Viking Barbarian

Name: ???. Known Aliases: ???. Rank: S-1. Bounty: 200,000 ryo. XP: 250,000.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: ???. Specialty: Close combat. Nationality: Nordic Isles. Last seen: ???.   Description: A powerful warrior for the Vikings that possess great rage, stalwart warriors that take no prisoners.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: ???.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: S, battle axe, melee, +18, 4d10+18 slashing. Armor: S, medium armor, +8 AC. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: kenjutsu, ninjutsu. Chakra nature: Wind. AC: 40.   Max HP: 1,160. (1,400.) Hit die: 40d12+520. Chakra die: 40d6+520. Max chakra capacity: 1,040. (1,160.) Speed: 120ft. Initiative: +15.   Actions: 7 Major, 6 minor, 7 reaction, 7 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 62.   Power: 30, +10. Dexterity: 28, +9. Charisma: 20, +5. Wisdom: 25, +8. Intelligence: 9, -1.   Fighting style: Close combat. Save DC: 15 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: Slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, cold, fire. Immunities: ???. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 5.   Brutal Blows: When the user makes an attack against another, and rolls a 1 on their damage die, they can reroll that dice but must accept the second roll.   Cleave: When the user makes a melee attack with a weapon that reduces an opponent to 0hp and another target is within reach, any damage remaining after defeating the first opponent is dealt to the second opponent.   Brutal Critical: When the user makes a critical hit against the target they can add an extra die of damage to the target's total.   Relentless Rage: The first time the user reaches 0hp per day, they can activate this ability to instead fall to 1hp but suffers a level of exhaustion.   Barbarian Rage: The user may activate this ability up to twice per day, for the next hour the user gains advantage on intimidation checks. They gain a temporary +2 to AC, and gain +3 on melee attacks made by the user for the duration. Afterwards, they take 1 lvl of exhaustion.     Techniques known: 101/142.   E: 16. 3 hit combo, Battojutsu, Boomerang Blade, Chakra Pulse, Dragon fang, Dynamic action, False Swipe, Force Shove, Front Slice, Gale Fist Technique, Hurricane Uprising, Low Cut, Payback, Repulsion jutsu, Tearing Blade Drop, Wind Gust Jutsu,   D: 17. 5 hit combo, Air Bullet Jutsu, Beard Punch, Beast Wave Palm, Chakra Punch, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Flash Slash, Fury Cut, Fus Ro Dah, Gale Kick, Getsugatensho, Hilt Strike, Mega Punch, Revenge Counter, Surface Walking Technique , Tool Creation Technique, Violent Whirlwind Jutsu,   C: 19. 100 Foot Punch, Air Current Slash Jutsu, Amputation Punishment, Brute Force, Bullet punch, Bushogoma, Chakra Shockwave Slash, Full counter, Heaven Collapse, Hurricane Gale Technique, Klavier, Low blow, Meat Tornado, Pressure grip, Ryodan, Senmairoshi, Swift Wind Wall, Water Walking Technique, Wind Scythe jutsu,   B: 21. 20 hit combo, Beast Wave Gale Palm, Beheading prison chop, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Cyclone Scythe Jutsu, Decapitating Airwaves, Destructive barrage, Falcon drop, Getsuga Jujisho, Great Slashing Tornado Technique, Jaw Splitter, Lariat, Mental Resistance Technique, Nutbreaker, Paralysis Jutsu, Rising Bomber, Silent Killing Technique, Suikawari, Whirlwind Barrage Technique,   A: 13. 1000 Foot Strike, Assassination Technique, Chunk Slash, Dragon Tail Kick, Existence Decapitation, Giant Swing, Great Wind Violent Wall, Heavenly kick of pain, Hirudora, Iron Claw, Piercing Air Bullet Jutsu, Sekizo, Sharp Hair Spear,   S: 15. Chained Prison Explosion, Final Gambit, Great Barrage Strike, Heavenly spear kick, Mad dance of the infinity punch, Night Guy, Onibi, Paralysis Link, Raging Gale Wall, Red's boot, Spinning Top, Straight punch, Strike of the beard fist, Tornado Rising Technique, Wind Cutter Technique,


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