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The most overreaching social unit is the tribe. The tribe’s bonds are familial and ideological, and inspire loyalty — and schisms. Each one has a very different hierarchy, from the formal nobility of the Silver Fangs to the ever-shifting meritocracy of the Glass Walkers. A tribe’s ideology has a great impact on those septs where the tribe is strong. Young cliath serve their pack first and their sept second, but when a tribe has a pressing issue that only werewolves of that tribe can truly understand, an elder may call upon the tribe’s cliath to aid him, possibly with the help of their packs. Some tribes place extra pressure on the need to obey; all offer Renown for those loyal scions who aid them.

Every tribe also includes smaller societies, groups of werewolves who share a common purpose but who don’t necessarily belong to the same pack. These groups are known as camps. A Glass Walker may find herself drawn to the esoteric goals of the Mechanical Awakening, or the rough pragmatism of Dies Ultimae. Camps are usually loosely connected; even those packs whose members are all of one tribe rarely are all of the same camp as well.

The Lost Tribes
White Howlers

Articles under Tribe


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