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Ivar Lothgarseen

A proud vikingr and axe warrior from the Reindeer clan of Vilderfolken from northern Aedrinar, Ivar Lothgarssen has proven himself to be a good friend and powerful ally for Doomed 2 Die. Joining them in Ceannastra and helping the party defeat Dagon, Ivar has stuck with the party through thick and thin since.   A fighter with a skill in axes, both at ranged and melee, Ivar follows ancient battle methods of berserkers before him. Capable of taking multiple swings with his axe and striking at close and far range, Ivar helps Gallus and Shan on the frontline of combat and uses his high constitution to take as many hits as he can for his friends and party members.   Ivar is known to be tactically minded, light-hearted, yet fierce, honourable, and capable of great anger. His friends know him as a smiling and excitable warrior, but those he fights fear the rage in his eyes as he charges at them with his axe.  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ivar is physically healthy despite his love of drinking and feasting. He keeps in good shape and is incredibly strong, even compared to his fellow Aedrinarians. He is covered in battle scars and the lower half of his body is scarred by burns he obtained as a child.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ivar Lothgarssen is the youngest son of Lothgar Ragnarssen, the chieftain of the Reindeer clan of Vilderfolk in northern Aedrinar. At the age of 8, he witnessed his father and most of his family die at the Yuletide massacre. During this massacre, Ivar ran into the fire of the main hall to save his father, but his small size meant he could not carry an axe properly. He was trapped under falling debris and caught in a fire. He witnessed his father's death at the hands of the Bear Clan chief, and saw the chief kick his father's axe from his hand, denying him Valhalla. Left for dead, Ivar saw a Serpent Skald come to take his father's name, but escaped the debris and put out his flames, and cried by his father's side. The skald, revealed to be the faceless one, gave him a pendant of the basilisk library and his father's handaxe.   Ivar was then raised by the Seal clan in western Aedrinar whilst his brother Sigurd tried to rally the Reindeer clan survivors. In the seal clan, Ivar became a powerful warrior and hunter. At 16, he joined a war crew for the end of the 40 year war and earned a reuptation as a ruthless raider and plunderer. Ivar is known to have fought at the Battle of Salian Isle. He rejoined his brother to help strengthen the clan, but found themselves having to often avoid the Bear Clan and stick to the furthest wildernesses of Northern Aedrinar. Ivar continued to work as a Jomsvikingr throughout Aedrinar. Both Ivar and Val have referenced meeting each other during this time.   In 1052, Ivar was paid by Jarl Naerfi Oath-Knee to help rescue Doomed 2 Die. After a night of drunken debauchery, Ivar ended up in a Commonwealth prison and was freed by the party. Impressed by their skills in battle against Ebony and the Cult of Dagon, Ivar stopped to make sure Shan's weapon was in his hand when he went down to Saragos the Drowned. Ivar offered to join the party on their quest, and asked for their help in defeating the Bear Clan.  

War of the Walls Arc

Ivar sailed happily with the party to Jameleska to aid them on their mission. Sailing in the Boneless with Shan and Azura, he shared stories of his people and drank with both of them as they sailed slowly north from the Commonwealth. Upon arrival in Jameleska, Ivar helped befriend the orphan Roach and introduced them to the party. Ivar helped advance the party's investigation after a drinking session with Shan, where he was married byAlana Rose to lure Doomed 2 Die to her without raising the suspicions of the court. Due to his hangover, Ivar sat out the events that led to the fall of Worker's Union. He later voiced his anger at this, but helped Roach aclimatize to the party.   During their time in Jameleska, Ivar began to have a tense relationship with Einar when he figured out the bard was a member of the Serpent Skalds, showing him the Basilisk Coin. Einar used their connection with The Morrigan to learn of Ivar's father and the manner of death, learning that the Faceless one came across Ivar and a deceased Lothgar, passing him the very coin he now owned. The two maintained the tension until their eventual arrival in the Basilisk Library.   Ivar was eventually recruited alongside the rest of the party to the Scouts and helped to fight The Snow Lord's forces in Vorrenborg. He later joined the party on their mission to Titansgrove and fought with the party and Heli Ristor against the Snow Lords forces as they sought out the scout's titan powers. Ivar missed Val's glorious destruction of Eagle Falls, but used the time at camp to teach Roach how to hunt, helping to form the strong relationship between the two.   In Storonthorpe, Ivar was the only companion to escape the on the rebel hideout by the Boulder Jarl as he was halfway to the town square to aid the party when they attacked. He took down several giant forces before taking cover to ambush with Deputy Cass. When Azura sent him a sending message, he was happy to hear they had survived and were not taken into Valhalla, and helped them with the plan to rescue Heli and the others. In battle, Ivar charged out of his hiding space and distracted multiple hill giants and rushed to protect Gallus when the Snow Lord struck them down.   With the party finally heading to the Basilisk library after Storonthorpe's liberation, Ivar and Einar's relationship was on a knife edge, with the bard being sure to avoid Ivar at all costs. When they finally entered the library, Ivar confronted Einar, demanding to know what any of this had to do with him and his father. Einar finally calmed the warrior, being as honest as he could, and told him they did not know why they were connected, but they were on this mission together. When Einar was faced with the dilemma of finding more verses of Ragnarok or freeing a soul from Helhiem, Ivar did not try to convince the bard but looked at him pleadingly. Einar chose to honour Ivar, rescuing Lothgar from Helheim and restoring him to Valhalla. Ivar later approached Einar, thanking him, and promising his loyalty till his dying dies.   Ivar helped in the battle of Astergor and spent time learning the secrets of the Archives of Storvakis. When the group eventually headed to Theygor it was Ivar who proposed the infiltartion plan, recounting his memory of taking a mission to help the Thane of Isbrygge and defeat some Jomsvikingr turned pirate.  
“So, we scout them out- similar set up to this place. Palisades, camp, at least 80 of them, all armed and experienced warriors. Not good odds, but what do we say to the odds!?” Roach – “Don’t tell Ivar the odds!” “Exactly! So, I come up with an idea. They had some thralls with them, fetch the mead and wine, clean the deck sorts on a copper a day, get some experience at sea sorts. I dress up with a handful of my crew as these thralls, infiltrate. We spike their mead, pouring absinthe into the barrels, getting them all hammered. Then – we cause a fight between two of his sheildbarers, distracting the guards. A few of us sneak off, down the watchtowers, then Tumvak, a half-elf, magic user – throws a firebolt in the sky signalling the rest of the crew who come out of the shadows. We lost 1 warrior – they lost it all. Of course I got to fight Thalkir myself, gave me this scar. Look forward to having a rematch in Valhalla one day, great respesct for that man…"
  In the mission, Ivar was part of the vanguard and threw himself at Theygor's defences, distracting the forces whilst Lt. Braer covered for Roach who was sapping the defence towers. Ivar was inspired by the victory, and celebrated the party as they made camp that night. Ivar was left behind during the fight at Fasingos, but was glad to see Shan return.   For the Battle of Jastingrag, Ivar was part of the Vanguard with the Scouts and The Blizzard Maiden. When Heli fell, he offered condolences to Ardo Hune, and said Heli died like a warrior.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

During the week of downtime in Jameleska, Ivar found some sailors from the Seal Clan and largely spent his time with them, bar a small hunt he undertook with Einar - mending bridges and thanking the bard for saving their father from Helheim. Ivar also gifted two antler tokens from the hunt to Roach and Val.   In Gehenna, Ivar spent the first night with Einar, christening the bard as 'Fairsong.' He also went on the mission to the Mad Mage's Mansion, defending Mertion Hampton from the Legions of Hell. Ivar downed most of the attacking forces, but was nearly bested by the Pit Fiend general before the party returned from the mansion with Astra Kommenian and John Kommenian. Ivar was also brought along for the fight against the Orthon, where he found himself being described as a 'pit fiend in a man's body' incredibly flattering.   The Vikingr was left on baby-sitting duty with Roach for the next two missions before being taken along to rescue Starry Hyles. In the fight, Ivar was polymorphed and found the experience 'enlightening.' During the dance, Ivar attended with Val - the two flirting and joking with each other. Ivar was gifted flowers showing his love and respect for him.   Ivar was invited along for the next mession to Corpsegate, on the way they were attacked again by a Narzugon - who used its hellish powers to show visions of loss and damnation on the party. The warrior was forced to watch the massacre of his clan for what 'felt like eternity' before Falia was able to get the killing blow on the devil, ending it's visions. Ivar was particularly tetchy after arriving in Corpsegate, voicing how he felt he still wanted revenge and how the party were not helping him, he was calmed by Gallus and Shan and apologised for his outburst.   With Clay recruited, Ivar was next present for the mission to find allies in The Spawning Rift, battling the Relentless Juggernaught and vandalising idols to the Forgotten Gods. In the battle at Lover's Bite, Ivar was in distraction team with Auran and Roach. When Aphrodisia surrounded the party with reinforcements in the throne room, Val heard Ivar battling towards them and told the succubus that, "You don't fuck with Aedrinarans." Ivar forced a Yangoloth through the doors and went to work holding back reinforcements for the party.   After their victory, Fjandmar slipped Ivar a note telling him what Val's flowers meant. Ivar told him not to worry about it, as he "was used to being in love with his friends." Val remarked to Falia how Ivar was, "an idiot." Val also tried multiple times to hint that she was a changeling to the worry, and even with Roach's help, he did not grasp it.  

The White Will Arc

Departing with his friends to the Astral Sea once more - Ivar took some downtime on a planet whilst the Endeavour refeulled. The warrior would engage in a threesome with Val and Captain James Tovos, witnessing the spaceman's self-revivifying abilities. Ivar welcomed the strange astral sailor onto the Endeavour and accompanied the party into Mechanus as they saught information on Ragnarok from Primus. With the party reaching Primus's cathedral, Ivar and Falia would be locked outside whilst the party were plunged into an alternate reality. When they broke the alterntate reality, Ivar and Falia had broken through to find the party emotionally torn about the events.   Back in Lastlight, Ivar was sent ahead by the party to the Western Hold to meet with Lugar Whitehide and prepare for the fight against The White Will. Ivar would arrive with no problems and bring the Seal Clan to Knut's Landing in time to see The White Will attacking the settlement. Whilst the Seal clan secured outer areas of the town, Ivar rushed the temple to face the dragon head on and was able to rescue Gallus, Einar, and Falia. He would join the main convoy to attack the dragon again when it went to raid the docks.   With the town barely saved, Ivar helped the party lead the vanguard of refugees to the Seal Clan camp and made sure to mark it on the party's map when they went to investigate the death of several Ysgard's Warriors. When the party returned battered and wounded, Ivar comforted Val and helped them go to sleep. He was later told by Gallus of the true events - that they had been captured, Val had entered a trauma response, and Roach had nearly died. Ivar also learnt of the involvement of The Black Fox and grew enraged by both facts. Upset, he and Val argued loudly.   Ivar and Val barely talked on the sail to Jameleska, and he was left alone brooding with Roach and Erika at the Sleeping Deacon in the city. Here he began to bond with the party's new companion, Fr. Tomos Siegfried, unloading much of his problems onto the priest under the rites of confession. He came to some terms with the events and the two mended some wounds on the sail back to the western hold - falling unconcious into Val's arms when the Scion of the Sea's forces attacked the ship.   Travelling to Bard's Folly, he undertook the Way of the Warrior alongside Gallus and Erika, defeating two chimeras. In the second test, he underwent the Path of Fear and was made to ask for help from his friends to pass the test as he was nearly sucked into an illusionary form of Helheim. With the stone of astrid secured, he continued with the party as Falia, Erika and Fr. Tomos travelled to Westwatch.   When Mr. Blake approached the group to ask for help in rescuing the Western Skallen from Haarold Iceaxe's army Ivar somewhat sided with Gallus and Einar but stayed out of the debate and said he would stand by the party no matter their decision. He was speechless upon meeting the legendary Aedrinaran general for the first time and stayed with him and Gallus when Val went to negotiate a truce between the Skallen and Haarold. Haarold recognised him as Reindeer clan and connected him back to Refid Wintershield, unnerving the warrior.   When the White Will ambushed the party, Ivar managed to hold back most of the forces and was unaware Roach had been nearly killed by the frost magic and was shocked to see them wake up with magical abilities as the frost breaths had awakened their innate sorcerer magic. They helped the party back to Westwatch following the battle.   Unbeknownst to the vikingr, the party were walking into a trap set by Elfrey the Godswitch, who revealed Val's history as an exiled warrior of Ysgard in the middle of Coldstar Keep. Ivar was infuriated when the majority of the hall performed the traditional shunning action. Ivar was ready to defend Val's honour to the death but was calmed by a grateful warlock. He was also angry at the prescence of House Winter-Shield, revealing a storried history with the Winterharbour nobles beyond his intiial tales about them. Starkard Wintershield would fake an enchantment on him, sending him to the mead stores whilst the Wintershield wizard discussed plans with the party.   He accepted the party's appeal to the Wintershields and awaited for their arrival to clear val's honour, rescue their captured companions, and continue on their quest. In the eventual battle, he saw Roach be downed by one of Elfrey's spells and pleaded with Einar to help - which the bard did quickly, reviving the rogue. He and Val would share a deep conversation before they headed to Pilgrim's Rest, mending most of their previous disagreements.   Ivar would be left at Heroes Rest alongside Falia and Roach, giving his support to Val and wishing him the best. Val responded by kissing Ivar then running on their way, leaving Ivar stunned. Roach and Falia would later comment how he was clearly pretending it was nothing but was 'blushing' the entire time. When the group returned, the two pretended nothing had changed but were set up by Falia and Gallus into a sharing a room but nothing happened between them.   Back in Westwatch, Ivar, Gallus, and Roach attended the Westwatch Wrestling. He would be sent to handle the elemental factories alongside Erika and the Wintershield Berserkers. Meeting the party outside the Dragon's Lair, Ivar replicated Val's actions to him and kissed her before heading into the forces. In the fight he learned to appreicate Erika and when the beast was slain and the group returned to Westwatch to celebrate, he, Val, and Erika shared a night of passion before he left for Rorisgrad with Shan to take the White Will's head to the Huntress.  

The Heir of Furunheim Arc

After turning the head of the White Will to the Huntress, Ivar and Shan sailed on the Boneless towards Odinsthrone to meet with the party when they were transported into the feywild. There they battled with beings possessed by The Dark Enchanter and were rescued by Uncle Muffin.   Transported back to the material plane with some timey-wimey shennaigans, the jomsvikingr found himself in Kriegerholm, only a short sail to the capital of Odinsthrone. In the capital, he and Shan would meet with Mr Blake again and eventually reunited with the party the following day.   At Gallus's behest, Ivar began to train Prince Sven in the ways of the warrior. Ivar also sailed behind the party towards Krakenpost with the princeling. There he missed another fight as he accompoinied Shan to the local tavern where they fueded with some Goat Clan adventurers in town to help with the mysterious unearthed dungeon whilst the party battled asssasssins and evil plants.   Ivar would travel with the party to Ferenvire and helped to battle the evil fey and dark enchanters forces in the aftermath of Elder Tiristar Furyborn's funeral. He was sent back to Krakenpost to gather his warriors in preperation for a battle at Marthiel.   In the battle of Marthiel, Ivar's crew were responsible for smashing through the walls and ransacking the key defences of the Enchanter's forces. He would be stumbled upon by the party whilst sneaking, and later when a portal opened on a street. Shan stepped out the portal, and the two rushed into rescue Azura. Unfortunately the wizard was already slain, and Ivar swore to destroy the beings responsible. Whilst fighting, they were rescued by a ressurected Azura, now the avatar of Mannanan Mac Lir, and returned to the material plan.  

The Deep Arc

  Ivar would celebrate with the rest of the party back in Ferenvire and accomponied them back to Krakenpost. He waited behind as the party dwelved into the ruins of Forgotten Gods temple on the outskirts of town to rescue Cassie Rayes. When the party went to confront the Order of Labelas for their suspected role in orchestrated in the botched temple exploration, he readied his crews and warriors. When they party did not return, he led the charge alongside Falia and Roach into the library to rescue or avenge them.   Upon the party's safe return he sailed alongside them to the eastern isles. Again he was knocked unconcious as the Scion of the Seas lured most the companions and their crews to sleep in an ambush on Doomed 2 Die. He was awoken this time, however, and helped to fend off the sea creatures attacking his ship. Ivar also helped the party in their initial explorations of Orsturkirk, introducing them to Kilir Dragontooth.   Ivar accomponied the party in their attempt to apprehend Vanar Salinir alongside Roach and Kilir. He readied an attack on Vanar's base of operations, but refrained from striking him down whilst the party negotiated the elf's surrender. The warrior also battled the Ghastseas on their return to Orsturkirk. Here Ivar was sent away to take Fr Tomos to Tyris Ren on behalf of Val so the priest could begin investigating the changeling murders there.   He returned to Crowsport and was left in charge of beginning to lower tensions in nearby Valkyrie. Whilst there, he recieved a sending from Val, who was being abducted by The Wraiths alongside the rest of the party, letting him know what happened. Ivar gathered Zedithir and got in contact with Aera Furyborn, and they managed to ressurect James Tovos, who helped them hijack a passing astral sailor, and jump into the Veil to rescue the party.   Ivar then returened to Valkyerie whilst the party went to Freywen. He was intimidating the hostile House Wildfang by drilling his reindeer clan crew outside their home to stop them provoking the elves or battling the more peace-driven houses. Successful, he went to Orsturkirk again with the party for downtime.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Ivar never met Val and instead focused on his own personal vengeance. He was still angry and distant, not being interested in Shan or Teng upon their arrival in Knut's Landing. When the White Will Arrived, Ivar was eaten by the dragon but appeared to still be alive inside its stomach, cutting it from inside until succumbing to his wounds and dying.


Ivar is known to be sexually liberated, with hinted relationships with multiple characters.


Ivar has worked as a Jomsvikingr, a ship captain with no jarl or clan, since the 40 year war. He captained The Boneless during various raids on Seldrinar positions throughout the Commonwealth and beyond, and was part of the Aedrinarian war fleet that helped to retake the Salian Isle after a failed Dragon Empire attempt. Ivar is technically under oath to Doomed 2 Die, thus making him a full Vikingr once more.

Mental Trauma

Ivar lost his father and clan at a young age, and carries the literal and emotional scars with him to this day. He is determined to end the centuries long blood fued between the Bear and Reindeer clans by the traditional way: destroying his enemies.


  • Mentioning the Forgotten Gods
  • Acting Dishonourably

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes


  • Battle
  • High Honour Scores
  • Looting
  • Defending commoners against nobles


  • Dishonesty
  • Support of the Bear Clan
  • Suporting nobility over commoners

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Adept fighter at medium and close range
  • High health rating for tanking
  • Willing to die for his friends and allies
  • Can action surge
  • Can second wind

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Getting Ivar drunk can lead to drunken debauchery and taking him out of the next day's adventure
  • Ivar acts off codes of honour, even when it goes against the party



Follower (Vital)

Towards Einar





Towards Ivar




Ivar and Einar have had a stand off over Ivar's suspcions about Einar's relationship with the Skald order. Einar's hesitance to share has created a sense of distrust, alongside Einar stealing one of Ivar's axes whilst he was blackout drunk. Ivar has grown to respect Einar for rescuing his father from Helheim.


Companion (Important)

Towards Azura





Towards Ivar




Companion (Vital)

Towards Shan




Friend (Important)

Towards Ivar




Shan and Ivar spent considerable time together on the journey from the Commonwealth to Lastlight. The two shared mead, tea, and stories and became stronger as a bond. Their positions at the frontline of combat also reflect their close nature.


Companion (Important)

Towards Val




Ally (Trivial)

Towards Ivar




Ivar and Val have both alluded to a shared history of knowing each other in the past before joining with the party. The exact nature of this relationship is unknown, but given both of their "tastes" assumptions can be made.


Child (Vital)

Towards Ivar




Father Figure (Vital)

Towards Roach




Ivar has de-facto adopted Roach into the Reindeer clan and is teaching them how to become a fighter.

Status Alive   First Appearance: Session 34, Infection
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
14th Axefall
Northern Aedrinar
Dark blue
Light brown undercut with braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white with heavy scarring and burns on hhis lower body
Honoured Gods
Aligned Organization


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