White Widow

Name: ???. Known Aliases: White Widow. Rank: S-1. Bounty: 5,000,000 Ryo. XP: 1,500,000.   Wanted by: ???. Crime: Murder, Prostitution, Sex Trafficking, Slavery, Poaching Endangered Species. Specialty: Seduction and Assassination. Nationality: Tsuchigakure.   Last seen: Widow's Peak Brothel.   Description: - The White Widow, an enigma of an individual, the woman is incredibly clever, and a master manipulator. Despite running an incredibly popular, and well regarded brothel, not one person knows who she is. She prefers it that way, as her actions are all the more efficient when the target is ignorant. She is an expert at her craft, a master of both the physical and the emotional.   Companions: ???.   Known Allies: ???.   Known Enemies: ???.   Weapons: unarmed strike. +18, 1d12+18 bludgeoning. Armor: (S) Spider Silk Robes. +7 AC. Equipment: ???.   Known Abilities: Close combat. Chakra nature: Bone, Blood, +1. AC: 45.   Max HP: 1,024. (1,240.) Hit die: 36d12+520. Chakra die: 36d6 +520. Max chakra capacity: 916. (1,024.) Jinchurikki chakra: 458. (512.) Divine Energy: 1,000. Speed: 110ft. Initiative: +14.   Actions: 6 Major, 6 minor, 6 reaction, 7 attack.   4 stat points at E-5, +2 for every level after. 62.   Power: 26. (+8). Dexterity: 26. (+8). Charisma: 24. (+7). Wisdom: 20. (+5). Intelligence: 20. (+5)   Fighting style: Close Range. Save DC: 15 + stat modifier.   Optional stats, apply if present or needed. Resists: piercing, Toxic, mental, Necrotic, piercing. Immunities: bludgeoning, Spiritual. Weaknesses: ???. Special abilities: 7.   Cleave: When the user makes a melee attack with a weapon that reduces an opponent to 0hp and another target is within reach, any damage remaining after defeating the first opponent is dealt to the second opponent.   Critical Targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Fast healer: When you roll a Hit Die to regain hit points you can double your power modifier.   Regen: At the start of initiative, each round, the user regains 1/10th of their max HP.   Seductress: The user seduces all who see them, those that can view the user must make a save equal to 10 + user charisma mod or become charmed by the user.   One-Handed Seals: Jutsu signs can now be formed using a single hand instead of both hands allowing the user to equip a weapon or shield in their free hand while still performing ninjutsu and other abilities.   Evasion: When the user makes a dex save for half damage, on a success the user instead takes no damage.   Follower benefits:   better deals with local shops. Shops have a 1 in 10 chance of gifting you a free item   Gain advantage on insight checks against any who follow you   Your divinity allows you to deal extra damage. When making a melee or ranged attack, deal +5 true damage. Targeted allies within range gain a +2 to Intimidation and enemies within 1 mile of the user have a -5 charisma penalty. You have begun to hear the prayers of those who believe in you! You may bless a target to grant them advantage on any die check they may make for the next 24 hours up to a number of times per day, equal to your proficiency bonus. By being within a certain radius, a number of miles equal to your proficiency bonus, you can immediately tell whether someone is good, evil, or neutral. When visiting a temple or the home of one of your followers, you may refill all rations for yourself and all party members. Upon entering a temple devoted to the user, the user and any allies are immediately cleansed of any diseases, toxins, or battle damage. You can detect lies at any time that any person may tell. The user gains an additional chakra source, known as divine energy, that comes from their followers. For every 100 followers, the user gains 1 divine energy. Techniques that use divine energy deal true damage. When using divine energy on a technique that deals damage, immediately deal max damage. By using 100 divine energy, the user can perform a minor miracle. This can replace any technique, even those not known by the user, or create a replacement for any item.   Targets that fail intimidation checks immediately gain the fear effect.   The user can sense the location and life force of all followers, individually. The user can expend 250 divine energy to choose a target and allow them to immediately pass or fail a dice check of their choosing. Upon reaching 0 HP, the user's spirit immediately travels to the nearest temple or holy site. The user will recover from any and all injuries, given enough time. By expending 500 divine energy, the user can perform a major miracle. This could be anything from true ressurection to a change in the timeline but cannot effect other gods directly.   The user gains advantage on all Death saving throws. The user's body no longer ages or is susceptible to disease. The user ignores resistance on melee and ranged attacks they make. If the user has 0 HP, but has remaining divine energy, they may use that divine energy as temp HP. The user may add their religion modifier to all hit die rolls. The user may exchange their divine energy as healing for a target of their choosing that can be seen or sensed by the user.   30. God: 1,000,000 followers- While within 100ft of one another, the user and any followers both gain advantage on all attacks and saving throws they make.   Transformations: Hollow Mask, Partial hollow transformation, full hollow transformation, Release restraint level 2, release restraint level 1, release restraint level 0.   Techniques known: 164.   E: 24. 3 hit combo, Dragon fang, Dynamic action, Bone bullets, Bone Reinforcement technique, Bone repair jutsu, Pressure point strike, Leaf drop, Chakra bandage technique, Chakra enhanced strength, Poison bullet jutsu, Chakra share technique, Bone weapon creation, Body Flicker Technique, Chakra Needle , Chakra Suppression Technique, False Clone Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, Transformation Jutsu, Blood transformation technique, Controlled bleeding technique, Iron Reinforcement technique, 3 hit combo, Dragon fang, Enraged state.   D: 34. Chakra scalpel, Minor healing jutsu, Muscle reorganization technique, Paralysis cure technique, Poison bullet barrage, Spare the dying technique, Self healing technique, Afterimage Clone, Chakra Transfer Technique, Sexy Jutsu, Senbon Shot, Substitution Strike, Surface Walking Technique , Blood boost technique, Blood burst jutsu, Blood needle, Toxic transfer technique, Alder, Armor of bone, Bone trap jutsu, Camellia Dance, External Elimination technique, Rapid fire bone bullets, Skeleton reconstruction technique, 5 hit combo, Bare-Handed Blade block, Collier Shot, Epaule Shoot, Love smack, Pimp slap jutsu, Shattering Palm, Bala, Getsugatensho, Great Barrage Strike.   C: 37. Activation fist, Cell activation jutsu, Chakra anesthesia injection, Disease injection jutsu, Full power enhancement, Great poison bullet, Healing jutsu, Mist of respite, Harem Jutsu, Substitution Flurry, Water Walking Technique, Blood bath jutsu, Blood clone jutsu, Blood flow manipulation, Body infection technique, Blood recovery technique, Blood seal, Red Shower, Water contamination technique, Aerial slaughter, Bone clone technique, Bone Coffin Jutsu, Willow dance, 100 Foot Punch, 10 hit combo, Banzai Drop, Bullet punch, Cannon ball strike, Crushing knee, Early Sacrifice, Intersection method, Thigh crush technique, Darkness Wave, Hollowfication, Bala Barrage, Resurrecion, V1 transformation.   B: 28. Chakra dissection blade cruelty, Corpse clone jutsu, Internal devastation jutsu, Healing cocoon, Life steal jutsu, Major healing jutsu, Poison fog jutsu, Silent Killing Technique, Face Stealing Technique, Super Harem Jutsu, Paralysis Jutsu, Hiding in Surface Technique, Mental Resistance Technique, Chakra Disguise Technique, Blood hail jutsu, Brain dead technique, Life Siphon technique, Exoskeleton petrification technique, Spin Cycle, Bracken dance, 20 hit combo, 1 inch punch, Beheading prison chop, Destructive barrage, Dropkick, Lariat, Nutbreaker, Spear, Cero, Jinchurikki beam blast.   A: 22. Body activation jutsu, Chakra induced coma, Nervous system rupture, Regenerative healing jutsu, Sleeper Agent Technique, Venomous fog jutsu, Blood control jutsu, Claw Mark, Lethal Injection, 1000 Foot Strike, 50 hit combo, Elbow drop, Heavenly kick of pain, Hirudora, Iron Claw, Moonlight, Pressure point slaughter, Sekizo, Cursed Speech Seal, Cero Obscurus, V2 transformation.   S: 20. Body revival jutsu, Death grip, Heart severing jutsu, Life manipulation technique, Mitotic regeneration, Hidden Doorway Technique, Paralysis Link, Blood dragon ascension, Grave dragon jutsu, 100 hit combo, Great Barrage Strike, Guillotine leg drop, Heavenly spear kick, Mad dance of the infinity punch, Paralysis strike, Straight punch, Absolute Cancel, Full beast transformation, Gran Ray Cero.   Total Available Techniques: 37.


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