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Box of Dagon

An artefact of the infernal cult of Dagon, this magical box is capable of creating magical clones sworn to the elder god Dagon. Cold to the touch, mysterious, and impervious to destruction, the Box of Dagon is the most important device in the cult’s arsenal. Stolen by Azura  when they fled The Miskatonic, the box now houses the soul of Ebony †  and is being carried by Amy Cobblepott.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Box of Dagon is endowed with elder magic. Cold to the touch and forged of an unknown stone and metal, a magic user who holds the box risks becoming attuned to it. The box reads their thoughts, desires, and abilities and after around 1-2 months the box creates a perfect clone of the original user who is sworn to Dagon.


The Box of Dagon has existed since time immemorial. Believed to originate with the destruction of Dagon in the mythic age, the box houses the essence of the elder god of the tempest and spewing salt. The box has been passed from high cultist to high cultist, becoming lost in when St Dafyyd killed Baba Mara and nearly destroyed the Cult of Dagon in the second age.   After being lost for centuries, the box was recovered by John Kommenian and ARCAM, being taken back to the Wyvern College vaults in the Miskatonic. John Kommenian commented how the box required multiple uses of dispel magic to keep its effects at bay, by the artefact was impervious to attempted destruction.   Azura stole the box during from Wyvern college before joining Captain Vand on the Corrupted Fortune. Vand later unwillingly sold the box in Ceannastra to a member of the Cult of Dagon. The Cult intended to use the box on their creator, but were unaware Azura had already imprinted on it, creating Ebony.   Ebony held the box until their death in 1052 when her essence returned to the box. It is now in the custody of an amnesiac Amy Cobblepott.


The Box of Dagon is the physical representation of part of the Elder God Dagon. For centuries, the box has been used to anoint the high priest of the cult and is the most important artefact in their religion. Powerful magic users were captured by the cult and Dagonic clones of them created to act as high priests.
Creation Date
Current Holder
30x30x30 cm


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