The seven Swordsmen

The seven swordsmen of the mist are an elite group of warriors each given special weapons by the first Mizukage Maeko Hozuki, crafted by the Huldra brothers from the nordic isles. Throughout the history of the swords each one has been passed down by killing the previous holders, though some have been imprisoned in their history and lost their blades as a result.   Sewing needle, Nuibari: A special, thin blade shaped like a sewing needle, with a near infinte length of steel string protruding from the hilt, used for piercing through multiple targets and tying them together or setting deadly traps. After Hikaru Ayako's death the blade would be held for years by her son despite their child not being considered an official swordsmen by the village.   Current Wielder: 7th geneneration Hanzo Rigeki (295-???) Previous wielders: 1st, Hikaru Ayako (year 1 - 18). 10 year gap while Kanuzen Ayako illegally holds the blade, and then 3 years for the Kirigakure to entrust the next holder. 2nd, ???. (Year 31- 61) 3rd, ??? (Year 61 - 101), 22 year gap. 4th, ???. (123-193) 35 year gap. 5th: ??? (228-280). 6th: Tonzo Rigeki. (280-295)   Samaheda: A living two handed great sword that is made to shred the skin with its shark-scale like blade. It constantly siphons chakra from the user, or any enemy it strikes. Its often kept covered in bandages to hide the scales for a quick sneak attack. Current Wielder: 6th generation Shiromaru Jugo (260-???) Previous wielders: 1st, Akane Hoshigaki (0-33). 2nd, ??? (-???) 3rd, ???, 4th, ???. 5th, ??? (???-260).   Executioner's Blade: A large greatsword made for executing multiple targets at once, if destroyed or broken the blade can repair itself using the blood of any it injures. Current Wielder: 6th generation Tenzemaro Taji (265-???). Previous wielders: 1st, Isobu Terumi (0-???). 2nd, ???. 3rd, ???, 4th, ???. 5th, ???.   Thunder Fangs: A set of two short swords that conduct, control and emit lightning, making it a perfect weapon for rapid, widespread attacks. Current Wielder: 6th generation, Rengetsu Hozuki Previous wielders: 1st, Zangetsu Hozuki. 2nd, ???. 3rd, ???, 4th, ???. 5th, ???. 6th, Rengetsu Hozuki, (292-300).   Shibuki: The bomb blast blade, this large, two handed sword is coated in a scroll of infintely repeating paper bombs allowing the weapon to detonate on each impact. Current Wielder: 6th generation, Rasa Genpaku (280-???) Previous wielders: 1st, Kano Kaguya. (0-???). 2nd, ???. 3rd, ???, 4th, ???. 5th, ???.   Helm-splitter: A set of dual great weapons linked by chains at the hilt, a massive great axe with a mallet to match, its said that it is impossible to block an attack from this weapon. Current Wielder: 6th generation, warden Hoto Denbe (269-???) Previous wielders: 1st, Hotaru Kenpachi (0-???). 2nd, ???. 3rd, ???, 4th, ???. 5th, ???.   Hiramekarei: A fish shaped sword that is built with chakra rods allowing targets to flow and form their chakra throughout the weapon however they like. It also holds the ability to seperate into two weapons of equal size to be dual-weld. Current Wielder: 6th generation, Yukio Hoshigaki (283-???) Previous wielders: 1st, Mato Jugo, (0-40). 2nd, ???. 3rd, ???, 4th, ???. 5th, ???.   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sewing Needle, Nuibari Holders   1st holder   Hikaru Ayako:
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Hikaru Ayako was a well renown warrior that had told her clan not to fight Maeko, was exiled and ignored, and then pledged herself to Maeoko after her clan was conquered. She was 28 when she was given the Sewing Needle by Maeko in year 0 as part of the first generation of the 7 swordsmen, she was known for being close with Akane Hoshigaki, Mato Jugo and Kano Kaguya in particular as she found them easy to work with. She would lead the third ship to set sail to the mainland with Maeko's brother Zachi Hozuki in year 10 and would provide intelligence and recon for the village while acting very hostile to enemies and allies alike.   In her career during Kirigakure's conquest in the mainland she would fight alongside Kano Kaguya closely at The battle at Kirasashi Bridge, 05-27-10, 2E, resulting in the creation of Kirasashi Crater in her first major battle where she would successfully defeat the opposing 30 Namikaze. On 06-15-10, 2E, Hikaru conquered Chigoya Temple by facing a team of 100 shinobi from the Lee, Aburame and Kishida clans where she would take 50 prisoner and another 50 were considered injured or killed. With the temple taken she would leave control of the building to Maeko's brother Zachi Hozuki. It was known that she fought Zangetsu Hozuki to a standstill following Zachi Hozuki's death in a battle many claimed she could never win, her survival was considered surprising, him being unable to kill her seemed to be a sign of great strength and admiration from those who doubted her strength.   She would feud with the Kageo clan in her mission to conquer Bear Mountain, she would find herself outnumbered and her enemies stronger than she could handle in such high numbers that she would be unable to accomplish her goal on her own and it was only by fighting alongside Isobu Terumi to capture Kirigakure's first major landmark on the main land, on 12-12-10, 2E, that she would succeed in her mission. Hikaru was also present in the fight against the Kazetana clan in the battle of Kureza Forest, 12-31-10, 2E, though she was seriously injured in the aftermath it was reported that her abilities and assistance in the fight was vital in the early stages of the fight.   She would also be responsible for the initial capture of Hiruzen Toyatoru and would be discovered to be pregnant just after his escape. She would give birth to her first son, Kanuzen Ayako on 12-10-11, 2E, after a failed assassination attempt by the Shimura clan was stopped by Kano Kaguya. Shortly after returning to active duty in the field she would be attacked by the Yamanaka clan and would manage to evade capture though she was severly poisoned. Between pregnancy, assassination attempts, childbirth and then her poisoning Hikaru's body had taken quite a toll and many wondered if she could remain a swordsmen and began questioning her strength. There would even be attepts on her life while hospitalized from her poisoning and she'd have to fight for her life once again, killing a young hot blooded shinobi and hanging his corpse, and any others who challenged her, around her home using the sewing needles near infinite string. When recovered from her injuries she would join the battle to free Kano Kaguya from capture alongside Koharu Kenpachi and Akane Hoshigaki, though he would be freed Kano would lose his right arm and would grow a skeletal arm in its place. Hikaru would face great adversity in this battle but felt that her life was the least she could offer when Kano had been kidnapped, he had saved her life and now she could save his, and her success was proof not only of her strength and capabilities in battle but also her resolve to her teammates and comrades.   For tor the next 7 years Hikaru would train the recruits for her assassins and the stealth squad and lead them into battle. They were best known for their deception, ambush tactics, traps and sneaking into enemy villages to quickly take them over. Her troops would be the basis for which the anbu black ops would be built around in the other nations moving forward.   Hikaru is killed in year 18 when her son Kanuzen Ayako, 7 years old at the time, is taken prisoner in battle and she is made to kill herself to spare the child, who is then taken by the kidnapper along with the sewing needle. Kanuzen is then trained by the kidnapper to despise mist ninja and slay them with their mother's stolen weapon. It would take him nearly 10 years to break the control of his kidnapper and finally slay the evil doer before he would have the sewing needle returned to the nation with a note explaining that they were not in control of their actions and are unworthy of the blade, they wished to return it and seek redemption in the nearest temple where they will abandon all desire to fight along with his earthly holdings.   It was at this time that the sewing needle would be given to its next proper holder who was chosen by Kirigakure's top officials who were looking for a loyal shinobi who would not be weaponized against the village like the previous holder had been.
--------------------------------------   2nd Sewing Needle Holder
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  A high level thief who was raised during Mako's conquest in the land of water, as a teen they led a band of youngsters looking to prove themselves, over time he became one of the most well connected members of Kirigakure's black market. As Kirigakure began enforcing more lows and Hikaru Ayako's work building the intelligence network and foundation for the anbu black ops became problematic, the thief would manage to stay one step ahead of his troublesome competition and keep most of his contacts and jobs out of the village's information network. When Hikaru's death was discovered the thief would rejoice and use the opprotunity to expand his operation.   Years later the sewing needle would be reclaimed by Kirigakure and the village would have to decide on the next one to wield the blade. The thief would catch word that the war artifact would be given to a prodigal young ninja that many of the nobles seemed to embrace as a loyal shinobi who would follow their orders. Thief steals the sewing needle from its holding place, both cementing himself as being one of Kirigakure's greatest thieves and ensuring he took control of the information network in Kirigakure. When confronted about his theft a challenge would be held between the thief and the prodigal child and combat would determine who kept the blade, despite the village nobles stacking the deck against the thief, he would prevail and do so while sparing the teen's life.   Because of this the teen would spend over 2 decades tracking and hunting down the thief, challenging them at every turn only to be taunted at each turn for not being stealthy enough, being too loud, too direct, too slow, not blood thirsty enough. At every chance the teen would find themselves feeling too weak, too inneffective until the day came they were no longer a teen but a full grown man past the prime of their youth, and finally the thief was dead and the man had achieved his goal of becoming an incredible assassin and a powerful shinobi of his own. The second holder gained his sword in the year 31, and held Nuibari for nearly 30 years until the year 61.  
  -----------------------------------------------------------------   3rd Nuibari Wielder:
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  Meant to be the 2nd wielder of Nuibari when the blade was first reclaimed by Kirigakure following Hikaru Ayako, the first wielder's death, they had been chosen as the rightful holder of the blade and had been personally trained through Hikaru's tracker program and was a prodigal ninja who felt indebted to Kirigakure for saving his life when he was a child. Following Nuibaru's theft they would dedicate their life to hunting down the thief who robbed them of their destiny and executing them.   This would inevitably lead to failure, as their enemy had them bested in every possible way: age, wisdom, experience, strength, speed and ability, all were in favor of the thief. Despite this, ??? would fight, adapt, and grow from each failed attempt on the thief's life and they would make a career and a legacy of becoming one of the most lethal and opprotunistic ninja in the village. Though many in the village knew of the grudge and hatred between the two, there was speculation that there was more than meets the eye as well. The thief was known to taunt ??? about their skills, their lack of knowledge, they were known to provoke ??? into growing and molding themselves into an incredibly effective shinobi. It was known that the Thief often spoke highly of his enemies and ??? was no different, though in combat he would mock and taunt his enemies, he would also boast about his enemies strength when battle was over.   When ??? finally managed to slay the thief, they were already 45 years old and had spent 30 years chasing the thief and his destiny and for all that time he had hated the thief for robbing them of their destiny, but in their dying moments the thief had revealed their intentions. The thief had been ambitious and craved the title of seven swordsman, craved the power behind it and knew that the power the sword held was too great of a thing for such a young shinobi to have, knowing that they were only a pawn that the village elders had thought would be easy to control and manipulate. He knew that ??? would likely never stop hunting him, but spent more time working as one of the swordsmen the more he was certain that his hunter must be ready for the destiny that was given to them. It was tough to keep himself in shape to fend off one of the greatest assassins in Kirigakure but it was necessary to ensure that the next holder of the blade was one who was worthy to hold it.   This would lead to great internal conflict within ??? and though they were proud to have accomplished their goal and thrilled at finally reaching their destiny they felt a great deal of grief for the teacher they never realized they had and going forward they knew that they would have to uphold their teachers beliefs. From that point forward ??? would no longer be the angry vengeful man that people of the mist had come to know him as and would lead those willing to work under him into a more honorable way of performing duties, choosing to limit casualities and focus the tracking units and anbu into chasing down those most worthy of death and criminals rather than political enemies and personal grudges. He would also often be seen instructing the youth and finally settling down to start having children, even if it was a bit later than most.   ??? was known for having a long reign of 40 years as a seven swordsmen, and is regarded as one of the most honorable shinobi of their time and are credited for regulating the anbu black ops of kirigakure when it was in a time of chaos and seemed to work more as assassins for political figures than what it was intended to be. Unfortunately, despite their greatest efforts ??? was never able to find the proper inheritor of the blade and would refuse to release the blade until a proper shinobi would show themself. Many in Kirigakure would attempt to gain his approval, including several formers students and recognized jonin, but for various reasons each would be dismissed as being unworthy of holding the blade and those who could not accept their rejection were swiftly put in their graves.   When ??? found himself 70 years old and growing less confident in finding the next worthy holder themself, they chose to set a test and disappeared leaving a code to be deciphered which would reveal the location of the sewing needle. Of course this was only the first step. The code that was left was complex and used an unusual cipher which when read normally or mistranslated would give various red herrings leading people to doubt its credibilty. When properly deciphered would reveal the location of a cave on a small island just off the coast of the mainland and within that cave was a hidden dungeon filled with traps, monsters and deadly trials that would give even the greatest shinobi difficulty and at the end, next to the sewing needle they would find the body of ??? with a note congratulating them for passing his trials and hoping that they would wield the blade honorably. Born in year 16, was meant to gain the blade in year 31 when they were 15, gained the weapon in year 61 when they were 45, held the blade for 40 years until year 101 when they were 85, and it wouldn't be found for another 22 years in the year 123.  
  -----------------------------------   4th Wielder:
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    Raised by Mother Mika as a masterful assassin and manipulator ??? possessed the rare blood style and a great natural talent for the skills of manipulation. They were trained to be a tool and they were one of great strength. They were known for possessing people through their blood and turning people or corpses into thralls that did whatever was desired and it was rumored they couldn't be killed no matter the injury. ??? was on a mission for mother mika, they were to hunt down a rogue who had stolen resources and was a known treasure hunter. It had been somewhat difficult to find them, but having been given a blood sample due to Mika's connections with Kirigakure's hospitals, finding their location proved to be no major obstacle. When ??? found them on the island it was clear who the stronger of the two was and after the treasure hunter's death in the cave, ??? would choose to take the trial as an extension of their mission, knowing that such a thing would please Mother Mika.   Over the course of 74 hours 396 traps would be triggered resulting in enough injuries and wounds to kill an entire town's population, but not enough to kill ???. Due to their great recovery abilities, immortality and their supposed ability to siphon life force from their enemies, killing ??? was a near impossible task and even the traps that had killed over 100 shinobi before ??? were not enough to do the job. Mother Mika recognized the great ability that was displayed and knew the advantages of having one of her shinobi hold the Sewing Needle, and she would administer ??? officially in the posistion. They would be known for their many acts of evil and violence, their mystic arts and the many myths behind them. Even today, deciphering fact from fiction about ??? is difficult despite them having one of the longest reigns at 70 years.   Reigning from year 118 to 188, ??? was known to be a master of manipulation and assassination, they were regarded as a mystic and being from nightmares, there were many who claimed them glorious, and many more who thought of them as an evil demon. Its known now that ??? was a practioner of jashinism, though it seems to be a variation from modern jashinism, and it is believed that they used many of the forbidden arts taught by the cult. Their reign ended around the year 188 when they were engaged in battle by a traveling monk who claimed to come from the village hidden by the sage. They claimed that ??? was an insult to everything the sage represented and that when confronted there was no option but to dispatch the swordsmen, though the monk refused to use a weapon, especially one from their enemy. The weapon was sent to Kirigakure, though ???'s body was never found and its rumored their soul was trapped somewhere.  
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Between the official 4th & 5th recognized wielder of Nuibari there was a 35 year gap, though this comes from a large amount of terrible luck and deaths. These events will be detailed below.  
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  After the death of the 4th holder of the blade, Nuibari would be sent back to Kirigakure on a ship, unfortunately this ship would be attacked on its journey and Nuibari would be taken by a pirate lord who would hold the sword for 3 years while evading capture from Kirigakure before they would get captured by a squadron of shinobi from ???. Upon the pirate lord's arrest Nuibari would be held in a secure facility for 4 years before it would be taken by an escaping convict during a prison riot. This criminal from ??? held onto the blade for 2 years before they were arrested again and the blade was taken into custody by ???. Throughout each of these time periods Kirigakure would send several assassins after the holders and make several attempts to request the blade back diplomatically to no avail. This would continue for the next 26 years.   While the weapon was in ??? custody, a shinobi from the village took up the blade, using it to mock the 7 swordsmen and held it for 3 years before the blade was taken from them by a kiri ninja. On the way back to Kirigakure the shinobi would fall ill, and would be dead by the time his ship reached his homeland. During the hero's funeral it would be revealed that the sewing needle had been taken up by one of the hero's students and the others would begin fighting over it. In the end both students would perish and the sewing needle would be taken into custody by Kirigakure. While it was in custody of the village it would be given to a shinobi of great renown and power who would hold it for 2 years before they were discovered to have been placed under the control of one of the nobles and when both were executed for treason the sewing needle was taken by a rogue from the village who disagreed with the decision.   The rogue would hold the blade for 5 years before they were killed in combat and the blade was taken by a ??? shinobi for 3 years before that shinobi was captured and the ??? kept the blade locked up for 6 years. It would be freed when a thief was contracted to retrieve the weapon and sold to a criminal who kept it for 4 years before they were robbed of the weapon by a different thief who kept it for 3 years before being killed for the blade by a squad of Kirigakure shinobi. This final event would mark the recapture and stabilization of the sewing needle in Kirigakure and would lead to the 5th wielder's assignment.  
  5th wielder:
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  It was the year 228 when ??? was chosen by Kirigakure officials as a reliable, loyal shinobi of the village and one of the top assassins in the land at the time, ??? was a natural selection for the sewing needle. They were cold, calculating, a master of stealth and well versed in a variety of abilities, these were all great qualities for a member of the swordsmen, but it was their loyalty to the village that had gotten them selected for the role. ??? Ikiryo was a prodigal ninja known for being able to take down any target regardless of defenses, skill or number of enemies. This was in part due to their connection with the spirit world, using their rare soul based abilities they would often restore themselves to the prime of their body and heal injuries by siphoning life force from enemies. Their primary ability however was even more frightening in nature, they possessed the ability to bring spirits into the physical world and control the spirits of the deceased similar to how a beast combatant could control their pet. Any deceased person could be contacted, and for short periods ??? could give their spirits physical form but it was reportedly very difficult to control new spirits, and so they often stuck primarily with ancestors or deceased allies that were trusted.   ??? would only be 22 when they were given the sewing needle and would be quick to prove their posistion within the swordsmen was not based off just rumor, reputation or favor with elders but also one they earned, and desrved with their strength. The first ones to attempt to take their life would be put on display, hanging in the village as their corpses eternally cried out in pain from the suffering ???'s techniques put them through in the afterlife. As the new head of Kirigakure's spy network and anbu black ops ??? would be known as a strict but effective leader, many of the mysteries, crimes and wrongful deaths in the village would be discovered and exposed during this period to show the strength and loyalty ??? had for their village and their posistion in the swordsmen.   They would hold Nuibari for 62 years, though they would seemingly never age a day. Their reign would come to an end in the year 280 when Tonzo Rigeki managed to execute them during a plot contrived by many of the nobles and a force of rebels throughout Kirigakure that were plotting a revolution.  
    ----------------------------------   6th wielder:
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  Tonzo Rigeki gained the Nuibari in the year 280 following a successful mission where they were promoted for their actions in the assassination of enemies of the village, traitorous ninja and would be rebel leaders that were planning to overthrow the Mizukage's reign. Tonzo would be one of the shinobi tasked with eliminating the traitorous 5th wielder of Nuibari, and while one this mission he would work alongside Himitsu Kenpachi for the last time.   While wielding the blade he would be known for his honorable traits and his battle prowess, he was a capable leader and brilliant tactician who was able to focus most of his attention on improving the standards of shinobi, mission succes rate and a great increase in prisoners being taken for Kirigakure.   At this time he would also father 2 children, including the 7th wielder of Nuibari. Though Tonzo Rigeki has one of the shortest reigns as an official 7 swordsmen, many consider his reign one of the best in modern history as he was very well liked by his peers and served to inspire the lower ranking clans in the village. Unfortunately in year 295 Tonzo Rigeki would be slain in his home by his own young, teenage daughter, who would in turn be killed by Tonzo's younger child and 1st son, 7th holder of Nuibari, Hanzo Rigeki.  
    7th Wielder, current Holder: Hanzo Rigeki.  
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  Hanzo Rigeki earned the blade in the year 295 when his father, 6th wielder Tonzo Rigeki was killed by Hanzo's elder sister Hiyori Rigeki, and Hanzo killed her in turn. He was the youngest official 7 swordsmen in Kirigakure's history and has overall been viewed as a runt playing at being a warrior, but every assassination attempt on him has failed, and every mission he went on he completed. He has served as a loyal member of Kirigakure's army for most of his short tenure as a shinobi before he was unlawfully taken by the Shinobi united forces in the year 300, and is currently being viewed as a rogue ninja in Kirigakure and expected to be executed upon capture or killed on sight for his cooperation in staging a jailbreak, comitting a terrorist attack, treason, and the murder of Rengetsu Hozuki. Rengetsu was a shinobi of the mist, fellow 7 swordsmen, Hanzo's own mentor within the 7 swordsmen, and a trusted ally and nearly a friend, and in part due to Hanzo she was murdered in front of her daughter's squad and her blades, the thunder fangs, were robbed from Kirigakure and taken by Sabishi Uchiha, on Shinobi United's team 1, and the very shinobi suspected of placing Hanzo under the SU force's control.    
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   SAMAHEDA     1st Samaheda wielder: Akane Hoshigaki:
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Akane's father was the first great battle Maeko faced in his quest to conquer the Land of water. In a fair duel Akane's father faced Maeko, if either side would lose their clan would submit to the other's peacefully, if Akane's father rejected the duel the Hozuki clan promised the kill as much of the clan as they could. The battle would happen and the Hoshigaki clan would follow their head's orders. Akane was 15 at the time and was kept as one of Maeko's few students as he considered her father a worthy rival, he would ensure she was trained to be as strong as she could be. Throughout many of the battle Maeko and his men would face, Akane would be forced to fight alongside them, quickly earning her reputation for strength and battle knowledge.   Akane was only 17 when she was first gifted Samaheda, the shark skin sword for the eldest daughter of the former head of the Hoshigaki clan who were known for their shark-like features and attachments. She had long since accepted her roll as being one of Maeko's trusted allies and felt fierce loyalty towards the man. As one of his 7 swordsmen she would serve him within the village and outside of it. Though she felt more rational and emotional towards people, seeing them as the beings that they were rather than the soldiers Maeko saw them as, she would act on his orders without question and was one of the few people who could advise him, and appeal for others safely. She was entrusted with looking after the village's safety and attending to the citizens of the land, though she was limited in her ability to help her village by the very nature of the people at the time. Many of them were barbaric and valued strength above all else, and though she was a powerful woman of high ranking and could easily resolve most issues she would often be forced to use her strength to quell issues and kill those who were too barbaric for society.   She was entrusted with founding the first village when Kirigakure found a path to the main continent of the world and considered it her greatest accomplishment. Though she was only 26 when she founded the village she would defend it fiercely as she battled the constant opposing forces. She would face numerous powerful enemies and tough battles, even nearly losing her life on occasion but she felt it was neccesary to fight and survive to protect the village, and knew her death would be seen as a pillar of Kirigakure crumbling.   In the Sarugaki battle 0f 05-09-10, 2E, she would face 20 A class shinobi from the Sarutobi clan by herself and would somehow survive the battle, giving praise to the clan and talking of their abilities and strategy in battle. She served as the local advisor for strategy in battle at this time among Kirigakure's land on the main continent and would advise both Mato Jugo and Zangetsu Hozuki on their successful battles in early conquest. Following Zachi Hozuki, Maeko's brother being killed in battle Akane would be sent out with Kano Kaguya, one of her fellow swordsmen to dispatch as many enemies as they could when they were caught by a group of rebels and survivors from previous battles. Over 100 shinobi strong against the two swordsmen, they would compete to see who could kill more enemies and Kano would win by 4, in a 52-48 split.   On 27-09-10, 2E: Akane would battle Yoza Aburame who used a type of beetle the exuded hallucigenic toxins. She would succeed in battle but was reportedly very strained and needed great rest after the battle. To end off the year only 3 months later, Akane and all of her fellow swordsmen would be forced to fight in the battle of Kureza Forest against the Kazetana clan and the battle would be one of great difficulty with many deaths on both sides, Akane would even be knocked unconscious during the battle. While Akane was healing after this battle her precious Hozugaki village would be burnt to the ground, 75 of her men would be killed and the remaining 50 that were stationed in the town were taken prisoner.   4 months later, on 08-04-11, 2E, after spending much of her time recovering, rebuilding and training many of the new troops Akane would be forced to interfere in a fight between Koharu Kenpachi and Zangetsu Hozuki, Mato Jugo would aid her in this endeavor. Only 2 months later, on 24-06-11, 2E, she would be sent to claim Kusegawa Village where she would face 120 shinobi of the Kusuke and Zogawa clans. Though they claim that defeating the clan was no simple task and that the clans were both too strong to be overlooked.   Following this it would be discovered that fellow swordswoman Hikaru Ayako was pregnant and Akane would help act as her aid, ensuring she was properly taken care of while also defending Kusegawa Village from any attacks. She wouldn't be involved in another battle for 6 months when, on 30-12-11, 2E she was sent to destroy the Yamanaka clan, though instead she found an empty village full of traps. It wouldn't be long afer this she would get a chance to fight in a large battle, on 16-01-12, 2E, she would join the battle against the alliance of over 200 Nara, Akimichi, Yamanaka, Shima and Namikaze   The war on the mainland would end in the year 25 when Maeko himself suffered a loss in battle, and with lowered morale, organized enemies and low troop numbers Kirigakure would be forced to flee and return to the land of water where Akane would become particularly aware of the nation's growing population. Due to the amount of people that were now in the village and their growing population as well as consumption of material the land would likely be rendered worthless by overpopulation if many forces were not sent out. Akane would present this information to Maeko and it would be determined that the village would send most of its warriors outside of the village, constantly searching for land to claim and materials to take, these warriors would be trained throughout the village during their youth and only the strongest of the rookies would be allowed to graduate to becoming true warriors, this would begin the blood mist exams while also curving the overpopulation issue while also producing a powerful military and bringing in new resources.   During the next few years she would be well known for guiding shinobi, leading dangerous shinobi and loyaly serving Maeko and Kirigakure as a stable force in the village while guiding shinobi to available islands to try to help them manage their own populations outside of the village. She was killed in battle against the 9 tails and its chosen guardians of Yukigakure in the year 33 when she was 50. Reports state that she sacrificed herself in battle to protect her troops and that she was swallowed by the 9 tails, her left arm and Samaheda being held by Yukigakure for 12 years.    
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   2nd Samaheda wielder:
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  It took 12 years for Kirigakure to recover Samaheda but they were quick to assign a new shinobi to wield the blade. The second holder of the weapon was a powerful shinobi who's abilities seemed compatible with the blade. ??? held the ability to absorb chakra from others and was known for being a very unlikeable person with great strength. Upon being assigned as Samaheda's new owner they would take on responsibility as an envoy and diplomat from Kirigakure, with the intention of provoking their nation into war. They would take what they wanted, lash at out nobles, shinobi and diplomats alike and would be disliked by most of the world.   ??? would be sent from Kirigakure to each of the various nations, made to travel around the world and report back anyting of use, but while he was doing this his under lying goal would be for both him and samaheda to siphon as much powerful chakra from strong shinobi as possible and execute anyone who got in their way. ??? would hold Samaheda for 40 years before they would be driven mad by their own lust and desire for powerful chakra and were ultimately executed while outside of Kirigakure borders. Their reign in the swordsmen lasted from the year 45 to the year 85.   To this day ??? serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder of the dangers of chakra absorption and allowing others access to your own chakra. Due to the nature of their death and the danger posed by samaheda absorbing such powerful chakra from so many being it was decided that the sword would be hidden away and sealed behind a powerful barrier and guarded by veteran shinobi in ???. This would keep the sword out of Kirigakure's clutches for 38 years, it wouldn't be until the year 123 that Samaheda was recovered by Kirigakure and the official 3rd holder would be declared.  
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   3rd Samaheda wielder:
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  After 38 years of being held by enemies and foreign nations, samaheda's 3rd master needed to be a stable force that could hold onto the blade for years. They needed to inspire fear in enemies and loyalty and morale in Kirigakure's forces. They had trained within temples throughout the land of mountains and were known for their intense capabilities in battle. Though they were given the title of seven swordsman, they had no kenjutsu skills by nature, instead they were given the chance to correct the mistakes made by the 2nd holder of the blade. They were known to travel in large groups and would reportedly use his abilities in fuinjutsu to have Samaheda absorb chakra from the shinobi traveling with them, taking a small amount from each person sothat the chakra consumption was mitigated. In combat this chakra could be released and distributed to ???'s allies.   ??? did not originate from Kirigakure but they were very loyal to them, when they were driven out of the land of mountains for practicing forbidden arts and studying chakra absorption, they knew they would need samaheda to further their research and they began to plot how to free it. Ultimately they would be the one to break samaheda from its bindings and would take the opprotunity to conspire with many criminals and enemies of Kirigakure, leading them to death or arrest while they made off with the legendary blade, essentially sacrificing Kirigakure's enemies while reclaiming their artifact and pledging loyalty to the nation.   It's known that ??? gained the blade in the year 123 and held it for 46 years before they were killed in the year 169 and the blade was taken by a shinobi from ??? for the next 3 years until the blade was lost in the sea for the next 8 years. It was eventually found on the beach of an island in the land of whirlpools where it was returned to Kirigakure in the year 180.  
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   4th Samaheda wielder:
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  Given the blade in roughly the year 180.  
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   5th Samaheda holder:
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  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th Samaheda holder:
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  Shiromaru Jugo first gained Samaheda in the year 260.  
  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   THUNDER FANGS   1st Thunder fang wielder: Zangetsu Hozuki:
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Zangetsu Hozuki was the youngest son of Maeko Hozuki at the time the thunder fangs were crafted. Though he was young he was a prodigy he was 14 when the blades were crafted and he was gifted them, he had 3 elder siblings including 2 brothers and a sister. Though there were some who claimed to be descended from Maeko there has been no other recognized children of the man at this time. It was important to Maeko that the youngest son be given the special weapons to advance his strength and to ensure that no member of his family would be viewed as less valuable or important. It was the duty of the eldest brother to lead the clan, the second brother to defend him and take the lead if the eldest should fall, his sister would be married off for power but Zangetsu, it was his duty to fight and train, to become a brutal killer like his father.   When Kirigakure was founded Zangetsu was made as the head of combat training and has been noted for taking the highest ranking missions possible and trying to fight the toughest enemies he could. He was prideful above all else and stubborn about proving his strength. Despite being the youngest of the swordsmen Zangetsu would ensure it was known that his strength was no lesser than the others and would often go out of his way to challenge the other swordsmen in various duels, though these would range from card games to deathmatches and supposedly only those who beat zangetsu in a challenge of any kind were worth his time. Many high ranking shinobi in the village were known to duel him in categories they thought he would unskilled in, only for him to either surprise those watching with his skill, or abuse the challenger after gaining their victory.   Zangetsu would spend the next 10 years as a swordsmen focusing on his time as a shinobi as well as taking great interst into the crafting of sea vessels and weapons. Due to his knowledge of the value of weapons Zangetsu would begin learning the skill of blacksmithing and would often spend his time learning from the Huldra brothers who crafted the 7 swords of the mist. He would often bicker with them for how they would taunt his work, but the three would have a positive relationship for masters and their apprentice. He would go on to encourage Maeko to supply the craftsmen with more money and resources when he would often tire of doing so, but this would usually end well for the village.   Zangetsu would be sent alongside Mato Jugo to the mainland after Kano, Hikaru and Akane faced resistence from the locals and Zangetsu was excited. His legion of battle hungry veteran warriors and prideful young warriors looking to prove themselves were among the strongest troops in Kirigakure's army. When he was called to the mainland he would immediatly engage in the battle of Hozenju village where his group would face 25 senju in a battle on 08-06-10, 2E, when Zangetsu was 24. This battle was said to be one of great difficulty as the senju they faced were very powerful shinobi and talented veterans of war, though Zangetsu would lead his troops to victory he spoke boldly of their great strength in ninjutsu.   During Maeko's conquest in the mainland Zangetsu was mostly known for his tenacity, he was incredibly powerful and vicious in ways none of the other swordsmen were. His men were brutal, looking to dish out as much violence and death as possible and each of them more stubborn and terrifying than the last. He would often find himself engaged in tough battles but him and his men would almost always surive their battles out of sheer force of will. They often claimed that they would never allow themselves to be killed by the unworthy or the inferior, beause of this many in the mist's army would feel as though Zangetsu and his warriors were immortal.   When Maeko was defeated and the seven swordsmen were forced to retreat, Zangetsu stayed behind along with Mato Jugo and Isobu Terumi to continue the fight against Taizo Uchiha and the fresh, united fores of Konohagakure. Isobu was killed in this battle and the executioner's blade was taken. Zangetsu would be incapacitated and taken prisoner as was Mato Jugo during this battle. Zangetsu would be imprisoned by the Uchiha and tortured physically as well as being under genjutsu for 3 years before making his escape in the year 28. Mato Jugo would prove vital in this escape, he had escaped capture and interrogation from the Hyuga, though it had been far from stealthy. The two would reclaim their weapons on the way out and would barely escape with their lives.   Zangetsu is 48 when Maeko passes away at year 34, Maeko was 75 years old. Zangetsu was in the prime of his strength while his father, despite his father being elderly Maeko was still very strong and there weren't many who could defeat him. His death would be a great blow to the nation and Zangetsu would despise the Land of Snow for being the one's behind his father's disappearance and death. He would reportedly become obsessed with the idea of slaughtering the Land of Snow and all of their shinobi.   Zangetsu Hozuki passes away when he is killed in battle by the one who would take up the blades as the second wielder. This battle would take place in the year 51 when Zangetsu was 65, 17 years after his father's death. He had 3 legitimate children at this time and 4 bastards throughout the years.  
  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   2nd Thunder Fang Wielder:
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  ??? First gained the thunder fangs by defeating Zangetsu Hozuki in battle in the year 51. This battle would be viewed as an honorable duel and though many were surprised or dismayed to see Zangetsu fall, many were encouraged by this capture of the blade.  
      HIRAMEKAREI     1st wielder: Mato Jugo:
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Mato Jugo was a ferocious warrior of great strength. The strongest fighter out of the entire Jugo clan, he was born a killer, grew to be monster and ended up as a demon of incomperable strength and resilience. No power could overcome his own and by the time of his death more people had been slain than history could ever remember.   Mato was 40 years old when he first fought against Maeko and battled against his forces. Though he was 5 years older than Maeko, he felt his power pushed to its limit in ways he had rarely felt before. There was instant respect between the two powerful warriors and Mato found himself enjoying Maeko's company and swore allegiance to him due to feeling like his inability to defeat Maeko was proof that they had lost the battle. They would become one of Maeko's most trusted allies and would greatly contribute to the upbringing and training of Akane Hoshigaki when given the chance, Mato was a father himself at the time and had a daughter who had been near Akane's age when she had been taken by one of the Kaguya years prior to the event, and had a son who was just a little younger than Akane.   Mato was given Hiramekarei when he was 41 and would find great humor in his blades. Fishing was a favorite hobby of his and the most natural method Mato had to relaxing, so for his weapons to be formed in the shape of fish brought him great joy, and though the man rarely smiled he would proudly wield the weapon and consindered it one of the most cherished items he had, not just as a tool of war but as a gift from a friend. He would also often be noted for informing the other swordsmen that they needed to hold their weapons more pridefully and use them respectfully, to treat them properly. This was often viewed as uncharacteristic for him but it was a disgrace to him to see others who were gifted such powerful items complain about them or not take proper care of the glorious gifts they were given by one he trusted and respected so highly. He would often spend his time in the swordsmen with Koharu Kenpachi and Akane Hoshigaki, as they seemed most sensible and took care of their weapons in ways Mato could respect.   Mato would be 50 when he was sent to the mainland to fight in the conquest that was needed for Maeko and he would fight valiantly during the conquest, often gathering large amounts of resources or claiming territory wherever he went, though he preferred staying in Kirigakure's land. He would be present at many battles and be described as a monster in battle, a devil in human form with incomparable physical strength and unreal endurance.  
  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   SHIBUKI   1st Wielder:
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  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   HELM-SPLITTER   1st wielder:
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  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   EXECUTIONER'S BLADE   1st Wielder:
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The seven swordsmen of the mist are the elite units of the hidden mist village comprised of the most powerful, dangerous shinobi the village has available at the command of the Mizukage, many serve as their personal guard while maintaining posistions as active shinobi.   A swordsman is meant to keep their blade until their death, at which point either the killer would typically claim the sword until the cycle left the blade back in mist possession. When one from outside the village claims one of the swords it is typically met with regular assassination attempts from mist shinobi in an attempt to reclaim the blade. Many mentors and swordsmen have taken to training future swordsmen in how to use the blade, when there is nothing left for the mentor to teach, a duel ensues.   Throughout history there has been only one blade that has remained with its clan, the thunder fangs Kiba have belonged to the Hozuki family for generations and despite a few brief losses most of its history has stayed within the Hozuki clan, passed down through the bloodline of Maeko Hozuki's youngest son.   On occasion when one of the blades were claimed during warfare it was a requirement that it be returned to the mist village before peace could be made, though an assassination suited the country well enough so long as a mist ninja took the blade.


The swordsmen of the mist are viewed in both glory and fear, immoral, powerful shinobi reknown for their dirty work, swordsmen have a gruesome past where many would consider them evil. They do what is needed to keep the village safe, eliminate all threats and do as the mizukage says, to be a swordmen is every mist shinobi's goal even if it costs their life.


The seven swordsmen are given near limitless resources, so long as the mizukage gives their approval and are regularly in charge of lower ranking shinobi.


The swordmen were first founded when Maeko Hozuki became Mizukage, his first act was giving a specially crafted weapon to the 7 strongest shinobi in the village including the leaders of the Hoshigaki, Kaguya and Jugo clans. They have been active for rougly 299 years and have had at least 6 generations of wielders.
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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