
Uneipo, also historically known as Akamman, and known by the titles of the Silken City and the City of Weavemoths, is a city in East Khidiana in Arduli. Uneipo is an ancient city, going back to the Age of Arrival, and famous throughout its history for its production of silk taken from Weavemoths of the nearby Mount Archaema. It has one of the largest non-humanoid populations of the cities of Tuatha.  

Government and Defences

Uneipo is ruled by the Halfling male Emir Panser Lunarspark. The House of Lunarspark ascended to the fiefdom of Uneipo after the House of Godan were tragically wiped out in the 1330s. Emir Panser Lunarspark is the first member of that noble lineage to rule over the city. It is an open secret that Emir Panser is very unfaithful to his family, with his main mistress being the Catfolk Y’mhikhiu.   Uneipo is defended by 20 allagia of the Dicarion Legions. While the city has been encircled by many walls during its long history, three still stand strong: the Monumental Wall, the Silkweaver’s Wall, and the Castle Bastion. The Monumental Wall surrounds most of the city. It was upgraded during a time of tension with Ahagwuena, soon before the Khidianan War broke out. The Monumental Wall is accented with many imposing turrets and defenses, as well as gargoyles and grotesques that pay tribute to the glory of Arduli and Uneipo. The Sikweaver’s Wall surrounds most of the Spinner’s Col, and attaches itself to the Monumental Wall. The Castle Bastion surrounds a small part of Silkenfall, mostly defending Sagespirit Keep. In addition, there is a magical ward known as the Sanctuary Barrier that protects the peak of Mount Archaema.  


Since the Age of Arrival, Uneipo’s economy has been connected to the farming and production of the silk of Weavemoths, a rare species of giant moths whose silk resonates with magic, making them valuable in the construction of magical clothing. This industry has made Uneipo a powerful and populous city in Tuatha for centuries.  


Uneipo is located upon the northwestern bank of Lake Lyxia, in East Khidiana of Arduli. Much of the city’s structure climbs up Mount Archaema, a nearby mountain that is the primary habitat of the Weavemoths, and has been treated as a sacred site for the residents for centuries. It is the de facto capital of the Emirate of Lyxian Khidiana.  


There are six districts of Uneipo: Lyxian Harbour, the Argil Expanse, Silkenfall, the Temple Enclave, Spinner’s Col, and Archaema’s Peak. Lyxian Harbour is situated upon the bank of Lake Lyxia, and is a lower-middle class district where many enter into the city for the first time. The Argil Expanse is in the northern part of the city, sprawling out past the Monumental Wall. This lower-class district is named for the clay roof tiles seen when looking upon its many residential buildings. Silkenfall, also known as City’s Center, is the administrative district, located around the southern-middle of Uneipo. North of Silkenfall and underneath Spinner’s Col is the tiny district of the Temple Enclave, named so for the many religious buildings there. Crawling up Mount Archaema is Spinner’s Col, the district of Uneipo where most of its famous silk is produced, and where many of the wealthy silk production families of the city make their estates. Further up the mountain is Archaema’s Peak, also called the Weavemoth Sanctuary, where the Weavemoths of the city reside.  

Lyxian Harbour

Lyxian Harbour is the port of Uneipo, situated along Lake Lyxia’s bank. Residents of the harbour are lower to middle class, with many employed by the shipping industries that send out Uneipo’s famous silk. Landmarks in Lyxian Harbour include:
  • Ardeshirian Amphitheatre - Uneipo’s colosseum, located near the intersection of Lyxian Harbour, Silkenfall, and the Argil Expanse. Named after the first noble house to rule Uneipo under the Tyfilian Empire, the Ardeshirian Amphitheatre finds itself staging plays and theatrical performances as much as it does sports and gladiatorial fights. Its announcer is the composed male Coatl Acaltonami, who took over the position in 1335 MT after he helped a crew of adventurers reveal that the previous announcer was an undead monstrosity in disguise. Acaltonami still finds himself supporting and coaxing local adventurers to perform good deeds often.
  • Deb’s Reliable Crafts - a tools and weapons shop run by the headstrong male Skagondi gnome Nanarwuo Deb. He is more of a tinkerer and crafter than a blacksmith, but he always assures customers that his products are the best.

The Argil Expanse

The Argil Expanse is a poorer, mostly residential district in the northern part of Uneipo. Its reach spreads out past the Monument Wall. The district was named so because of the view of its many clay shingles from other parts of the city. Landmarks in the Argil Expanse include:
  • The Dormant Dream - a squalid bar and inn run by the absent-minded male Kayal Modal Udem. Its interior is extremely dimly lit, causing many a bar fight to occur when a proprietor bumped into another customer accidentally.
  • Feyrealm’s Secret - a creepy botanist, alchemist, and magic shop located in the cellar of a residential complex. Feyrealm’s Secret is run by the creepy female Caillaghyn Elf Bracath Zaidurdreh and her bitchy male Dweomercat companion named Tenka. The two sell potions, salves, runes, talismans, and spell scrolls, but will purchase magical items that they find intriguing.
  • Elderflower Bibliotheca - a store that sells books, maps, and runes, run by the nosy female Tavanuan Dragonborn Hashphronyxadyn Lorathya. Elderflower Bibliotheca also sometimes holds public lectures for those in the city too poor to afford schooling.


Silkenfall is the primary administrative district of the city, and is located in the southern-middle part of Uneipo. For this reason, it is also called City Center. Along with Spinner’s Col and Archaema’s Peak, it is one of the oldest districts of Uneipo. Its residents are mostly middle class. Landmarks in Silkenfall include:
  • Sagespirit Keep - the central castle-palace of Uneipo, and the residence of the House of Lunarspark. While many forts and mansions have been constructed throughout Uneipo’s history, Sagespirit Keep was constructed by the House of Sagespirit during the time of independent Khidiana in the mid to late 500s MT, before the Sagespirit family unified with the House of Calum to create the Egisaisan Dynasty, and with it, the Kingdom of Khidiana.
  • The Hungry Blossom Stay-At Bakery and Inn - a bakery, coffeehouse, teahouse, and inn run by the naive and excitable Melixie Strawberry. The Hungry Blossom is a very popular hangout spot for locals of Uneipo.
  • Hall of Hospitality - the personal estate of the House of Perramus and the headquarters of the Perramus League. Once a ruling family of Uneipo before Palar took over, the House was given responsibility of the ministry of healthcare and hospitality of Arduli. The head of the House of Perramus is the unpredictable male tiefling Thamuz Perramus, but the Perramus League is instead headed by the stoic kobold female Vizier Aazra Perramus.

The Temple Enclave

The Temple Enclave is a small district of Uneipo located south of Spinner's Col. It was partitioned from a section of Silkenfall by Shah Uzza I as a sign of good faith after the disbandment of the Niranist Inquisition. As the name suggests, many of the city’s religious buildings are located here. Some of the minor temples include a Morndinsamman chapel dedicated to Garl, a Seldarine chapel dedicated to Corellon, Selene, and Melora, an orcish shrine, and a shrine of the Torunuch Dogma. More prominent temples include:
  • Cathedral of Lyxia - the primary Niranist structure of Uneipo, dedicated to the entirety of the Court. Attended to by the attentive male Orc Archimandrite Azrid Birelkoson, it was once the seat of the Sibyl of Lyxian Khidiana until that position was moved to the head of the Monastery of Itione after the Khidianan War.
  • Sanctuary of Humility - an Urbnatist temple dedicated to Avandra and Yondolla. Unlike many Urbnatist temples in metropolitan areas, the Sanctuary of Humility is a Hulderil structure rather than a Unimical one. The parish priest is Elder Brimilia Silvereyes, a selfish Rathin human woman.
  • Den of Wisdom - a Shamashine matiro attended to by the positive Araenasi female Khaznarro Bird-Stealing-The-Sun. The Den of Wisdom serves Uneipo’s sizable Shamashite population, most of them being Kanes descended from the slaves that worked on the silk plantations.
  • Plaza of the Standing Stones - A Congregationalist temple dedicated to Oyafua, Melora, and Iyajola. Only recently constructed, the Plaza of the Standing Stones is an open-air temple with shrines to its three deities in the center. The priest that attends to the square is apprehensive male Gnoll Father Emnam, a priest of Oyafua.

Spinner's Col

Spinner’s Col is the wealthiest part of Uneipo, and is where much of the historical silk production of the city has taken place. Many of the wealthy and noble silk production families have their estates there. Spinner’s Col is, apart from the structures at the peak, the district furthest up Mount Archaema. Landmarks of Spinner’s Col include:
  • The Silken Bazaar - a large market area where the various silk producing families of Uneipo peddle their wares. This ranges from clothing, to furniture, to raw silk textiles.
  • Serene Golden Bathhouse - a bathhouse and spa located close to Silkenfall. It caters mostly to the residents of Spinner’s Col. The Serene Golden Bathhouse is managed by the considerate female tiefling Seirisolis Zand.

Archaema's Peak

Also called the Weavemoth Sanctuary, Archaema’s Peak is located at the top of Mount Archaema. It is guarded both by the Sanctuary Barrier, which prevents intelligent life from entering the area except at specific locations. These locations are then also guarded by the monks of the Temple to Luna Archaema, who are trained in martial arts. There are next to no residences in Archaema’s Peak. Landmarks of Archaema’s Peak include:
  • The Weavemoth Sanctuary - a wide area around the peak where Weavemoths live, eat, sleep, and procreate. A partition of Weavemoths must always be kept within the sanctuary, in order to prevent their near extinction, such as what nearly happened when the Tyfilian Magocracy razed the city.
  • Temple to Luna Archaema - an ancient temple dedicated to Archaema which is still occupied by monks dedicated to protecting the area. After the Court of Niran had spread throughout Arduli, the temple avoided the wrath of the Niranist Inquisition by reaching an agreement that allowed them to practice most of the worship they previously had, with the exception that Archaema would be regarded as an interpretation of the goddess Luna, a deity of the Court.
  • Solace Tower - an old tower and observatory near the mountain’s summit. Originally constructed by Ahagweunan immigrants, the tower was destroyed by the forces of the Tyfilian Empire in order to diminish local power. It sat disused for many centuries until it was used as the home of the dragon Palar, who ruled over Uneipo from the early 1200s MT to the early 1300s MT. After Palar’s death at the hands of the Mormori family, the Lunar Naga Saato inhabited the structure, using it to observe the cosmos.


Uneipo’s history goes far back in history to the Age of Arrival. According to legend, the city was founded by the woman Akamma, known to the Ardulese as Archaema, after she began serticulture of the Weavemoths on the nearby mountain and discovered their silk’s magical properties. Ever since, she has been worshipped as a local goddess of silk, and patron deity of the city. According to historical records, Uneipo was known as Akamman at this time.   According to archaeological records, Akamman was the seat of its own empire during the Era of Restoration. This empire was then either conquered by the Wensuan Empire, or became it. During the Arcane Age, it was then conquered by Nimana and the Rathin Empire during their respective conquests of Khidiana.   During the Dark Ages, Akamman’s political influence over the other settlements of Khidiana caused it to be the head of a de facto alliance. This power drew the eyes of the burgeoning Tyfilian Magocracy, who waged a war of conquest against the city. The two were in a stalemate for a long time, until the Magocracy started to exterminate the Weavemoths of the mountain, forcing Akamman to surrender. Years later, in reconciliation, the Magocracy set up the Weavemoth Sanctuary, an area that magically prevents non-Weavemoths from entering except at certain points.   In the 551 MT, the settlements of Khidiana, including Akamman, seceded from Tyfilion along with Nkejide and established the federation of West Wensua. In 568 MT, Nkejide split from West Wensua again. In 581 MT, a union between the Fhianna Elf House of Sagespirit in Akamman and the Rathin human House of Calum in Egisaisan created the Egisaisan Dynasty, who unified Khidiana into the Kingdom of Khidiana. Egisaisan was the capital, and non-monarch members of the dynasty were rulers of many of Khidiana’s settlements, including Akamman, which went to the second-eldest child. In the mid 600s MT, the Tyfilian Empire began a war with Khidiana as part of the Elhyseian Conquest. Akamman fell quickly, mostly due to a deal made by the half-elf prince of Akamman, Traxian. Akamman was renamed to the Tyfilian name for it, Suneipon, and Traxian renamed himself Traxian Ardeshirian, after his newly-formed house.   Suneipon remained part of the Empire for centuries after, including through the War of the Western Wensuas that took control of most of Khidiana away from the Empire. Suneipon was given relative independence because of its political power, the importance of its trade, and from the deal that Traxian had struck. It stayed mostly neutral in the Algenos War, but bent the knee to Arduli once it had ascended. By this time, the name of the city had morphed to become Uneipo.   When the Yuvanite Rebellion occurred, Ahagwuena took it as a casus belli to declare war on Arduli and invade Uneipo, which the nation had had their eye on because of its silk trade. This led to the Khidianan War, which ended in 1210 MT with the partition of Khidiana. During the First Battle of Uneipo, the Praetor of Uneipo, a warmhearted hobgoblin woman named Derne the Strong, died in combat without an heir. The Ardulese were saved by the intervention of the young Sky Dragon Palar, who came to rule over Uneipo after.   Uneipo was one of the only settlements in East Khidiana to mostly avoid the spread of the Gloomelian Fever.   During the Crisis of the Chains, Palar supported the House of Phrantzes in their bid for the throne. During the Siege of Palar, the Mormori attacked Uneipo, took hold of it, and laid siege to the Weavemoth Sanctuary, where Palar made their home. A Mormori soldier, the male hobgoblin Godan the Dragonslayer, eventually succeeded in slaying Palar, in what became the conclusion of the Crisis of the Chains. The Mormori gave rulership of the city to Godan, who established the House of Godan. After the conclusion of the Mormori Troubles and the ascent of the Seiquirine Dynasty, most of House Godan died in an accident, which many suspected to be an assassination. The rulership over Uneipo was then given to the halfling House of Lunarspark.
Founding Date
During the Age of Arrival
Alternative Name(s)
Akamman, Suneipon, the Silken City, the City of Weavemoths
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Yurii Nikolaiko
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