
Skyndarmal, also known as Synndarmos in Ardulese Infernal, and referred to as the Hidden Cloud, the City of Sixteen Families, and Zollorem's City, is a Cloud Giant city-state situated between Makaris, Kyanos, and Fort Casxire. It is a rare case of cloud giants living together in large numbers, as most cloud giants prefer to live in smaller family groups. The city has the ability to fly.   Most of the city follows the Dejlordning, especially the deity Memnor. The Court of Niran is the second-most followed religion in the city, but it is still a small minority compared to the Memnites.  

Government and Defences

Skyndarmal is a gerontocracy, with one elder from each family acting as a representative on the governing council. There are a total of sixteen families represented in Skyndarmal.   Skyndarmal has its own army, known as the Skyndarmal Guard. The purpose of the army is primarily to protect the city from the female ancient Red Dragon Uxingier, the Cinderstorm Behemoth, who claims the territory over the mountains between Castle Akthos, Citadel Nithza, Lake Vaphula, and Gokolios. Apart from Uxingier, the cloud giants see few others as a legitimate threat.   One of the city's most famous defences is its ability to fly. However, throughout history, the city-state has rooted itself down onto the surface for long periods of time, leading to the theory that the city’s flight may be temporary and needs to recharge after a while. When the Dicarian Legions come to demand tribute from Skyndarmal for residing within its borders, the city often just flies away, though will root down again in the nearby area. Many Shahs have seen forcing tribute from Skyndarmal as a lower priority, for the reasons that the city-state holds a genuine military threat if Skyndarmal decides to retaliate, that the city-state can just leave Arduli altogether if they wish, and that Skyndarmal, in the past, has supported Arduli monetarily and militarily in the case of catastrophe. For their part, Skyndarmal tries not to be too antagonistic towards Arduli.  


Skyndarmal produces few exports. However, the city is phenomenally wealthy because of the culture around treasure for giants. Skyndarmal is not entirely self-sustaining, so the giant inhabitants often use their treasure to purchase necessary items from the surrounding towns and cities. However, the cloud giants do not like to acquire the items directly, so they prefer to do so through trickery and guile, such as disguising themself as a humanoid and gambling for an object they needed, or turning invisible, taking the item they need, and leaving a map leading to treasure they buried.  


Skyndarmal is situated in the mountains between Makaris, Kyanos, and Fort Casxire. It often changes location when it is found by an outsider.


According to giant legend, Skyndarmal was one of the original cities of Ostoria. The cloud giant hero Zollorem, the first Smiling One, saved the city from the fall of Ostoria by lifting it into the sky.   Most written accounts of Skyndarmal date back only to the Arcane Age. It was witnessed rooted down in modern-day Zemylia, Tylwythir, Calania, and Rond. Because it was only witnessed during the Arcane Age, some scholars theorized that Skyndarmal was actually constructed by the Pitiquans. A few scholars in the Time of Mortals even theorized that Skyndarmal may have been one of the Eight Metropolises of Pitiqua, but most disavowed this theory. Early written accounts did note that the architecture of Skyndarmal was similar to other Ostorian architecture, but these structures may have been built by the cloud giants after they occupied the city.   Sometime during the Tyfilian Magocracy, Skyndarmal set its roots down in Sradesium, around the area it resides today. It had a tributary relationship with Tyfilion, but this relationship broke down after the rise of the Tyfilian Empire. During the Imperial Era, Skyndarmal broke its roots and wandered the world, with its main location being in Tekumi.   Skyndarmal returned to Arduli during the Kallistan Era, between ~1180s MT - 1200s MT. It has remained in that area since.
Alternative Name(s)
Synndarmos, the Hidden Cloud, the City of Sixteen Families, Zollorem's City
Inhabitant Demonym

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