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"For the Empire!"
Alongside their Warforged crew, Auran is amongst the last survivors of the Western Sun Elf Empire. An elegant weapon from a more civilized age, the warforged navigator was acting captain and helmsmen for The Endeavour, a scouting ship in the astral sea. Rescued from hibernation by Doomed 2 Die, Auran would go onto the help the heroes throughout their adventures, discovering more of their soul and nature as he helped them in battles and transported them across planes of existence.   Auran would leave the party after meeting The Wraiths, voluntarily assimiliating with them alongside his ship. In a tearful farewell, Auran promised that when the party's plight was worst, he would return to save them once more.

War Asset

The Endeavour and Auran can act as a war asset during battles, unleashing lethal deadly aerial assaults. Their technology is far above that of contemporary Prima Terra, and little can resist its radiant damage weapons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Auran was built in the dying centuries of the First Age by the Sun Elves as part of a last ditch effort to save their empire from the marching hordes of Soulthek the Dark Lord. Designed to be a pilot, Auran was assigned to the Astral Fleet to find weapons or means to trap, destroy, or even cure Soulthek of his madness within the stars and other planes. The Prospharon, meaning Endeavour in common, is a simple scouting ship capable of short term flight and plane hopping. Auran served with his captain and and small crew of elves and warforged for many years before their doomed final mission to Limbo.   Entering limbo, an away team was sent to investigate an anomoly. They came across a Slaad, who infected the first officer and one other. Upon reentering the astral sea, the infected crew hatched the Slaadi from their chests, and the limbo creatures began attacking the rest of the crew. Although the endeavour's crew put up a good fight, only Auran and the captain were left. The captain had attained an injury from one of the Slaad, and Auran suspected the slashes are what transfered the eggs. Not wanting to unleash this plague of monsters on Prima Terra, Auran depowered the radiant drive and turned off all life support, freezing the ship, the slaadi, and deactivating themselves in the process.  

Dagon Arc

The Endeavour would be discovered by Doomed 2 Die in 1052, 3e, as they searched for a Sun Elf ship to help take them to Mechanus. With the aid of Eldra, the party had stolen a Grey vessel and searched for the nearest Sun Elf signal, eventually finding the frozen and adrift vessel around an asteroid belt. Boarding the ship, the crew discovered the carnage and dead bodies, Einar and Azura found Auran on the bridge near the body of the captain, and began work restoring them. When the engines were restored by Shan and Amy Cobblepott, Auran was also awoken. Who warned the party they had just unleashed evil. The Slaad awoke, and the party managed to fight their way through, defeating them all. During their mission, the party had also discovered the sabotaged warforge the slaad had deactivated. Azura realised they could revive the creatures, but they would need to use the horde of diamonds from the medical bay. Einar begged the party to help, and the warforged were restored, earning Aurans gratitude and respect for the group, especially the bard.   Before departing, Auran gifted Azura a communicator so they could call on the endeavour whenever they needed it, and designated the wizard the acting captain. Auran would then begin scanning the astral sea for other active sun elf vessels.   The Endeavour's services would be called upon again during the party's infiltration of Ynnsmouth. Requesting assistance, Azura ordered Auran to bombard the town. The ship fired its solar ballitas on the cultists below, levelling much of the village. Auran reported the ship had taken some damage, and collected the solar disk to Gehenna that Azura found in the dungeons.

War of the Walls Arc

Auran continued his search for other Sun Elf survivors and also helped with Azura's request for a means to get into Mechanus. Auran sadly found no other ships, their signals into the void going unanswered. They did however find the location of a solar disk near the party's location, and informed them where to find it. Auran would be called to assist in battle twice during the party's mission in Jameleska, first to assault the feast in Storonthorpe, where the endeavour launched a daring ambush on the Jotun, causing many to flee and took minimal damage. Auran's appearance caused a rumour to start spreading around Jotun that The Snow Lord had angered the gods so much, that the Sun Elves had returned from the dead to defeat him, a rumour the warforged found "humourous."   The second 'return of the Sun Elves' occured at the Battle of Jastingrag where the Endeavour served as close range artillery, assisting Falia Rayes and Deputy Cass's deputies. The endeavour's radiant blasts knocked at least twelve giants off the walls.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Through the Endeavour's solar disc engine, Auran piloted Doomed 2 Die into Gehenna and escorted the party on key missions throughout their time in the lower plane. The Warforged stayed with the party in the Briar and Brimstone, often found standing sentry outside of Azura's door.   Auran journeyed with the party to the Star Tunnel to find out why Gallus was feeling a mysterious call to visit the ruin. Upon entering, Auran realised the design was Sun Elf, and identified the flag of the Eastern Sun Elf Empire, meaning this building's construction likely predated him. Auran would be decativated by Kosmana when the star entity tried to speak to Gallus, but was reactivated soon after and remembered nothing of the event.   Auran would also escort the party to Corriegrave alongside Falia Rayes and Aungus. Once inside, he watched over his captain, Azura, to make sure she did not get lost in the knowledge of the library and helped to pull her away from the arcane lore.   During the dance at the Briar and Brimstone organized by Kaneis, Azura invited Auran to be her dance partner. The warforged remarked it was a 'novel and enjoyable' experience and appreicated the oppertunity to 'relax'.   After the dance, Auran would realise that the Endeavour had recieved a mysterious signal whilst he was in Corriegrave, causing the ship to briefly leave Gehenna before returning, although the warforged on board have no recollection of the event and the ship logs were wiped. He gave the signal fragment to Falia for translation, who eventually told Azura about it. They figured out the signal had originated from a region of space known as the Veil, and used fragmented sun elf langauge and code to bring the ship to them.   Auran also helped with the planning for the Battle of Lover's Bite with Fjandmar, coming up with the strategy to lead a force down the trench next to the keep using the captured devil's tank and the Endeavour. Auran formed part of the distraction team within the keep alongside Ivar and Roach. He also followed Ivar into the throne room and held back the Ultragonian legion using his sun blade.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

For several weeks, Auran remained alone on The Endavour watching the ship and monitoring surrounding space. Outside of occasional communication with Azura, including a call with Starkard Wintershield, Auran did not get involved with the party's adventures.   The Warforged would recieve a garbled transmission from Azura originating from Helion in the Western Sun Elf Empire. The party had been scattered through time by The High Librarian of the Order of Labelas in Furunheim, leaving Auran's captain stranded in the past.   Through Sun Elf technology, Azura, as well as Commander Maxel and the inventor of Chronoturgy, Carindel, would transmit temporal coordinates to Auran, allowing him use the Endeavour's solar-disk drive to navigate time and collect the party.  

The Deep Arc

Alone in the astral sea again - Auran would be signaled by the party to help transport them from Crowsport to The Commonwealth to help search for the legendary drow inventor, Vorr. On board the Endeavour, the dragonborn artificer Xan began to untangle the wraith infestation of the ship. Agreeing the engineer investigate the contaminated warforged, Auran narrowly retained control of the ship after a distress signal summoned a wraith destroyer.   Refusing to abandon the ship, Auran was willing to stay behind and allow the party to escape by they refused. Together they were taken to the veil and interograted by the Intelligence, the central computer of the artificial beings. In an exchange of information, Auran's soul was uploaded alongside the rest of the party to the hive mind. Whilst there, the sailor met several ai constructs of sun elf ships. In the aftermath of the battle, Auran asked for permission to stay - as for the first time since being reactivated he felt he was finally home.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus, Auran and the Endeavour were recoved by the Star Ranger Core and Kliiks †, with the latter becoming their captain. Auran and Kliiks would die whilst ramming the Endeavour into the Flying Fortress, destroying Red Hawk ⸸.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 33, Auran
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Metallic, painted sky blue
Appearances: 22
  • Session 33: Auran
  • Session 34: Infection
  • Session 36: Shadow Over Ynnsmouth
  • Session 59: Liberation of Storonthorpe
  • Session 64: Battle of Jastingrag
  • Session 67: The Devil in Me
  • Session 68: The Mad Mage's Mansion
  • Session 70: The Orthon
  • Session 71: The Star Tunnel
  • Session 72: The Whistler
  • Session 73: Corriegrave
  • Session 74: Starry Hyles
  • Session 75: The Dance Episode
  • Session 76: Clay
  • Session 81: Into the Breach
  • Session 82: King Fjandmar
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God
  • Session 84: Scary Stories and Creepy Mansions
  • Session 128: Temple of the Forgotten Gods
  • Session 139: The Search for Vorr
  • Session 140: Assimilate
  • Session 141: Electric Dreams of Metal Men


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