
Setardalia, also called Iulamar or the Great Monastery, is a monastery town and trade town on the northeastern border of Arduli. It is arguably the most famous Niranist monastery in the world.  

Government and Defences

Ever since Shahzade Ishte Arduli, the aunt of Shah Jezebeth, gave up her title and became a nun of the complex, Setardalia has been managed by the Skorelser Suli Dwarf female Abbotess Wivla Kangvuld, an Archimand-Cenobite of the Amrithesite Orders. While the non-monastic portions of the town is the fief of the Royal House of Arduli, Abbotess Wivla acts as the Tarqadios over the entire settlement. In addition to administering Setardalia, Abbotess Wivla is directly responsible for encouraging trade and economic prosperity within the town, making some of the more devout Niranists question her loyalty to her monastic oaths.   Setardalia is defended by eight allagia of the Dicarian Legions. The town’s defenses mainly consist of the watchtowers around the region and the Cantacuzene Fortress - in case of an attack, the Iulamar Complex has enough bastions to withstand a siege.  


Setardalia is a popular pilgrimage site, one of the main ones in Niranism. In addition to its religious importance, Setardalia’s status as a border town also makes it a popular spot for trade.  


Setardalia is in northeastern Arduli, part of the Emirate of the Syndarto and the Upper Asternur. It is on the Ardulese-Calanian border, where the Wensuas transition into the Khakhu Valleys. The Iulamar Complex is placed ontop of the Iulamar Spring, a lake-sized spring that feeds the Asternur and Syndarto Rivers. Flowing out from the spring is the Sistani Waterfall, a massive waterfall that the ascetics of the Monastery of Nasselis use for prayer and meditation.  


There are two districts in Setardalia: the Proselyte’s Ward, and the Iulamar Complex. The Iulamar Complex refers to the complex of religious buildings for the ascetics of Setardalia, while Proselyte’s Ward was constructed for those who wished to live near the sacred site without undergoing monastic oaths to the Court.  

Proselyte's Ward

Proselyte’s Ward is the part of Setardalia where the layfolk of the town live. Located on the banks of the Iulamar Spring located near the Iulamar Complex, Proselyte’s Ward was originally built for those who wished to live near the complex without becoming monks to reside. However, since Abbotess Wivla became the ruler of the town, the district has also become a center of trade on the border with Calania. Landmarks in Proselyte’s Ward include:
  • The Ancient Forest - an animal and pet store managed by the jovial male Gachikki Gnome Safan Zolrobotall. He sells animals, some exotic, that can act as both pets and mounts.
  • Crystal Peak Emporium - a magical store run by the Thibiault twins - the gruff yet kind-hearted male scion tiefling Hippolyte, and the gentle Thyan human Hyacinthe. Other than their gender and species, they look nearly identical. The emporium does no have a large stock in traditional magic items that one might find in most magic shops, as they instead specialize in runes, spellbooks, scrolls, and components.
  • Mountaintop Bazaar - a marketplace filled with the stalls of travelling merchants, selling various tools, trade goods, and knick-knacks. Merchants usually set up their store here for a while before travelling on to their next stop.
  • Moonlit Haven Tea House and Inn - a tea shop and inn run by the wise and calm middle-aged Goliath male Meamul Brighthand Thunukiano. Once a monk of the Monastery of Nasselis after they took him in after he was abandoned by his tribe, Meamul is still a devout Niranist, and refuses to serve alcohol in his establishment.

The Iulamar Complex

The Iulamar Complex is a complex of temples and various religious buildings located on supports, bridges, and magically-enhanced elevations on the surface of the Iulamar Spring. It is one of the holiest sites in Niranism, being where, according to myth, Zhalita swore an oath to Amirate and Luna to overthrow the Emperor of Tyfilion, and where she and Hadyanos supposedly died. The complex was built very soon after their disappearances, by a wandering male tiefling shepard named St. Nasselis of Trasirmarun after he received an omen from Hadyanos and Zhalita, telling him to build a monastery to them there. Landmarks in the Iulamar Complex include:
  • The Monastery of Nasselis - a massive monastery and temple complex, and among the largest monasteries dedicated to the Court of Niran. While originally constructed for Zhalita and Hadyanos, it has since become dedicated to the entirety of the Court. Many Niranist ascetics see it as a great honour and responsibility to serve there, and many devout Niranists make pilgrimages to see it at least once in their lifetime.
  • The Lavra of the Falling Waters - a collection of monastic cells built into the cliffside underneath the waterfall. Hermits who dedicate themselves to a life of seclusion live in these cells, while other ascetics use them to meditate and to injure and uncomfort themselves as part of their belief in the Equilibrium of Pain.
  • Academy of the Illuminated Art - a scribing and visual art school located within the complex. While originally only accessible to those who had taken monastic oaths, it has recently opened up to all prospective applications after a series of students immediately renouncing their vows upon graduating, knowing that the Academy was one of the best educations in that field. The Academy is managed by the conceited and outspoken male Pelavish human monk Presbyter-Cenobite Vidal Zamora. People question his faith to his monastic vows even more openly than they do with Abbottess Wivla.

Outside Setardalia

There are still a few structures outside Setardalia that fall into the purview of the settlement. These include:
  • Cantacuzene Fortress - the border fort that acts as the first point of entry into Arduli through Calania. It was built by Shah Sarza I during the Thirty Year Soveirgnization(article), which led to a small amount of tension between Arduli and the fledgling Calania that eventually diffused. Most of the Dicarian Legions that protects Setardalia is stationed here. It is overseen by Agha Dramdundos Stonegrip, a naive male goblin who was cursed into the form of a troll.
  • The Calanian Road - the dynastic road that leads out of Calania and into Arduli. Behind Cantacuzene Fortress, the road is dotted with many watchtowers winding their way up to the town.


As a result of the spiritual and cultural importance of the Asternur River to the many cultures and states that have resided near it, the Iulamar Spring has always been a sacred site. However, most of its surrounding settlements were small villages or minor shrines throughout the region’s history.   According to The Shanaeon, after Zhalita fled from her captivity in Tyfilian Calania, she swore an oath to Amirate and Luna that she would overthrow the Emperor of Tyfilion and bring justice to the many citizens of the empire that had been wronged by imperial rule. According to myth as well, after the end of the Algenos War and her ascension to the throne, she and Hadyanos went on a diplomatic mission to Pelavayan, while intending to go through Calania during its process of sovereignization. While travelling, their caravan was attacked by fiends, killing all but them. Wounded, the two made it to the Iulamar Spring, where Amirate and Luna appeared before them. Since Zhalita had kept her oath and spread good throughout her realm, the two deities apotheosized Hadyanos and Zhalita, taking them up to the heavens as new gods. These two legendary events are why the Iulamar Spring became such an important religious site to Niranists.   Shortly after Zhalita and Hadyanos’ disappearance, a wandering male tiefling shepard named Nassellis of Trasirmarum received an omen from Zhalita and Hadyanos, telling him of the story of their ascension at the Iulamar Spring, and tasking him to build a monastery dedicated to them at the location of their apotheosis. Nassellis took a vow of asceticism dedicated to them, and began constructing what would eventually become the Monastery of Nassellis, the first part of the Iulamar Complex.   After Niranism began to spread, more and more pilgrims came to the monastery, and began to set up their life there. The Proselyte’s Ward was partitioned, and Shah Sarza ordained it as the Exarchate of Setardalia, giving the town its name. Because of its importance to the religion, the abbot of the monastery was also deemed to be the Sybil of the Upper Asternur.   Setardalia then had a mostly peaceful existence until the Crisis of the Chains. At the start of the civil war, the Mormori family quickly seized the town, bringing it under their direct control. Setardalia acted as the primary base of their operations, with its upriver position protecting them from attacks and allowing them to quickly travel their forces downriver to siege the holdings of rival families. Once Shahzade Amara Mormori took Kesatolia and became Shah Amara I, she moved the Sibyl of the Upper Asternur to Kesatolia to centralize her political power. It was this callous use of such a sacred site that made some posit that the suffering the house faced during the Mormori Troubles was the result of the gods being furious with the family from their defiling of Setardalia.   After Sibyl Zamahlih Nadal, the female Kane human Sibyl of the Upper Asternur, was relocated to Kesatolia, the female Skorelser Suli Dwarf Archimand-Cenobite Wivla Kangvuld became abbotess. Upon receiving her position, Abbotess Wivla worked to make Setardalia more of a trade city, establishing the Mountaintop Bazaar to appeal to merchants travelling through the town.   After the Mormori fell and the Seiquirine family rose to take their place, the fiefdom of Setardalia became a possession of the new dynasty. Shah Beleth I gave the fief to Shahzade Ishte Arduli, the wife of her only son. Shahzade Ishte, a devout Niranist, managed Setardalia for many years, living in the capital but taking frequent trips to the town, refusing to install a dematos. Eventually, soon before Shah Euphoria's death in 1353 MT, Ishte gave up her title and became a nun of the monastery, where she remains today. Her last act before doing so was to ordain Abbotess Wivla as the Tarqadios of Setardalia.
Founding Date
1152 MT
Inhabitant Demonym
Setardalian, Iulamari
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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