
Closer of Eyes, Lord of Secrets

Durgan is the Eshtem deva worshipped by the cunning survivors, the gamblers, those who are willing to risk it all to gain power, wealth and respect. Durgan favors those unafraid of breaking the rules to get what they want and has no mercy or remorse for those who risk all and lose or who are out maneuvered by those more cunning or bold.


Though he is one of the seven High Ones of the devanic faith, Durgan has no public temples. His temples are private, found in gambling dens, illicit warehouses, as well as in some of the most powerful merchant houses in Kalmasa. Though many priests of the other High Ones disapprove of his worship and believe him to be a mahanara, few are bold enough to say so publicly.


The heart of his faith in Kalmasa is the city of Mianej, among the members of the Quicksilver Syndicate. He is a patron god of the organization, along with the teotl Huepilzantl, together known as the Dark Brothers.


Durgan is depicted symbolically by a black dagger with human knuckle bones dangling from its hilt. His altars also show imagery of the suns Kal and Bal completely eclipsed.


Priests of Durgan are all poweful people who have risked and achieved much in life. They are all the most cunning, lucky and ruthless of his followers. They conduct ceremonies with their identities completely concealed. No one outside the order knows who they are and even they are not known by any but the highest priest. They are marked by an arcane tattoo of a black dagger on their left wrist, visible only by the faithful.

Divine Classification


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