Shan da San ([ʃa:n dasa:n])

Shan da San refers to the vast plain in the East of Qal'ath's territory. Its northernmost border begins at the Militia Camp and Estun Vyai with its southernmost aligning with the southern border with the Queendom of Shevezz at the Table of Accord.  

Natural Division

Strictly-speaking the Shan's western edge aligns with the Umbous Aivyt river, which runs from Lake Paxeux to the Oasis of Tarran. However, it has always been contested on the basis that no one could recall or record over how great an area the final battle of the First Destruction took place. Thus, the area west of the Umbous was named Sùdasàn (Southern Blood) in Foyiitùn and Kingfall in Common Tongue, though that was not a translation of Sudàsàn.  

Early History

Before the war of the First Destruction, the Shan da San had a different name and meaning: Shànver Woods (or "Greenfield Woods" purely in Common Tongue). This loosely-populated forest nevertheless rivalled The Forest of Doon in geographical spread, though it was less rich in the variety of fauna and flora that flourished there.   It boasted a wide offering of trees and bushes, not least the so-called Golden Birch, often used to adorn the houses of the wealthy or the shields of the Qalathian Army. From what little remains of the records from that time, it seems that their partnership with The Forest of Doon ensured that deforestation was kept to almost zero, with no more felled than those reaching maturity.
Chronicler's Note: A practice long since abandoned by the Foyii - to tune so finely into Element Erdé as to accelerate the growth of flora - may have been used in this case. It has since been rejected as an inappropriate use of their Erdé attunement on the basis that it was, in effect, attempting to control the Element, rather than merely influencing it.

Cartography Note

As the reader will notice 'Shànver Woods' is in "Qalafoy" - a mixture of Foyiitùn and Common Tongue. Its Foyiitùn name was Bruhaii Shànver or Bruhaii Vershàn, and both have the same meaning. Therefore, which labels one discovers will depend wholly on where one finds the maps that reference this location.   Qalafoy naming still exists today, not least the Grànousii-an-Ormàszil Ocean, the Stones of Myrn and, of course The Forest of Doon.

How The First Destruction Impacted Shànver

But, as it often does, the war irreparably and irrevocably changed the Shànver. The trees fire did not burn were felled by armies on all sides to make fortifications, repair weapons and build campfires. This was also true of the South-West of Doon, an area now known as The Clearing.  

The Shan da San

So many died in a single day that it is believed their blood permanently stained the ground. Others think that it is the composition of the soil that gives it a red-brown colour but that this had not been discovered during the days when wandering the Shànver in peace was normal.  
  Whichever explanation was favoured, all can agree that a natural wonder was lost that day. Few trees dare to grow in that vast plain, and those that do are often warped and leafless, a permanent scar on the land and a reminder of darker times.   Thus, in ancient Foyiitùn, the name Shan da San - or Bloodfield - was adopted by Qal'ath, Woodsmen and Shevezz after the signing of the peace treaty at the Table of Accord.  
Modern Foyiitùn
While this name still persists among the Woodsmen, its modern translations should be noted, should future researchers scan our archives with Data Crystals: Shàn'sàn and Sanànshàn.
Shan da San Map

Article Sections
Owning Organization

Previous Name
Shànver Woods

Notable Events
The First Destruction
Qalathi-Shevezzi Peace Treaty

Nearby Locations
Militia Camp
Estun Vyai
Bruhàn Bernari
Usàs Nakàsz
Table of Accord
Y-Ki Nyz

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Qal'ath Ikà Doon Region Map
My "core" region, which includes Qal'ath, The Forest of Doon and The Verdant Hills - Bevérohii. These areas are the focus of book one of The Chronicles of Qal'ath.

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