Victor Valentine II

Director of Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Victor is a daywalker, a condition that is essentially albinism in vampires. Due to this, he is significantly paler than his non-daywalker family, and with pale hair. He is of average build with little muscle, due to spending most of his time working at a desk.

Facial Features

His hair is curly and generally swept out of his face and combed back for more formal events, however typically on a work day he will often leave it loose, with bangs on the right side of his face often sweeping across his forehead and curling to the side.

Identifying Characteristics

Victor has several freckles and moles across his face and body that are red or pinkish in color.

Apparel & Accessories

As director of the museum, Victor is most commonly in rather more formal clothing than the ordinary guest and has worked many items into his normal attire. Most of his clothing, like many sunchasers and daywalkers, is in stark contrast to the norm for vampires in pale blues, white, cream, and as he is a man of status, often with gold or silver trim. Victor often has a brooch of a golden sun pinned to his jacket. He also paints his nails, often a dark blue.   He does not own clothing that one would consider to be truly casual in style outside of a few sweatshirts from the museum or college he keeps mainly as mementos and will rarely, if ever, actually wear.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The son of Victor Valentine I and Maura Valentine, both known for their renown and status in the fields of anthropology and history, Victor grew up with a very first hand knowledge of the world and became a quick learner on it. His parents' positions, his father the director of the Nottingham Museum, and mother an anthropologist, he grew up surrounded by their works and quickly fell in love with learning more about the world.   Victor spent quite a lot of his time as a child at the museum, often tagging along with his father to work after school or to do his homework. Often times, he'd tour the labs and watch the archivists work on restoration, such as Lorenzo, who often baby sat him when he was younger. As a teenager this often continued, with Victor spending much of his time at the museum, and he began to work there as a tour guide and intern until his college days. He spent several years away from home while earning his degrees, and as soon as he was able, returned to Nottingham to once more work for his father.

Gender Identity

Cis, he/him




Victor is quite accomplished, with numerous degrees at quite a young age in cultural anthropology, humanoid history, and archaeology. He also has a high degree of education in the arts, restoration, and preservation.


Victor Valentine II followed in his father, Victor Valentine I's, footsteps and took over as Director of Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History on his retirement. Many of his accomplishments and degrees are to combat the idea that his position was given out of nepotism, to ensure that he was the most qualified for the position available, as he grew up with a strong love of the museum and his father's work, wishing to continue it himself.   He is to date, the youngest director of the Nottingham Museum ever, and takes deep pride in this accomplishment.   His past employment includes having been a tour guide and speaker at the museum in his teens as a part time job and hobby, which he quite enjoyed. Being quite charismatic and with a wealth of knowledge about the museum's artifacts and exhibits from a young age, the job came as second nature to him and from time to time, he can fall into old habits and will occasionally give the same long winded explanations of certain pieces and their significance as he would when working.   Victor also worked, temporarily, as a trainer for other employees at the museum before he went to college. Primarily he would train guides, having personally worked that position before, but also was allowed to train other staff such as greeters, gift shop cashiers, and lower level handlers of artifacts.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Victor II is the youngest director of the Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History so far, due to him surpassing all qualifications and personally having worked at the museum since he was a teenager.

Personality Characteristics


Victor loves knowledge and sharing it with others. His life's work is carrying on that of his father's, ensuring that all people have the chance to learn equally and love it as much as he does. Preserving the past so others can learn from it, not for prestige or glory, is what drives him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

As much of his job requires public speaking, Victor can be quite charismatic with donors and those who fund the museum- but this doesn't carry well into an ordinary social life, where he is often much too formal and withdrawn emotionally. He can be rather awkward in personal situations, not knowing how to hold a conversation that is not focused on objectivity or facts but instead emotion and opinion. As such, he prefers the company of those in a similar mindset to himself and is not known to have a particularly broad social life.

Likes & Dislikes

Much like his father, Victor greatly enjoys learning about the world and different cultures and historic events. His interests are fairly broad beyond this, with him having a deep appreciation for art, other sciences, and written work. He has a large collection of books that he carefully curates. Victor also often shares many interests with his close friend and employee, Lorenzo, and both are quite prone into spending hours debating and discussing them at length.

Virtues & Personality perks

Although he does have his occasional social blunders, Victor is nothing if not kind and compassionate to others. His patience and curiosity knows no bounds and he genuinely enjoys listening to others rant, ramble, and rave about their interests. Much like his father, he views people as being inherently good and can be quite trusting to others to 'do the right thing', but is keenly aware that in the times this is not the case, it can be disastrous and a great personal loss.   He cares deeply for his small group of friends, willing to lend a hand in any matter and any way possible if he can.

Vices & Personality flaws

Overworking is a terrible trait that runs in the Valentine family. He spends long hours at his office, and is prone to sleeping there over night if he hasn't 'finished' his work, which he never views as fully done. Victor will sometimes blatantly ignore his own needs just to continue working and is known among employees at the museum for sustaining himself mainly on junk food, coffee, and prepackaged blood pouches. Rarely will he cook for himself, as he is not particularly good at it, and instead prefers to eat out. If this is not an option, Victor would rather forgo a meal entirely.   At times he can also be rather long winded, not realizing how long he has rambled for, if caught in a conversation about one of his personal interests.

Personality Quirks

He often snorts when he laughs and due to being a daywalker and being incredibly pale as a result, any sort of blush or flush is extremely visible, which can cause him to become even more flustered.


Victor is an incredibly clean person, always presenting himself in fresh, newly washed and ironed clothes, wearing cologne, and freshly showered. He will often bring a change of clothes with him for occasions he knows he will be working well into the next day for the purpose of having something to change into.


Victor Valentine II

Son (Vital)

Towards Victor Valentine I



Victor Valentine I

Father (Vital)

Towards Victor Valentine II




Father and son, and so alike in many ways. Victor Sr raised him with a strong love of history and the world altogether, and with heavy emphasis on education.

Nicknames & Petnames

Victor I often calls his son 'Little Victor', a nickname that has stuck well into adulthood.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both love the museum and educating others, putting their entire lives into their work. Both spend as much of their time as they can at the museum and working to make it the most extensive collection they can, purely for preservation.

Victor Valentine II

Boss / Good Friend (Important)

Towards Lorenzo McConnell



Lorenzo McConnell

Archivist / Good Friend (Important)

Towards Victor Valentine II




Victor II has known Lorenzo his entire life, with the other many being a long time employee of his father, Victor Valentine I. Having been often baby sat by the omnia when he was a child, Victor has a high degree of respect for him, viewing him like family, like an older sibling or an uncle. This is exemplified by Lorenzo having an incredibly strong bond with his father and being among one of his closest friends.   Now that Victor has taken up the position of director himself, he still spends a lot of his working time alongside Lorenzo, either supervising his own projects or lending assistance as needed, and getting such from Lorenzo in turn. They often work collaboratively on side projects, and proof reading each other's papers. Much of their time hanging out together is spent with long rambles and rants about subjects outside their respective fields, bouncing ideas and theories off one another and debating for fun.

Nicknames & Petnames

'Enzo' and 'Veevee'

Relationship Reasoning

Lorenzo has worked at the Nottingham's State Museum of Humanoid History for many years, first working for Victor Valentine I when he was a student and climbing to his current position. As such with Victor II spending a lot of his time at the museum as a child, he spent a lot of time in the labs and became quick friends with Lorenzo, at times the man babysitting him as needed. Lorenzo often showed the young Victor neat tricks and experiments in the lab, known from his time previously as a school teacher, and would entertain him.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both have a deep love of learning and entrenching themselves in new subjects.

Shared Secrets

Victor was told by his father that Lorenzo is an omnia, and keeps such a secret from others, going along with any ruse or lie to cover Lorenzo, and by extension, Sekhm's pasts.

Shared Acquaintances

Victor Valentine I and Maura Valentine

Victor Valentine II


Towards Sekhm McConnell



Sekhm McConnell


Towards Victor Valentine II



Relationship Reasoning

Victor and Sekhm are not close, their entire relationship kept strictly to the professionalism of Victor being Lorenzo's boss, and Lorenzo as Sekhm's husband. Most of their interaction is when Sekhm comes to pick up Lorenzo from work and may occasionally talk to Victor if he sees him.

Shared Acquaintances

Lorenzo McConnell

Victor Valentine II


Towards Maura Valentine


Maura Valentine


Towards Victor Valentine II



occasional employee

Towards Victor Valentine II


Victor Valentine II

occasional employer

Towards Mayriam


Current Location
Date of Birth
November 4th
Year of Birth
19988 33 Years old
Pale blue with pink pupils (due to daywalker condition)
White blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale olive
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Italian, Mandarin


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