Melfy (mælfI)

Melfy, or "Fire Rock" is a type of stone which is only found in places of the Erdàn Savànii that are too hot for most natural, organic life to survive. While commonly referred to as "Fire Rock", because such stones could come from a variety of locations, there were variations in how it appeared. Thus most researchers, the Bezélian Archives and indeed the Crystal Circle's surviving documents call this a family of stones, rather than one singular form.


The word Melfy has its origins in Foyiitùn. It is made up of the following two "word components":  
  • Mel: meaning "stone" or "rock" depending on the context.
  • Fyr: meaning "flame" or "fire"
  While Melfy does not contravene "language smoothing", it is considered a "coarse-use" case. If the Woodsmen were avid miners, which they are not, the terms Fyrmel (singular) or even Fyrmelii (plural) would be more eloquent.   Melàfy had occasionally been used by those who constructed buildings, to distinguish it from Melfy. We will see these differences shortly.


Do be warned, especially if you trade in ores and metals, that Melfy (Fire Rock) and Melfyorm (Gold Ore) are, as translated, different materials. However, it takes a close inspection of the raw materials to discern one from the other.  
Chronicler's Note:
Never pay for Melfyorm without a closer inspection. If you're unsure, get a second opinion.

If you are sold Melfy and consequently discover it is Melfyorm, the gain is yours. At least that's how most traders seems to talk about it.   Truth is a tradable commodity these days. Even then, you could be mis-sold. Apologies for digressing.

Where Is Melfy Found?

There are three known locations in the Erdàn Savànii, all with their own dangers:  

Bùjaii Melfyorm

This is the former Dwarven gold mine in the Fyrohii. Gold Ore and Fire Rock were found together in this location owing to their similar creation process, yet far enough from the Fyrousii as not to melt the gold.   But as happened with other Dwarven Mines in the region, the ground tremors caused by the regular eruptions at that time destabilised the mines. They are now classified as Myrvel, denoting risk to life. While the Fyrousii have not erupted in some time, once a mine is unworkable, it remains so.  
"Ah'm jus' glad we ah'd figgerd tha' werr naw gawld lef' afore we cudna mine. If yous want yer fire rock, choose sumplace less lahkly ta kill ye."

Discovered delivery note, attached to a somewhat singed list of goods.
Date: c. 477-487AFD


To distinguish the (usually) dormant volcanoes from the general Fyrohii, Fire Rock can be found in two places, depending on the last eruption.   If one has recently taken place, the best Melfy is that found on the edge of the lava flow, assuming it has not come into contact with river or sea water.   If an eruption was months or Ana ago, then the highest quality Melfy is found towards the eruption crater. As we'll see shortly, the highest-grade comes from within the crater.   In one case, you risk getting burned by still-molten rock and, with the other, you must face the uncertainty of being the first to witness the next eruption.

Pékinous Anfyr

Territory Boundaries: Qal'ath Ikà Doon
While Book 1 does not cover this entire World, this is the context which Books 1-2 finds itself in. This is the area referred to as the "Known Lands", a term found in Book 1.
While there is little doubt that someone has managed to retrieve Melfy from this location, the only one recorded in the Bezélian Archives is Frehghan, the Guardian Mage of the Crystal of Flame.   That is because the translation of this location is "Small Lake of Fire". Situated in a hard-to-reach part of the Great Canyon, beyond the Wilderness of Tarran, the Pékinous is not just a volcano and a lava-flow.   This mountain constantly spews forth molten rock in a way that a river would fill a lake. And the liquid is literally aflame. It is only prevented from causing massive scarring to the surrounding areas due to the rock composition of the Canyon and the fact that it flows into the Ousethkyiel - the Sky-Water River. This Elementally-charged stream and "Sky Pool" calms the anger of Fire as its flames reach the water's edge.   With all this in mind, even approaching the dormant Fyrousii is a more enticing proposition.

Uses of Melfy

There are two main uses of Fire Rock - one is frequently used by citizens of Qal'ath and Bevérohii. The other is only available to the wealthy, or business-folk.  

Hearth Warmers

Due to how Nature creates these stones, Melfy can absorb high levels of heat and retain them for a long time. Therefore, the "common Melfy" is often used by the less wealthy as a replacement for wood1 in the heating of the home, as under-plate food warmers and water heaters.   There are two methods of performing the initial heating process: the first involves a regular wood fire and placing the Melfy into the flames. The other is to ask blacksmiths and inns, to heat the stones for them. While there is a charge for doing so, the cost is minimal compared to that of wood, with the establishments reasoning that their fires would be on, regardless.   Three adult hand-sized Fire Stones can heat a family room for a whole evening, leading some to refer to them as "Hearth Warmers".
Where these Fire Stones Came From
Usually, these are gathered from dormant volcanoes. They are cheaper than the second kind because "potential danger" and "actual danger" have different effects on the pricing.


When fashioned into bricks, Melfy - sometimes branded as Melàfy - adds extra flex into building designs. This is because it expands with heat, but at the levels of heat even blacksmiths generate, it does not melt, nor does it appear to deconstruct.

In cold temperatures, it does not shrink any more than at ambient ones, and indeed, forms an effective barrier for buildings against both external heat and cold.

Furthermore, it is not necessary to build entire structures with Melfy - which would make even a wealthy ruler balk. It has been seen to be effective so long as one "row" of Fire Stone per four or five of regular stone is factored in. Even wooden buildings can benefit if its foundations are part-Melfy, as the rocks draw heat to themselves, preventing the interior from over-heating in stifling Summers.

Such properties, along with the striking colours that warm and hot Melfy provide, have appealed to wealthy customers in hot areas, most notably in Shevezz City (during peacetime).

Where these Fire Stones Came From
This second type of Melfy is carefully extracted by specialists from areas known to be dangerous: inside the craters of the Fyrousii and in newly-dug mines near the Bújaii Melfyorm.   The new mines were no less dangerous, due to the already-unstable ground, and were initially dug in the hope of finding new veins of Melfyorm. As far as records go, Natex Alchemitech do not send their employees to zones that have a high probability of death. However, it is not unknown for such companies to make an agreement with a contractor, who hires a worker that may take the risk. Consequently, people have died from collapsed mines, long-delayed ground tremors and the like. As to those blocks extracted from inside volcanoes, builders are unlikely to tell someone who can afford it how it was obtained.   The main costs are transportation and labour. For such a heavy material, moving the stone away from their source is slow. This is something Natex Alchemitech are looking into as an extension of their Grip-Cart Track development.

1. Wood had become more expensive since the Foyiitùn Language Ban Edict as the Foyii were no longer supplying sustainable, but low-cost trees from the Forest of Doon to the Royam. Most woods within Qal'ath's territory were too small to justify felling, forcing the Realm to import much wood from as far away as Brùha Foyblànii and the Byantē Alliance. ()
An Artist's impression of the black and red heading Stones, laying on sand with volvanoes painted in the background.
  Article Sections
Deep Grey to Pure Black in colour, with veins or cracks of red, orange, yellow or all three when heated. Cold Melfy should show veines of pale grey or white.
Known Sources
Fyrohii, Bújaii Melfyorm, Pékinous Anfyr (in the Great Canyon
Primary Uses
Hearth Warmers, Flexible Construction Stones

Chronicler's Note:
While I may have touched on the issue of inscrupulous traders, it would be unfair to exclude those who protected themselves and their workers while using the term "Melfy".   By 550AFD, gold ore in the so-called Authorised Mining Zones had begun to dry up and disappear. As true Melfyorm became rarer, attempted thefts from traders, and ambushes of good carriages became more common.   Thus, those that had, in fact, found some gold, were forced to refer to it all as "Melfy", which is far more common and, for most people, less interesting.

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