Yukio Hoshigaki

Age: 45. Clan: Hoshigaki. XP: 500,000. Rank: A-4. Village: Kirigakure.   Personality: Detatched, kind, strong, smart, tactical and logical.   Chakra nature: Water, Wind. Combat style: ???. Background: Branch Clan. Saving throws: Wisdom, Dexterity. Skill Proficiencies: Chakra Control, Sleight of hand, *Medicine, *Crafting, Investigation, Tracking, Survival, History. Ryo: ???.   Weapon proficiencies: ???. Tool proficiencies: ??? Vehicle proficiencies: ???. Game proficiencies: ???   Hit die: 21d8. Chakra capacity: 378. Chakra die: 21d10 AC: 22. Max HP: 336. Speed: 85ft. Proficiency bonus: +6.   Initiative: +9. Inspiration: ???. Factions: The 7 Swordsmen. Death Save DC:   Equipment: ???. Head: ??? Body: ??? Left arm: ??? Right arm: ???. Accessory 1: ???. Accessory 2: ??? Accessory 3: ???   Backpack: ???   Stats & Skills:   Power: 17. +4.   Grapple: +4.   Will: +4.   Dexterity: 15. +3.   Sleight of hand: +9.   Stealth: +3.   Wisdom: 20. +5.   Animal handling: +5.   Chakra Control: +14.   Insight: +5.   Perception: +5.   Sensory: +5.   Survival: +11.   Intelligence: 15. +3.   Crafting: +15.   History: +9.   Investigation: +9.   Medicine: +15.   Religion: +3.   Tracking: +9.   Charisma: 11. +1.   Deception: +1.   Diplomacy: +1.   Intimidation: +1.   Performance: +1.   Persuasion: +1.   Seduction: +1.   Combat abilities: 52.   Animal combat: 12. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 15. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 15. Ninjutsu: 10. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Main actions: 3. Minor actions: 2. Reactions: 1. Attacks: 3.   Feats: 5.   Gain advantage on chakra die rolls.   Gain access to your first natural chakra nature.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to saves you make against enemy ninjutsu.   You may add your chakra control skill modifier to total damage on any ninjutsu you use.   When healing an ally from the dying state you also heal any Diseases they had and remove any status they previously had.   Double the damage for status effects you cause.   You have learned how to exchange chakra for health, you can trade either resource for the other.   If you expend an action to heal an ally from the dying state they can be restored to 3 hit die+ medicine+ endurance mod HP.   Unarmed strikes now deal 1d4+proficiency bonus + wis/dex modifier.   Status effects you cause deal maximum damage.   You can craft D-rank medical supplies and equipment.   You can heal yourself as a reaction for 1 hit die + medicine HP.   Gain advantage on hit die rolls.   Gain resistance to necrotic, mental, and toxic damage.   You can control a number of animals equal to your proficiency modifier.   Your senses have grown significantly stronger making you an excellent tracker gain proficiency in survival and all tracking checks are made with advantage if you have an item from the target, have met the target before or are in any other manner familiar enough with its scent/presence or any other sensing ability.   Your animal companions can use techniques from their own chakra pool.   Animal companions you control can impose disadvantage on attacks against allies they are next to, however if the attack hits it deals critical damage against the animal.   Increase your dexterity score by 2 when within 40ft of one of your pets.   Pets under your control gain access to 1 chakra nature they can use.   You have become attuned to your pets and can feel their life force as well as chakra amount so long as they are within 200ft of you.   When you make a melee attack within 10ft of your pet they can immediately attack at advantage.   Twice per day you can compel an enemy to duel you, those in compelled duels focus only on attacking you and vice versa. In a compelled duel each competitor makes only melee weapon attacks or other weapon based abilities/techniques. If someone from outside interferes in your compelled duel, the duel and all benefits from it disappear.   You can craft C rank weapons & equipment.   Through your animal companion you have learned how to speak with animals and can gain proficiency in animal handling.   If your animal companion is within 5ft of you or an enemy you wish to attack gain +2 to your attack roll.   You have a bond with an animal of your choice, this animal fights alongside you and is not just a pet but also an extension of yourself, this animal companion will level and grow alongside you, following the usual level up guide. This animal gets its own turn in combat but acts on your initiative.   Add +2 to your rolls when attacking with a melee weapon.   You can dual wield two one-handed weapons of your choice.   Critical hits on melee attacks inflict the bleeding effect.   Once per day if you hit 0hp you can choose to drop to 1hp instead, you can then take a -5 penalty on your next weapon attack but deliver max damage.   You can wield a number of weapons equal to your proficiency modifier.   Psychotic: When the user makes a melee attack and miss they can make a second attack as a reaction, on a success this attack deals max damage.   Savage Attacker: Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total. Your weapon attacks also inflict the bleeding effect on your target on critical hits.   Regenerating Body: The user recovers 1d8+end+medicine HP at the end of each of their turns.   Medical expert: Medical ninjutsu or items you use that have healing effects gain advantage on their rolls and heal targets an additional 2 hit die.   Critical targeting: You may lower the die requirement for critical hits by 1. (if it was 20, 19's on the die now count as crits) Those who are struck by one of your critical hits lose 10ft of movement.   Techniques known: 106.   E: 39. Gale Fist Technique, Wind Gust Jutsu, Pressure Damage Jutsu, Blade of Wind, Hurricane Uprising, Protective Wind Wall, Hidden Mist Jutsu, Hiding in Water Technique, Instant Water Technique, Protective Water Sphere, Water Weapon Creation, Ball of light technique, Body Flicker Technique, Chakra Needle, Chakra Pulse, Object Extraction, Transformation Jutsu, Chakra Suppression Technique, Chakra bandage technique, Chakra enhanced strength, Chakra share technique, Poison extraction technique, Speed enhancement, Healing spit, 2 sword style, Nigiri, 1 sword style, 36 pound cannon, Battojutsu, 1 sword style, Lion's song, Covert Cut, Front Slice, Rapid Fire Shots, Reverse Slash, Tearing Blade Drop, Acid spit, Animal Transformation technique, Beast fury strikes, Fang enhancement technique, Man beast clone, Tunneling fang.   D: 27. Vacuum Cannon Blast Technique, Violent Whirlwind Jutsu, Armor of Wind, Chakra scalpel, Minor healing jutsu, Muscle reorganization technique, Paralysis cure technique, Spare the dying technique, Self healing technique, Chakra Weapon Enhancement, Crescent Moon Slice, Deception Slice, Flash Slash, Weapon Clone Jutsu, Weighted boulder strike, Animal weapon transformation, Beast combo strike, Beast substitution jutsu, Double impact wolf fang, Pet cooperation execution, Repeated beast strike, Chakra Transfer Technique, Surface Walking Technique , Bubble Bomb Technique, Soap Bubble Slime, Water Armor, Water Prison Jutsu.   C: 26. Vacuum Crushing Jutsu, Swift Wind Wall, Tornado Blade Slice , Wind Step Jutsu, Cell activation jutsu, Chakra anesthesia injection, Disease injection jutsu, Full power enhancement, Healing jutsu, Mist of respite, 0 sword style, dragon twister, Afterglow Technique, Avalanche Dance, Brute Force, Chakra Shockwave Slash, Hazy Moonlight, Meat Tornado, Weapon Creation Technique, Combination transformation, Fang over fang, Fanged pursuit jutsu, Armor Eater Technique, Water Walking Technique, Air Bubble Technique, Ala, Grudge Rain.   B: 13. Casualty puppet, Chakra dissection blade cruelty, Corpse clone jutsu, Internal devastation jutsu, Healing cocoon, Life steal jutsu, Major healing jutsu, Brutal Slash, Chakra Blade Slice, Chakra Weapon Infusion, Flying Swallow Technique, Pin Cushion Technique, Tornado Blade Slice.   A:   S:   Techniques available: 35.   Mission Record:   E:   D:   C:   B:   A:   S:   Memories:

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born within the branch clan of the Hoshigaki, Yukio was bred for battle and conflict, though she always detested it. When enrolled in the academy at 10, it was clear that Yukio's abilities lay most naturally in medical jutsu. As such she was sent to the medical academy where she would be given the pleasure of avoiding the blood mist exams, though part of her training would be on trying to save the victims or repeair their bodies before their funerals.   Yukio would graduate the academy at 16 and would begin taking on low rank missions to help her village when she wasn't working at the hospital and it would begin showing her value as a shinobi, though she hadn't been formally trained for combat, she had learned how to use her knowledge of healing to destroy targets from within while healing her allies from dangerous toxins and ailments. At 17 she would be promoted to chunin though she would begin struggling due to the stress between her missions and her work at the hospital, she found herself wanting to pursue healing people more but knew that she could stop people from getting hurt by taking on the dangerous assignments herself.   She would make her decision to work as a shinobi and serve the village more as a weapon than as healer, though she hated doing so. As a chunin focusing on her career and best helping the village Yukio would be careful and selective in her assignments and would be known for her leadership skills, quick decision making and her ability to save lives. Though many criticized her for doing so she was devout that there was no better service than ensuring the village had plenty of capable shinobi and prisoners full of intel.   At 20 she would get promoted to jonin and would find herself leading many different teams through the years, somehow able to connect with each of them, find their strengths and help establish them effectively within the village. Many began looking at her as not just a respected ally, but as a wise doctor who healed the mind as well as the body. She began taking more time to train alongside her allies and soon found herself working with the seven swordsmen on occasion. Somehow she had climbed to the proverbial peak of life as a Kirigakure shinobi, perhaps she could serve in the anbu for some time but there was only so much left for a normal ninja to do and she found that life lacking.   With so many lives lost over the years as both a medic and a shinobi and having climbed he peak of work as a shinobi, at 22 Yukio returned to work in the hospital and while serving for over 5 years she would find that one of the seven swordsmen had been comitting acts of evil, and she would swear to eliminate them. One day the target would come in for surgery from a terrible battle and Yukio would save their life, she would tend to them as their personal nurse for months, pumping them full of various toxins, mismedicating them and performing medical torture against them before finally killing them after a year of hell.   At 28 Yukio would claim her swords and become a seven swordsman. She was known for best aligning with Tenzemaro, Tonzo Rigeki, Shiromaru Jugo, & Rengetsu Hozuki. As a seven swordsmen she has devoted the past 17 years of her life to helping the village, sparing as many lives as possible and ensuring the deaths of the unworthy. She wishes to make the world a better place and has had many fights within the seven swordsmen, even being known to oppose Naka Mirito's reign as Mizukage.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Head of security and civilian defense at Kiri hospital
Current Location
Date of Birth
light eyes
long, straight light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light tan skin
will of the sage
Aligned Organization


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