
Though the Ejdehan Nations revere many powers in and beyond the world, the only ones they honor with worship are the suns Kal and Bal, who they know as Urkan and Silan. Those who represent the power of the Bright Ones and interpret their will are known as Arra’sharr, ‘sun speakers’.


Arra'shar perform all of the most important ceremonies of ejdehan life. They are keepers and interpreters of the sacred laws of the ejdehan. It is the arra’sharr who sit on the Council of Silan and hold authority equal to that of the clan chiefs who make up the Council of Urkan. The great spirits of the suns grant the sun speakers special powers according to their ability and personal inclinations.


There is one senior sun speaker for every clan, but others may be called to the path of sun speaker who hold no official capacity in the clan. It is often the weakest or awkward members of a clan who eventually finds their way to the ranks of the Arra'sharr. The Arra'sharr live apart from their clan in solitude, interacting with the others of their clans only during rituals, councils or great need.

Religious, Other
Parent Organization
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