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The former avatar of Math Mathonway, Aungus was one of three avatars who journeyed to Rexia to aid in the second soulthek war. Aungus would die in action with his two other avatars in the final day of the war, destroyed by Soulthek as the magical cataclysm spread around the Rexian Empire creating the Great Steppe. Aungus's soul was transported to Corriegrave in Gehenna, but at some point after his death he fled to the Briar and Brimstone where he now resides, haunted by the ghosts of those he failed to save.   Doomed 2 Die first met Aungus at the Briar and Brimstone after meeting Fjandmar. Einar and Azura approached him, hoping he could give answers on where to find a magical way of protecting their cambion ally from divination magic. At first, Aungus assumed Einar was another ghost and addressed him as such;
"Oh great. It's you. I wondered when you'd finally show up... here to tell me how I let you down? How I let you die? Just tell me what you want, Lucan."
This was the first time Einar had been addressed by their true name since the fall of Rexia, and Einar granted Aungus some small relief of forgiveness, helping to start the healing process for the disgraced avatar.   Aungus would guide Einar, Azura, Falia Rayes, Auran and Val to Corriegrave , the divine realm ofMath Mathonway . Along the way, when the 'worst blunt rotation' were attacked by The Hunters, Aungus panicked and unleashed his skeletal wings, terrifying the hunters and causing one of them to flee.   The aasimar would eventually be welcomed back into the fold at Corriegrave when Math Mathonway asked after him during the party's visit to the divine realm. Val told Aungus of this, and reunited the god and their avatar. In a message to Azura, Aungus asked her to thank 'Lucan' for him. He is believed to still be in Corriegrave.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aungus became avatar of Math Mathonway sometime after 1630, 2e and was born in the northern reaches of Gwenydd. He was trained alongside his fellow avatars and sent to war around the age of 30 to fight the Second Soulthek War and aide the Rexian Empire in their fight against the dark lord.   According to his recovered memories from the library of Math Mathonway, Aungus was disinheartened upon arriving in the Rexian Empire. He recalled that in every town, village, and city they passed through everyone they met had lost someone in the war. He felt crushed by the futility of their help,
"No matter how much we helped, how many cults of Soulthek we ousted, how many beasts plaguing the fields we crushed, whatever help we provided was not enough."
  Whilst travelling through a place called Saintstown (Likely in the Aelthric region), Aungus first heard the songs of Lucan Sunspear over a Rexian Radio. Aungus heard the bard singing mainly propaganda and war anthems but saw how it was boosting the morale of every civilian. Encouraged by Anwen, the three avatars set for Rexia itself to find and speak to Lucan with the intent of learning more about the war effort of having a song written about them. Aungus also noted in his memories how every legionnaire they passed asked if they could get Lucan to sign their shields.   When finally meeting Lucan, Aungus and the bard shared a bottle of brandy from the Derric Dales, and asked him how he could stay so optimistic despite the war. When the bard told him that, "Someone has to, If we lose hope, we lose the war. If I lose hope, I lose my family, and if you lose hope, well... maybe we lose everything." The words stuck with the avatar and gave him a renewed vigor for the war.   Throughout his fighting on the frontlines, Aungus often returned to the Isle of Wool to visit Lucan and promised to save his brother who was beleived to be captured and held in Soulthek's dreadfort.   On the final day of the war, Aungus would attempt to honour his promise during the avatar's attack on the Dreadfort to stop Soulthek from launching his stolen magical weapons and destroying Rexia. Aungus would fail on this mission, and died listening to the radio as Lucan's final song sung him to death.   Aungus's soul was returned to Corriegrave, but he would exile himself and hide and the briar and brimstone, haunted by the ghosts of Rexians he believed he failed.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Aungus never went on the mission to the Dreadfort and instead stayed in Rexia and helped Lucan Sunspear to the emergancy bunker alongside another Rexian soldier named Charles. Aungus and Lucan became strong friends despite losing everything and would escape the bunker with the help of Luna, and were taken to the third age where they helped Azura and Olivir build the chronoturgy device to restore the original timeline.   In this reality, Aungus seemed happier and wittier than when Doomed 2 Die met him in the original timeline, with Azura joking that Aungus and the bard were 'lovers.'
Status: Undead   First Appearance: Session 67, The Devil in Me
Circumstances of Death
Defeated by Soulthek
Place of Death
Dark blue
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Appearances: 4
  • Session 67, The Devil in Me
  • Session 73, Corriegrave
  • Session 74: Starry Hyles
  • Session 82: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality Self)


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