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The Dark Enchanter

Chief Olisander Dirthstone (a.k.a. The Dark Enchanter)

"I will not let this island be ruled by a weak, naive, child like you."
  The Dark Enchanter, the psuedonym of Chief Olisander Dirthstone of Marthiel is an Ice Elf war veteran and minor noble who is currently controlling the Court of Blizzards in the Feywild, their 'dark' energy taking the form of purple streaks that spread 'the taint' and bend fey creatures to their will. The Enchanter is attempting to assassinate Arystyr Furyborn and Aera Furyborn so he can rule Furunheim.  

Gathered Information

The Dark Enchanter only recently begun spreading their control in the feywilds. It lined up with the coming death of Elder Tiristar Furyborn of Furunheim when House Furyborn was at its weakest. His attempts to assassinate the Furyborn heirs would have allowed him to easily assume control of the island.   The Dark Enchanter has made two attempts on the lives of the elven nobles using the changeling assassin Never, once in Odinsthrone and once in Krakenpost.   The enchanter used a cracked Iron Mask of the Primal Elves that seems to spread their power of enchantment and charming.   After the funeral for Elder Tiristar, Olisander revealed himself as the Dark Enchanter. His past and corruption at the hands of Teris Boreas and the dark spirit inhabting the cursed mask of the Primal Elves had driven him to tyranny and evil, and in his last acts he attempted to destroy these entities but ultimately failed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Olisander Dirthstone was born in Marthiel in the late 4th century. Living a peaceful life, everything changed when King Olaf III Kingmaker invaded Furunheim and other parts of Asrinheim to add to his growing Seventh Kingdom of Aedrinar. Olisander lived under Aedrinaran occupation, and secretly joined various rebel factions led by the Furyborn Pretenders.   When the last Furyborn Pretender was defeated in 580, he was recruited by Elder Tiristar Furyborn† and Zedithir in Krakenpost to join their coming rebellion. A captain and general of the Fury Uprising - Olisander was part of the key to defeating High King Karl III and liberating the island.   As a reward, he was granted governorship of Marthiel. Dirthstone ruled the town fairly and helped revitalize its wounded economy that relied on the magical Mirthwood grove near the town for its supplies. Dirthstone's rulership of Marthiel and occupation of the Aedrinaran built Banestorm keep due to a curse laid upon future inhabitents of the castle by Martha Elfsbane, stating that 'What I lost, all who live here shall also lose."   This curse would manifest in 951, 3e when an outbreak of Pig Plague decimated the town and saw the death of Olisander's wife and two young children. This grief pushed him further away form his friends Elder Tiristar and Zedithir.   He would also join the 40 Year War as part of a joint Ice Elf contingent to Tumbria. Olisander, bitter at his personal losses before and during the war, met in secret with Terris Boreas, who was unknowing under the effects of the cursed Mask of the Primal Elves, and was convinced to take the item, becoming the Dark Enchanter.    

Heir of Furunheim Arc

With Tiristar's death looming - Dirthstone made his first attempt on the life of his heir, Arystyr. Sending the assassin, Never, to kill him in Odinsthrone - the heir was saved by Doomed 2 Die. Upon hearing this, the enchanter instructed Never to try again and the assassin targetted both Arystyr and Aera alongside a large number of the party at Aera's home in Krakenpost. The party managed to hold off the enchanter's control temporaily, which allowed Never to share their memories of the enchanter with Val and revealed he owned a primal mask.   The party were intially led on the dead of investigating Teris Boreas, Gallus' uncle. Meanwhile, Dirthstone came up with a plan to rid him of the Furyborns and the party in one attack at the funeral of Tiristar. After the elder was cremated, Olisander arranged for portals to tear open unleashing monsters into Ferenvire. As the party split off to defeat them, he was left with only Val and now Elder Arystyr where he attempted to kill them. He nearly succeded but was driven back by the arrival of Zedithir.   Dirthstone retreated into the Feywild, and prepared for an attack on his hometown. When Arystyr's army marched two days later, aided by forces from Haarold Iceaxe and Ysgard's Warriors, Dirthstone launched a sneak attack on The Waterway Inn using the Wizards Four to try and retrieve a stolen portrait of him and his deceased family. Doomed 2 Die would stop the attack, and Dirthstone again retreated to his home in Marthiel.   Through freeing Trade Master Galon Yennister of the mask's enchantment, it was learnt that Olisander had contigency plans in place to decimate the town including blowing up the docks and slaughtering the civilians in Banestorm Prison, including the adventuring party the Marthiel Runners. Sneaking into the town, Doomed 2 Die managed to disrupt his plans and learnt of his tragic losses.   Olisander was faced by the changeling Val, who had assumed the form of his deceased wife, and begged him to stop this. THe rouse nearly worked, but the mask continued to control him and Teris managed to reveal the scheme. Enranged, Olisander fled into the Feywild but was followed by the adventuers and met by a reborn Azura, accomponied by Shan, Ivar, and the Green Guard Airrach.   He was finally convinced to give up the fight, but knowing he was not strong enough to destroy the Dark Spirit inhabiting the cursed mask, he blew up his staff of the Magi and forced the spirit to assume a weakened shadow form which was easily destroyed by the heroes.   Despite his cruel deeds before his death, Zedithir scattered his ashes near a shrine to his dead wife and said he would 'remember the man he was' before the corruption.

Personality Characteristics


A victim of Aedrinaran occupation under King Olaf III Kingmaker, Olisander remembers the island at its weakest and wants to ensure Furunheim becomes stronger and more powerful than its history has allowed so no other faction in the Aedrinaran archipleago will oppress them again. His passion to 'strengthen' the island has led him to darkenss and villainy.
First Appearance
Session 112: Vaniri Seas and Changeling Daggers
Date of Death
15th Duskfall, 1051 3e
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed a staff of the magi
Place of Death
Dirty Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Apperances: 5
  • Session 112: Vaniri Seas and Changeling Daggers
  • Session 115: Ferenvire
  • Session 116: Funeral Faracas
  • Session 121: The Wizards Four pt.2
  • Session 125: Fate of the Dark Enchanter


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