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John Kommenian

John Kommenian

Master wizard, ARCAM agent, and professional apocalypse stopper, John Kommenian is an archmage abjurer and conjurer formally associated with ARCAM and legendary professor of the The Miskatonic. Beleived dead in the 1019, John was revealed to be alive and under the effects of a miss-managed mind blank spell in in Gehenna. His mind was returned by Einar using a scroll of greater restoration on him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

John was born to a Kernowian mother and Irannoan father in the Duchy of Iranno in the 960s. With a talented grasp of magic, John moved to the Miskatonic at 18 and became a fixture around campus, enrolling in Ravencroft college to study conjuration. The young wizard was present for a disaterous conjuration experient which saw a fellow student killed, which prompted the wizard to focus his studies on the occult and how to protect others from it. During his studies in the 980s, John was also apparently in a band according to his adoptive daughter Astra Kommenian.   During his further studies in abjuration and magical defence, John was scouted by ARCAM and recruited to their ranks. John would become one of their best agents, helping to recover the Box of Dagon from Merendy Isle. In 991, John was involved with the legendary heroes of the Commonwealth known as the 'parental problems posee' in helping uncover information on Ucothah and stop the mind-controlled drow incurssion into the Miskatonic.   John would also become a key member of the Commonwealth revolution, helping protect Saunton during Azumon's attack. After the war, John and Eldra Shatteraxe maintained a close relationship. At some point after 992, John helped free Astra, the daughter of Asmodeus, from his cult and decided to adopt her.   When Astra was taken back to hell, John launched a desperate rescue mission. Although saving his adoptive daughter, John was lost in The Nine Hells and beleived dead. This was until his mansion was reported to be in Khalas, the first layer of Gehenna by diviners in the Miskatonic. Astra and a handful of agents led by Mertion Hampton broke rank to go to the bleak eternity to recover the mansion and hopefully find the fate of the wizard.   It was revealed that during his battle with Asmodeus, John had narrowly escaped and was forced to cast mind-blank on himself. The spell went wrong, and his memories were nearly erased and the wizard became panicked he was still stuck in the battle. This lasted for around 60 years before he was rescued by Doomed 2 Die. As thanks, the wizard agreed to make a repeating mindblank for the party's ally Fjandmar, despite the two apparently having a shared history.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

After Doomed 2 Die defeated a band of Gnolls on the eastern shores of Furunheim, Azura found an abysall flail wielded by the gnoll's leader, a flind. Seeking answers on how dangerous the weapon was, she contacted John and he appearaed in his Mansion of Mystery. John confirmed the flail was abysall in nature and needed to be destroyed or contained. He took it off the party's hands and helped them answer more questions about current events and what he had been doing to repair ARCAM'S reputation. He had no knowledge of Amy Cobblepott, alarming the party.
Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 69: Arcane Masters
Light brown
Shabby, blonde and black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White to tanned
Aligned Organization
Apperances: 3
  • Session 68: Mansion of Mystery (Mentioned, appears in portrait only)
  • Session 69: Arcane Masters
  • Session 115: Ferenvire


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