Victor Valentine I

Former NSMHH Director Victor Valentine (a.k.a. Victor Sr, Old Victor)

Father of Victor Valentine II and husband of the esteemed anthropology professor, Maura Valentine.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Victor is in his upper middle age, and becoming quite frail as a result. Due to a previous injury 28 years ago where he fell into an excavation site and broke his hip, Victor has difficulty walking and standing for long periods of time, and often makes use of a wheelchair or cane. Like many vampires in advanced age, his skin has become much more a dusky ashy color with many age spots, his hair thinning, and has had an extreme, disproportionate loss of body fat begin to take its toll on him.

Facial Features

His face is quite wrinkled and loose due to his age, and features many age spots and freckles. He has prominent laugh lines as well.

Apparel & Accessories

Generally he wears more subtle vampiric designed clothing, not as intricate as most vampires, but still in rather formal styles generally made for comfort. Victor I generally favors long coats and shawls with slacks and wingtip shoes, although on occasion will don more casual clothing in the form of a patterned button down shirt with comfortable trousers.   He always wears a multitude of rings, namely his wedding ring, a ring celebrating 50 years as director of the Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History, a ring celebrating his retirement, and a class ring. These are kept in as pristine condition as he possibly can, with minimal marks from wear and tear. As he's lost weight over the years, he's had all but his wedding band resized to fit properly, and will sometimes take off the wedding band to wear on a necklace if he finds it too loose.

Specialized Equipment

Victor has a custom powered wheelchair built for long term use and made to be comfortable. It is quite ornate, with decorative trims, custom cushioning, and inlays. His cane is similarly ornate, featuring clawed feet at the bottom.

Personality Characteristics


Victor Sr is driven by a desire to seek out and spread knowledge of the world, to understand other's point of view, and the history that lead to the world we see today. He has dedicated his life to such a purpose, having personally created and overseen many education programs in Nottingham and New York as a whole, along with a long career as the director of Nottingham's museum.

Likes & Dislikes

He has a reputation for being quite sour to those collecting artifacts for personal gain or wealth, and is well known to be spiteful to such individuals and sparing no expense in recovering artifacts from them, even through underhanded means. As he is well aware of his political and economic status, he can at times flaunt this in order to pressure rivals to step down into 'willingly' donate their collections to his museum, rather than be lost to both research and their cultural origins.   Victor has also a strong dislike to other museums and their owners who steal, destroy, or otherwise gain their own artifacts and collections at the detriment of others, making this well known and once again falling on his status and reputation to address this behavior. Contrary to much of his personality otherwise, he holds no kindness to these kinds of people.


Social Aptitude

Extremely charismatic and extroverted, Victor loves people deeply. He is extremely fond of the curious nature in children and teenagers, valuing their drive and holds a strong belief that people are inherently good.


Victor Valentine II

Son (Vital)

Towards Victor Valentine I



Victor Valentine I

Father (Vital)

Towards Victor Valentine II




Father and son, and so alike in many ways. Victor Sr raised him with a strong love of history and the world altogether, and with heavy emphasis on education.

Nicknames & Petnames

Victor I often calls his son 'Little Victor', a nickname that has stuck well into adulthood.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both love the museum and educating others, putting their entire lives into their work. Both spend as much of their time as they can at the museum and working to make it the most extensive collection they can, purely for preservation.

Victor Valentine I

husband (Vital)

Towards Maura Valentine


Maura Valentine

wife (Vital)

Towards Victor Valentine I



Victor and Maura met in college, sharing many classes together due to them both pursuing careers in anthropology. They pursued a relationship together and spent many decades as a couple, but did not get married until much later in their lives as both had viewed their own careers as more important, but yet having enough respect and love for one another to not pressure each other or fear seperating. They have been married for several decades and enjoy a long, happy marriage with one son, Victor Valentine II, who is perhaps the only person either of them love and respect more than each other.

Shared Secrets

Both Victor and Maura are aware of the omnia and their troubled history. Although not publically, both are strong political allies to them.

Shared Acquaintances

Lorenzo McConnell

Victor Valentine I

Former Boss (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Former Employee (Important)

Towards Victor Valentine I




Lorenzo was at one time an intern for Victor, and his drive and personal knowledge allowed him to quickly climb into the position he holds at the museum today. Notably, Victor is aware that Lorenzo and his husband are omnia and this is a carefully kept secret between the them, only shared between them, Maura, and unbeknownst to Lorenzo, Victor II.   Victor has allowed Lorenzo to pursue many personal projects during his time working for him, and is greatly appreciative of his drive and wealth of knowledge of the world and history otherwise lost. In turn, Lorenzo views him as a great man, and one of the best employers he has had. When his son was quite young, Victor would often turn to Lorenzo to watch and care for him first over hiring a baby sitter, due to an incredible amount of trust he holds for the omnia and knowing his incredible love of children.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lorenzo almost exclusively calls him Victor, rather than Victor I.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have a deep love of anthropology, history, and the way culture has changed over time, with an incredible amount of dedication and love for their jobs.

Shared Secrets

Victor is aware that Lorenzo and his husband Sekhm are omnia, and keeps this secret closely guarded, only having told his wife and son, who are similarly close to them.


past employee

Towards Victor Valentine I


Victor Valentine I

former employer

Towards Mayriam


Wealth & Financial state

The Valentine family as a whole is quite wealthy, due to many members such as Victor and his wife, Maura Valentine having high paid and respected positions in education that have lasted decades if not centuries. Due to their collective contributions to art and science, the Valentine family as a whole has received many grants and special permissions related to their fields. Rather than hoard this wealth however, Victor and by extension his wife, Maura, live much more humbly than one would expect, frequently donating their money into funds for education and cultural preservation, restoration of historic sites, and other programs.   Both Victor I and Maura Valentine live in a relatively small townhouse in a vampiric neighborhood of Nottingham, New York, neighboring their son, Victor Valentine II. They do own several luxury cars, most of them having been fitted specially for Victor I's needs in physical mobility.
Current Location
Year of Birth
19556 465 Years old
Red, with black seclera
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Latin, Mandarin


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