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Killyn †

Killyn Summerfrost

A brave warrior from Asrinheim, Killyn was a babarian with the ability to shift their form to aid their combat. A master of axes and possessing the mighty Ashbrand greatsword, Killyn was the first person to join Doomed 2 Die that was not hired by Naerfi Oath-Knee. A strong-willed and harsh character, Killyn loved their friends well and treated their enemies with scorn. They learned to open up to their new friends and even began a relationship with Azura. They unforuntaely met their death at the hands of Gwenyth Youngspell when they jumped in the way of a disintegration spell.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Killyn is a path of the beast barbarian coming from a line of druids in Southern Asrinheim. Upon leaving their tribe, Killyn saught to complete the Ice Elf coming of age ritual of overcoming a great challenge and headed to the island of Sudureyja.  

The Missing Arc

Killyn fist met Doomed 2 Die in Fargenvur on Sudurejya, coming across Shan by the village well. They joined the group at the local tavern where they met a member of Ysgards Warriors. Keen to join the group, Killyn and the rest of the party joined the warrior on his mission to find a monster within the nearby sea caves. After taking mercy on the gazer Gobledegook Jr. Jr. Jr, Killyn helped to beat the elemental nightmares with her skilled axe work and shape changing abilities. As a reward, Killyn accepted a set of "really cool sunglasses" that gave them ability to appear more charismatic.   Joining the party on their mission to fight Fisk, Killyn met Fjandmar during the game of Grimsweaver in Fiskvatn, and made easy work of Fisks goons inside.  

Dragon Clan Arc

Killyn journeyed with the rest of the group to Drekenheim to hunt down Teng Silverjaw. Taking on a bounty to fight another elemental deep within the towns mines, Killyn slew the Efretti Rasmashan and took his fireblade, Ashbrand, for their own. Killyn accomponied the party on their journey to the Monastery of Balder, waiting outside whilst their companions took the tests. During their travels, Killyn began a casual relationship with Azura.   When facing Red Hawk ⸸ , Killyn successfully duped the guards using their sunglasses. This was not enough to stop Red Hawk catching them whilst Azura was casting a ritual spell. In the fight, Killyn fought hart but was unable to save Torgier, who later sacrificed himself for the group. Killlyn was angry at meeting Einar and found him illusive, backing up Azrua's suspcions of the bard until they completed their quest in the Bear Library. In the Great City of Aaqa, Killyn signed up for a gladiator ring and beat their foes to become grand champion.   When Teng attacked Oskunstrond, Killyn went with Shan and Einar to fight Teng whilst Kliiks and Azura fought Red Hawk again. Killyn was tough and had whitled Teng down, but was unable to fully best him. Like their companions, Killyn was begrudingly forced to flee where they saw Kliiks sacrifice themselves to Red Hawk. Making their way to the docks, Killyn surrendered to ARCAM.  

Dagon Arc

Killyn was uncooperative on both the Corrrupted Fortune and the ARKAM ship. They were part of the failed escape attempt with Captain Vand's help, and ultimately had Ashbrand destroyed by ARKAM, causing them great pain and loss. Arriving in the Commonwealth, Killyn was a key part of the kobold massacre in Gorgon's lair. In The Witchwood, Killyn fought the Hydra with glee and battled the hags relentlessly, taking much of the damage for their party. During their time in the Commonwealth, Killyn and Azura began a more serious relationship.   In Devil's Bridge, Killyn witnessed an Arctic Fox. This was an omen that summon in their clan was due to die that coming day. On their way to Saunton, Killyn confessed that the party were her new clan. Killyn was present for Azura's trial, and although cleared of involvement, Killyn helped in the trial by combat. After the fight, Gwenyth Youngspell tried to cast disintegration on Azura, so Killyn dived in the way and took the spell instead, killing them instantly. In the ethereal plane, they met with Frigga, who gave them the oppertunity to go to Arvandor or Vallhalla, with the Ice Elf choosing the latter.   Their ashes were scattered in Saunton's rivers.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Killyn was recruited by Naerfi Oath-Knee to fight alongside Torgier and Torvak to fight the Cult of Ragnarok. In this reality, with Fjandmar's internvention, Killyn would die in Fargenvur with the rest of their companions, their body being spotted by the alterate form of their cousin, Val.

Gender Identity

Like the majority of Ice Elves, Killyn was gender neutral.
Status: Deceased   First Appearance: Session 5, Gobbledegook
Current Status
Dust in a river
Circumstances of Death
Disintgrated by Gwenyth Youngspell
South Asrinheim
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Tarsellis Meunniduin
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Appearances: 28
  • Session 5: Gobbledogook
  • Session 6:Ghosts and Consquences
  • Session 7: Welcome to Fiskvatn
  • Session 8: A Grim Weave
  • Session 9: Fall of Fisk (The First Defenestration of Torgier)
  • Session 10: Good Deeds Bat Deeds
  • Session 11: The Past, a Present, and the Future
  • Session 12: Across the Ashen Sea
  • Session 13: Fire!
  • Session 14: Faith
  • Session 15: Finding Home
  • Session 16: Red Hawk
  • Session 17: The Bear Library
  • Session 18: Secrets and Stories
  • Session 19: Traitor at the Gates
  • Session 20: Rabble in Oskunstrond
  • Session 21: Divided We Fall
  • Session 22: Prisoners
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 24: Buchstable Mysteries
  • Session 25: His Unholiness
  • Session 26: Road to Bonnwood
  • Session 27: Into the Witchwood
  • Session 28: Beyond the Crypt
  • Session 29: Beyond the Fairy Mist
  • Session 30: A Gathering
  • Session 31: Arbitration
  • Session 83: The Clockwork God (Alternate Reality) (Body)


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