. Rank: A-2 Village: Kirigakure.   Personality: Quiet, brutal, speaks lightly of dark topics, serves because it gives her freedom to do as she pleases, is a better ally than an enemy.   Chakra nature: Spirit. Combat style: ???. Background: Famed ninja. Saving throws: pow, wis. Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Medicine, SurvivalChakra control, crafting, perception, Seduction, *Sensory, sleight of hand, Tracking, Religion, History, *willpower. Ryo: ???.   Weapon proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 24d12 Chakra capacity: 336. Chakra die: 24d6. AC: 16. Max HP: 432. Speed: 80ft. Proficiency bonus: +6   Initiative: +6. Inspiration: (10.) 0 Factions: The seven swordsman. Death Save DC: 18.   Equipment: ???. Head: ??? Body: ??? Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 16, +3.   Grapple: +3.   Endurance: 18, +4.   Willpower: +16.   Dexterity: 14, +2.   Sleight of hand: +2.   Stealth: +2.   Wisdom: 22, +6.   Animal handling: +5.   Chakra Control: +5.   Insight: +11.   Perception: +5.   Sensory: +5.   Survival: +11.   Intelligence: 15, +3.   Crafting: +3.   History: +9.   Investigation: +3.   Medicine: +8.   Religion: +9.   Tracking: +3.   Charisma: 12, +1.   Deception: +1.   Diplomacy: +1.   Intimidation: +1.   Performance: +1.   Persuasion: +1.   Seduction: +1.   Combat abilities: 56   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 10. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 25. Kinjutsu: 16. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 0. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 15. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main actions: 3. Minor actions: 2. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 2.   Feats: 5.   You can use scrolls as a minor action.   Gain advantage on all future chakra die rolls.   Seals you place can be camouflaged into items.   Seals placed on willing targets double their duration.   Barriers made by you can further their range by 1 level.   gain advantage on checking for traps and barriers.   Barriers and seals can now be imbued with other techniques to protect or amplify them.   Once per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a melee weapon.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   You can craft D rank weapons & equipment.   You have two uses per day on compelled duel, this can be used on two targets at once or one target at two separate times. While in a compelled duel you gain resistance to piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage from normal weapons.   Extra attack   Critical hits on melee attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   You can create C rank weapons & equipment.   You can wield a number of weapons equal to your proficiency modifier.   Extra action   If an opponent has the bleeding effect, gain advantage on damage rolls against them.   Boost your AC by 2 if you’re wielding a weapon.   You can craft B rank weapons & equipment.   You have 3 uses of compelled duels per day.   Opponents with the bleeding effect have their movement halved.   You take no movement or stealth penalties while in any kind of armor.   19’s on the dice now count as critical hits as well.   You can craft A rank weapons & equipment.   Melee weapons can now deal twice their normal damage die.   If you are hit by a melee weapon attack this turn adds +3 to your total weapon damage for each hit you take.   Gain proficiency in intelligence saving throws.   Can use scrolls as a minor action.   Unarmed strikes deal 1d8+str/dex + proficiency mod damage.   Targets that strike you with Melee attacks are dealt 1d4+willpower damage of your choice from Acid, Cold, Fire, force, Spiritual, Thunder, or Toxic.   If you expend an action you can gain advantage on your next technique.   Resistance to spiritual.   Gain advantage on hit die rolls.   Targets that strike you with Melee attacks are dealt 1d6+willpower damage of your previous choice.   If you expend an action you can impose disadvantage on the targets save.   If you inflict a status effect on a target you get advantage on all attacks you make against them.   You can harness nature energy by staying motionless, nature energy must be tracked separately and is a finite resource. You can match half your chakra capacity with nature energy.   When using a technique with your nature energy you overcome ignore resistance.   You can enter a Nature transformation in which you are boosted with high stats and have nature energy flowing through your body. In this state your any of your techniques ignore resistance, users get +2 on their intelligence saves and their AC is boosted by +2.   You can speak to animals.   While in a senjutsu enhanced state you can add +2 to your Power, Dexterity, and Endurance.   You can charge your chakra as a reaction.   When you hit 0hp you may use a reaction to enter your nature transformation.   While in your nature transformation you can exchange health and chakra and can only be defeated when both are at 0.   You can sense when one is lying as well as the emotions or feeling of living objects near you while in a nature transformation.   While in a senjutsu enhanced form you can deal an extra 2 damage die to any technique you perform or melee attack you make.   While in a senjutsu form your physical stats and and AC are increased by +5 rather than +2.   You can access an advanced nature transformation that gives the user advantage on saving throws for the duration, all chakra is transformed to nature energy, the user gains 1 personal benefit of their choice.   If the user charges chakra they recover both nature energy and regular chakra.   Techniques known: 70.   E: 18. Burning Embers Technique, Exploding Flame Formation, Fire Ball Jutsu, Body Flicker Technique, Chakra Seal, Confinement barrier, Detection Barrier, 1 sword style, 36 pound cannon, Battojutsu, 1 sword style, Lion's song, Dance Performance First Step, Covert Cut, Front Slice, Repulsion jutsu, Pain split technique, Rust spray, Danger Sense, Technique Enhancement.   D: 19. Cellular regeneration absorption, Debris Siphon Jutsu, Spirit Gun, Paralyzing chakra field, Spirit transformation jutsu, Rust shot, Chakra absorption seal, Cloth binding seal, Chakra Nature Seal, Jutsu Absorption, Regeneration seal, Sealing jutsu, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Dance Performance Second Step, Deception Slice, Flash Slash, Weighted boulder strike, Shikai.   C: 17. Piston Fist, Spirit Shotgun, Hollowfication, Spirit transformation possession, Barrier Release Technique, Chakra transfer seal, Chakra siphon seal, Sealing tag trap, 0 sword style, dragon twister, Afterglow Technique, Amputation Punishment, Brute Force, Kamehameha, Chakra Shockwave Slash, Crimson Earth, Dance Performance Third Step, Meat Tornado.   B: 8. Body recreation jutsu, Spirit Transformation Soul killing technique, Bankai, Blade Manipulation Jutsu, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, Dance Performance 4th Step, Tornado Blade Slice.   A: 5. 200 IQ, Assassination Technique, Crushing Decapitation, Dance Performance 5th Step, Existence Decapitation.   S: 3. Dance Performance Last Step, Early Summer, Heavenly Punishment.   Techniques available: 154.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Shiromaru Jugo's story is an unpleasant one. Her mother's family lived on a small temple on an island in the land of whirlpools. Her family's temple preached about spiritual fulfillment and how to use the spirit in battle. They were a peaceful people that had worshipped the sage and promoted attuning with the world around themself, something far too complicated for her barbarian father and his clansmen to comprehend. Unfortunately for the small island village they would find themselves assaulted with overwhelming strength and relentless power when facing the Jugo and would see their men killed and women taken prisoner, used to birth more Jugo clansmen. Shiromaru was one of these children.   When Shiromaru was born her mother had been killed, and his father was neglectful at best and abusive at worst. Shiromaru grew up learning that violence was the only way to schieve one's desires and at the age of 5 would slay another child for sealing one of her toys. Shiromaru recieved no formal education, held no paternal figure throughout her early life and who's survival could only be described as a miracle. Once she had killed another child the adults and teens began taking an interest in her, teaching her how to fight, how to use energy,   At the age of 10 Shiromaru had become the toughest child on the island, besting even some of the men in combat when tested. At this time she would begin teaching herself how to read, viewing the skill as useful for passing time and learning new abilities. Her primary reading material would be the scrolls and texts left in the temple speaking on spiritual matters and material on combining nature energy with the soul. This combination of abilities combined with Shiromaru's natural strength made her incredibly powerful from a young age.   At 15 she slayed her father to become the strongest warrior on he island, and upon killing him would consume his soul, along with the rest of those on the island at the time. Upon killing everyone she had ever known, Shiromaru set sail in a small rowboat and would travel across the ocean. When she encoutered ships of any variety, she would kill them and consume as many souls as she could.   At 17 she would reach the Nordic Isles and would begin getting in many battles against the various barbarians, vikings, warriors and creatures in the area. It would take long for her to earn a reputation for eating souls and many called her a demon for it. She typically killed them for such acts, but one day she would find a foe she could not best in combat, one of the nations Valkryies. No matter how often they clashed Shiromaru could not best her foe and found herself frustrated to no end. She would spend the next 3 years training and fighting against the valkyrie before being taken under the warriors' wing as a student.   At 20 years old and the student of a valkyrie Shiromaru was shown a side of the nordic isles that not many would get to see. She would be taught of the ways of the nordic people and their history, their stories and beliefs. She would enjoy this time, growing in strength and being taught more in refined battle. At 24 she would kill her valkyrie master and harvest the woman's soul, killing another fellow student as she left. She would spend the next 6 years traveling across the land, battling with man and monster alike until she left the nordic isles at 30.   She would travel within the Land of Iron for the next few years, butchering Samurai like cattle and feasting on their spirits before she would be nearly killed during a fight with 3 of the samurai chiefs when she was 34. She would awaken near a stranger from the hidden mist village, a woman who had healed her. The two found themselves in a strange posistion as neither one trusted the other. The woman carried a large blade covered in bandages that constantly siphoned her chakra, and Shiromaru found it curious. The weapon was as aliveas any creature and survived entirely off chakra. As the two grew to know each other better they would learn of each other's past and Shiromaru would be reccomended as a shinobi of the mist.   The two would return to the mist together and 2 years later at 36 Shiromaru would kill her latest master to beome the next holder of Samaheda. She has served faithfully to the village for the past 40 years, slaughtering and killing any who stood in the way of her travels and and desires. She has learned patience in her time since joining and become a very feared ninja even within the village.
Chaotic evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
pale pink eyes
mid length bright orange hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white skin
Aligned Organization


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